[Dialogue] Apology for clogging up the list serve with personal messages . . .

Tim Wegner twegner at swbell.net
Thu Sep 6 18:08:16 EDT 2007

Notice to all - I have changed the behavior of "reply" back to how it 
was before a couple of days ago - the default is (once again) that 
the reply will go the the list. A number of you wrote me to express 
this preference, and no one supported the change to making replies go 
by default to the message poster.

This means if you do want to reply to a message personally, you will 
just have to make sure that you delete the list from the address 

As always, I am trying to best serve the community's needs. Now we 
need someone to keep an eye on Jim Wiegel to make sure he addresses 
his email right :-)


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