[Dialogue] Prayers requested for Don Clark

Carolyn Antenen cantenen at mac.com
Wed Nov 28 13:57:38 EST 2007

Soon after I  joined the Atlanta House, Don, as Area Prior was coming  
to visit.
House Priors Warren and Gerry Tollman explained that Area Priors were  
supposed  to do a comprehensive
assessment of the Religious House.

As I recall our plan became to keep Don so busy and having so much  
fun, that he wouldn't have time to delve into any serious
checklist issues.  To this end we scheduled:

Most of his meals with  charming Guardians,
A party the night he arrived,
Lots of appointments.

All in all, Don had a great time and so did we.  I will always  
remember him as gracious, serious, good sense of humor, and very  
He always treated me and, so far as I knew, others with respect.  I  
liked him a lot.

Jay Antenen, Jr.

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