[Dialogue] OECommunity "project management" website

Tim Wegner twegner at swbell.net
Thu May 31 23:19:08 EDT 2007

David wrote:

> The Respository website costs only time, not any appreciable amount of money
> to maintain.

I am currently using a relatively small hosting service, emwd.com, 
for the wedgeblade.net site. The cost is $10 a month which includes 
the two the mailing lists.  I am prepared to donate that amount 
indefinitely as one of my contributions to our network. 

The advantage of the sites David has located is that they are tailor 
made for the uses he intends (project management). Another advantage 
is that the site provides most of the configuration and system 

The disadvantage is that we are limited to the feature set they 
provide, and there is additional expense if we use more than the bare 

I like David's recommendation:

> Unless there are specific groups with interest in the "OE Community" site, I
> think that it is more futuric and more realistic to spend time and energy
> building and adding collaboration capability to the Repository site.

However, let me add is that the whole idea of the portal is to point 
to any site anyone wants to use. So if David (or anyone else) wants 
to host community activities elsewhere, the Portal can point you 

That said, many of us find it more daunting to add content to a site 
than others. There is something to be said to giving our community a 
consistent interface and a chance to get to know the repository 

David (or anyone in our network) can create pages at the repository 
to suite your needs. The more people who chose to add content, the 
stronger the site becomes. 


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