[Dialogue] FW: Jerry Falwell gave a kick to progressives

FacilitationFla at aol.com FacilitationFla at aol.com
Sat May 19 18:17:16 EDT 2007

CNN ran a 1-hour special on Christianity (really only the evangelical  sort). 
 They minister who is promoting Creation Care (forgot his name --  Hunter?) 
has been somewhat ostracized. But what I found most interesting is that  the 
said most youth are really energized to do something about the environment  -- 
and if the churches don't respond to them, they won't get them as  members. The 
market speaks!! 
Cynthia N.  Vance
Strategics International Inc.
8245 SW 116 Terrace
Miami, Florida,  33156
305-378-1327; fax 305-378-9178

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