[Dialogue] Mystics

Wilson Priscilla pwilson at teamtechinc.com
Wed Jun 6 11:33:24 EDT 2007

Thanks for mentioning that film in this conversation. It is a  
mystical experience to watch the film. The theater crowd the  
afternoon we saw it were stunned into silence for ages. There wasn't  
even conversation in the ladies room after the film was over.
It is a rare experience of life on a different plane. I highly  
recommend seeing it...and reading about the photographer who shot the  
footage...alone and with no extra "lights."

On Jun 6, 2007, at 10:14 AM, PSchrijnen at aol.com wrote:

> For those of you interested in mysticism, an amazing film came out  
> a few months ago called Die grosse Stille, Into Great Silence, a 3  
> hour movie about a cartusian monastery in France. There are some  
> called to that kind of life. It seems authentic.
> Paul
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Priscilla Wilson
TeamTech Press
Mission Hills, KS 66208
pwilson at teamtechinc.com

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