[Dialogue] ICAI is now taking orders for two new DVD's

W. J. synergi at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 15 10:02:36 EST 2007

For those of you who've been waiting to claim your copy of the ICAI's two new DVD's, here's the newly posted page on their website:
  If you want to get the second DVD freebie ["The Bold Community: Fifth City Chicago and The Ecumenical Institute"] which is unadvertised, I guess you have to know the secret handshake of the O:E or something like that. No, seriously, I'm not sure, but I think that if you're in the Directory, you're in the Club. So they'll figure it out in Montreal. Just send 'em email if you want to know more. That would be info at ica-international.org.
  Bottom line is, we want everybody to have these two new DVD's. So renew your individual ICAI membership online by credit card today. Or if you just can't afford the full membership, send them something. Or just order the DVD's at the nonmember price. Or if you've embraced a vow of poverty and don't have a credit card, email me and we'll work something out.
  Marshall Jones
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