[Dialogue] Thanks to P. Schrijnen

William Alerding walerding at igc.org
Thu May 31 17:41:25 EDT 2007


	We enjoyed your recent reflections, as well as Carlos Zervigon's. You 
have articulated our beliefs also. We were shocked and saddened when 
the Order was called out of being, but we too have readjusted our 
lives. Like you, we still feel close to our old colleagues and enjoy 
hearing from them. Hopefully, something helpful will come out of the 
gathering in Toronto.

	We were disappointed in our Vale meeting in 2000. Our hope of building 
long-term relationships with our colleagues got waylaid when everyone 
went off on a tangent out of guilt about how some of our youth were 
maltreated by a few people. The whole experience went downhill from 
there, while too many of our colleagues could not live out of "the past 
is approved"  understanding. It was difficult for us to see how we were 
going to talk together about the future after it was decided to spend 
the rest of our time rollercoasting downhill into the past.

	Thanks for articulating our feelings also.  Love to Christine.

Bill and Barbara Alerding

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