[Dialogue] More on Raw Capitalism vs Free Enterprise

Jim Rippey jimripsr at qwest.net
Wed Oct 10 09:29:12 EDT 2007

The GOP presidential candidates gathered in Dearborn, Mich., yesterday for,
what the Washington Post characterized as  "a group defense of low taxes and
free markets and warned that Democrats, particularly Sen.
<http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/c001041/>  Hillary
Rodham Clinton, pose the greatest danger to the nation's future prosperity.
Former senator Fred D. Thompson (Tenn.
<http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/Tennessee?tid=informline> )
finally joined his rivals in a televised debate, adding his voice to the
chorus singing the praises of free trade, a reduction in regulation, private
health care and reduced government spending."

In short, the GOP (and far too many Democrats) are dead set against
"regulation necessary to protect the public interest and to keep the
national economy  in balance. "   And that, of course, is an essential part
of the definition of "Free Enterprise."


So I repeat:  In our world today, there is precious little Free Enterprise
and both the public interest and the national economy are in deep trouble as
a result.   


Today, there are far too many politicians toadying to big business interests
because that's where the money is.  When women do this, we call them whores.


The full text of the article is at:


Jim Rippey



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