[Dialogue] Cindy speaks to all the pigs

KroegerD at aol.com KroegerD at aol.com
Mon Sep 10 17:48:52 EDT 2007

Published on Monday,  September 10, 2007 by _CommonDreams.org_ 
Pigs of War
by Cindy Sheehan

“I believe it is imperative that we never lose our voice of  dissent, 
regardless of political pressure. As Martin Luther King, Jr said:  ‘there comes a 
time when silence is betrayal’…However, it is unforgivable  that Congress has 
been unwilling to examine these matters or take action  to prevent these 
circumstances [executive branch crimes] from occurring  again.” 
-Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) Introduction to _Constitution in Crisis_ 
e=as1&creativeASIN=1602390096&adid=1J9BXBGB7G6699ZJP0PQ&) , 2006
Pigs of War come in both political colors of red and blue. We are all  
unfortunately very familiar with the red pigs. The pigs of war who  manipulated, 
cherry-picked, stove-piped and manufactured intelligence to  suggest to the world 
that Saddam had mushroom cloud producing WMD and  something to do with the 
tragic events of 9-11 that occurred six years ago  now. 
Many blue politicians are pigs of war and they willingly went along  with the 
deceptions and even parroted red pig talking points whenever they  got a 
chance but now claim that the “fiendishly clever” George fooled them  into 
believing the nearly unbelievable. I don’t know about you, but I take  small comfort 
in that excuse. When we have a system of government where  our supposed 
_public servants can profit_ (http://www.metroactive.com/feinstein/)  off of war 
along with the  corporations that pad their bank accounts both blue and red pigs 
benefit  and young people needlessly lose their lives sometimes killing other 
 humans in the process. 
Our troops and the people of Iraq are the ones getting trapped between  our 
pusillanimous politicians. These dear human beings become ciphers in  purely 
political calculations from Congress and only an exercise in  abstraction from 
pundits, poets, publishers and the majority of the  average American who has 
not been personally touched by this excremental  occupation. In Iraq, every 
citizen has been personally touched and the  American occupation is a living, 
fire-breathing, palpable entity that has  intruded its imperialistic self into 
every aspect of their daily  lives. 
How do I know that Congress is playing politics with human hearts? All  one 
has to do is observe the lack of action on the part of the red and  blue pigs 
to come to this sad but inevitable conclusion. Apparently,  MAJORITY Leader, 
Harry Reid (D-NV) has spent more time over his summer  recess trying to convince 
red pigs to go against George’s war plan than he  spent trying to coalesce 
his blue caucus into something that would not  resemble the red pigs so closely 
that the blur becomes purple. He and  Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) have already 
decided that they do not have enough  votes to end the occupation just as they 
decided that impeachment was “off  the table” even before they were elected! So 
they will happily hand over  to George more of your tax money and China’s money 
to continue the killing  fields in Iraq. Why are they so miserly with 
democracy, but generous with  our treasury and with our dear human treasure?I got two 
very overt answers  to this question one day in Congress this past spring 
when I was on the  Hill. In one of my meetings with Congressman Conyers, he told 
me that it  was more important to put a Democrat back in the White House in ‘
08 than  it was to “end the war.” After I recovered from my shock, I knew it 
was  confirmed that partisan politics is exactly what is killing our children  
and the innocent civilians in Iraq. My next stop was in a Congresswoman’s  
office who has always been 100% correct about the war. She is a lovely  woman 
with a lovely heart and does not in anyway qualify (and there are a  few dozen 
others who do not) as a blue pig. She had tears in her eyes when  she told me: “
Cindy, when I go to Speaker’s meetings and we talk about the  war, all the 
talk is about politics and not one of them mentions the  heartbreak that will 
occur if we don’t pull our troops out, now.” People  are dying for two diverse 
but equally deadly political agendas. The red  pigs want to keep the war going 
because they feed out of the trough of  carnage and the blue pigs want to keep 
it going for votes! Either way is  reprehensible. 
There is a lot of chatter about the “Petraeus” (written and produced by  the 
White House ) report. Will the general recommend drawing down  troops—even if 
he does, three-five thousand doesn’t even bring the number  down to pre-surge 
levels—and the report says, in direct contradiction to  the _GAO_ 
(http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/19448.html)  report on the surge, that sectarian 
violence in Iraq  is down 75%, without saying that the red pigs have re-defined 
the term  “sectarian violence.” All I know is that the report will paint a 
rosier  picture than what really exists on the ground in Iraq and like Ron Paul  
said the other day in the Fox News “Leader of the Red Pigs Wannabe”  debate: 
“How can anyone believe anything they say?” 
The blue pigs won’t believe the report, but they will expediently go  along 
with the red pig request to further fund the disaster because they  believe 
that it will mean political victory in ‘08. 
It is up to we the people to care more about humanity and democracy  than 
either the reds or the blues and it is mandatory that we mount  campaigns to 
defeat the pigs and their masters: the war machine. 
Twenty-one families here in America and dozens more in Iraq have felt  the 
sting of the lethal politics of war just since the beginning of  September, and 
the beat goes on. 
What if instead of pigs of war in our government, we had elected  officials 
who put humanity before politics and people before profits?  Maybe the horrible 
twin tragedies of the Bush Regime and 9-11 would have  never occurred within 
our borders and the rest of the world could look up  to the USA with respect 
as a true leader in world peace instead of glaring  at our shocking and awful 
quest for empire off the backs of the many who  benefit the pocketbooks of the 
few? It’s not to late, but we are getting  there. 
Silence is betrayal and the silence of a host of blue pigs is the  biggest 
betrayal of  all.

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