[Dialogue] Mystics and Mysticism

beretgriffith at charter.net beretgriffith at charter.net
Wed Jun 6 17:53:47 EDT 2007

Consider taking a look at the book, "Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul" (Hardcover) by Caroline Myss 

Ken Wilber has written a ten page forward to the book which begins:
"Entering the Castle is many things: a guide to the life and time of St. Teresa of Avila, the extraordinary sixteenth-century saint and contemplative master; a guide to her brilliant meditation text. The Interior Castle; and, last, but certainly not least, a guide to our soul..."

Wilbur goes on to give the seven most central ideas of mysticism and attmpts to give...grounding in each of them in preparation for reading the book which is about being a contemporary mystic without a monestary; about responding to the soul's call to become an effective force in the world. 

Beret Griffith

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