[Dialogue] Obama/Wright - demythologize and frame of reference

Wayne Nelson wnelson at ica-associates.ca
Wed Apr 30 12:32:17 EDT 2008

Elections shifted ­ long ago ­ and around the world - from functioning at
the ³interpretive level² to primarily operating on the ³reflective level.²
They are more about feelings, images, associations and connections ­ no
matter their validity ­ than they are about substance, policies, and
direction. The politicians operate in the same way major advertising does.
Driving X car is not going to get you that svelte woman sitting on the hood,
but the image and connection has been made.

If Obama¹s opposition ­ in the Democratic party and far beyond ­ can tar him
with a ³tainted² brush, some will regard that paint - the connections,
however spurious, as real. He can denounce Wright all he likes, but I
suspect the connection has been made in the minds of those who do not think
beyond the reflective level.


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Wayne Nelson - ICA Associates Inc
416-691-2316 - http://ica-associates.ca

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