[Dialogue] Emailing: 2008's First Disenfranchised Voters Injured and Homeless Veterans Democracy and Elections AlterNet.htm
Harry Wainwright
h-wainwright at charter.net
Mon Aug 11 20:15:21 EDT 2008
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2008's First Disenfranchised Voters: Injured and Homeless Veterans
By Steven Rosenfeld <http://www.alternet.org/authors/9684/> , AlterNet
<http://www.alternet.org> . Posted August
=Go/> 11, 2008.
Despite new legislation in Congress, the VA is poised to prevent
registration drives at its facilities before the November election.
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The first large block of voters to be disenfranchised in 2008 are the
wounded warriors from recent wars and homeless veterans living at hundreds
of Department of Veterans Affairs facilities across the country, according
to veterans and voting rights activists.
"President Bush and Karl Rove are attempting to block voter registration of
at least 200,000 and possibly as much as 400,000 veterans," said Paul
Sullivan, president of Veterans for Common Sense, referring to injured
former soldiers from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in various VA
treatment facilities, veterans living in the VA's nursing homes, and
homeless veterans living in VA shelters.
"We may have all kinds of hurdles," Sullivan said. "We may have the clock
running out on us, but we will not give up. This needs to be shoved in the
face of every single elected official in the country. We can fix this in a
second We are talking about two or three sentences in legislation. We are
talking about the integrity of our democracy."
In recent months, the Department of Veterans Affairs has resisted efforts by
U.S. senators and top state election officials to allow voter registration
drives in its facilities. Just last month, the VA issued new rules that
banned election officials -- whether local registrars or secretaries of
state -- from registering voters, saying it was a partisan activity that
interfered with its medical mission. In most states, any time a person
changes their residence they must update their voter registration in order
to vote.
The VA's ban on registration drives, even by state constitutional officers,
provoked a rebuke from the National Association of Secretaries of State -- a
resolution urging the VA to rescind its policy -- and revived the issue in
Congress, where separate House and Senate bills would force the VA to become
a voter registration agency like state motor vehicle departments, where
people are proactively given an opportunity to register to vote. Under the
VA's current policy, any resident in its facilities must seek help with
voter registration and voting.
The problem with the congressional efforts, according to Sullivan and others
following this issue, is that the VA appears to be on course to run out the
clock before meaningful voter registration drives could be undertaken for
this year's presidential election.
Under the most optimistic scenario, even if the Congress passed legislation
within a week of reconvening, which would be mid-September, the president
would have two weeks to sign it into law. That timeline places the bill's
potential adoption very close to the first week in October, when voter
registration closes for the November election in 27 states. Moreover, at
that time, state election officials would have little time to organize and
implement voter registration drives, voting rights activists said.
"This is a bill you can't vote against," said Scott Rafferty, who sued the
VA in 2004 when the agency blocked voter registration efforts by Democrats
at its campus in Menlo Park, California, but allowed the Republican Party
onto the campus to register voters. "But it is almost physically impossible
to get it passed and implemented in time."
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Steven Rosenfeld is a Senior Fellow at AlterNet.org, where he reports on
elections from a voting rights perspective. Previously, he was executive
producer of RadioNation with Laura Flanders, a progressive talk show heard
on more than 100 Air America Radio and public radio stations.
He is co-author of
<http://www.powells.com/partner/32513/biblio/9781595580696> What Happened in
Ohio: A Documentary Record of Theft and Fraud in the 2004 Election (The New
Press, 2006), and Making History in Vermont: The Election of a Socialist to
Congress (Hollowbrook Publishing, 1992). An award-winning journalist, he has
been a staff reporter at National Public Radio, Monitor Radio, TomPaine.com
and at daily and weekly newspapers in Vermont.
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Republicans believe in getting out the vote, but only if it goes for their
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Posted by: HughScott on Aug 11, 2008 2:44 AM
Current rating: 5 [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
In 2004, I "tabled" for John Kerry in a local shopping mall. "Table" means
manning a small station in public view for registering voters, with emphasis
on filing for absentee ballots.
The shopping mall had allowed two tables -- one at each end of the facility,
one designated for Republicans, the other Democrats. On this particular
occasion, an early Sunday morning, I was the first person to work the
Democrat table.
When I got there, two Republican women had taken over the registration table
and displayed their signs. Meanwhile, two other GOP ladies had occupied the
remaining table, at the other end of the mall.
As politely as I could, I asked the women to leave. They refused, saying I
should have gotten there first. When I pointed out the unfairness of having
two Republican tables and none for Democrats, they just ignored me. So I
called the mall's head of security and had the "ladies" removed from the
That same selfish attitude -- an eagerness of Republicans to deny equal
voting rights to their opponents -- is why veterans, whom the RNC suspects
are largely Democrats and independents, have been prevented from registering
to vote by absentee ballots in VA hospitals.
With love,
*Hugh E. Scott, Vietnam vet, lifelong registered Republican and ardent Obama
Seven Reasons to Vote Against Unfit <http://www.UnfitMcCain.com> McCain
*For the benefit of first-time AlterNet visitors to give context to this
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A devastating picture of McCain
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Posted by: Christie on Aug 11, 2008 3:18 AM
Current rating: 5 [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
Some opinions of McCain from his own party and military comrades:
McCain - War You Can Believe in!
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> > Thanks for the tip, Christie. Posted by: HughScott
> > RE: A devastating picture of McCain Posted by: helenwheels
The Single, Most Cynical Act...
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Posted by: gazooks on Aug 11, 2008 4:21 AM
Current rating: 5 [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
... of the worst administration in American history!
To deny Vets, wounded, maimed and crippled in wars, the opportunity of
exercising THE most basic act of democracy for a political gain is an
outrage and a measure of our decline to previously unimaginable depths.
For this administration, and for this Congress, this denial of rights is the
obscene preamble to the absolute denial of decency and democracy.
CALL YOUR FUCKING SENATORS and REPS! If there's no public outcry about this
travesty, we're a nation not worth saving.
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Posted by: wellaware lec on Aug 11, 2008 6:55 AM
Current rating: 5 [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
i would also suggest that ANYONE who knows a vet in this position, because
remember that they almost all have families who are NOT "locked up" in a
government facility, contact them NOW and find out what needs to happen so
they can be registered. Perfect opportunity for grass roots involvement.
Also, wonder how many of these people will be booted out of those same
government facilities right after the election...
Will be interesting to see...
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They're the first??
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Posted by: jeffrey7 on Aug 11, 2008 8:04 AM
Current rating: Not yet rated [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
Thr Reagan/Bush era created the vast bulk of the homeless when the Savings
and Loans fell apart. Veteran's have had a homeless crisis ever since
there's been wars. Vietnam and Desert Storm added greatly. Fact is,if you
don't have money to lay at the feet of the candidates you're unheard.Back in
the 70"s Phil Donahue had a politician on and asked him about how they
contact their constituants. His reply was 'If I get a $5 contribution form
someone and then I get a $5,000 one and both call for help,who do you think
I'll call first... The $5,000 one'. The first thought I had was 'Isn't it
the $5 guy that really needs your help?'
Face it,if you're poor,homeless and a veteran
you get alot of 'do-gooders' yelping about how bad it is for you but they do
nothing but point fingers. The government only cares about veterans that
actually die for their country.
The disenfranchised are most of America and that's the problem. The
government and their controllers ( big business) need to have a perminate
underclass for they need us to point the finger at and say 'This is the
problem with America'. It's the old shell game and we're the ones under the
shell that never gets picked but are always talked about.
If you're homeless,you can't vote because you have no address. I they could
and all the disenfranchised had their votes counted ( as if...) then there
would be very few donkeys or elephants in DC.
Write-in Jeffrey7 for Prez '08
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Anyone remember "Support the Troops"?
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Posted by: madmax427 on Aug 11, 2008 8:34 AM
Current rating: 5 [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
And THIS is how the GOP "Supports the Troops"? Oh, I FORGOT, These Troops
didn't DIE for the GOP 'cause'!!
Yep, We had ALL better Vote for McSame so We can "Support the Troops" some
The assininity of this is beyond comprehension: These Troops are LIVING with
the injuries CAUSED by the Current Political base AND THAT is WHY They are
being marginalized! They KNOW the TRUTH and the Current Political Regime
CANNOT allow Their Voices to be heard! BULLSHIT!!
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> > The ''GOP'' support the troops? Yeah if they're dead! Posted by: donl51
This is an abomination
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Posted by: helenwheels on Aug 11, 2008 8:45 AM
Current rating: Not yet rated [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
What disgusts me nearly as much as how the current madministration treats
our vets (like shit), is the under-reporting of it in the mainstream,
corporate-owned media. They sit there with their yellow flagpins and yap
about how great this country is. This country currently (and since Raygun's
madministration) treats our Vets like trash. The only station I've seen
report consistently on this is MSNBC, on Countdown. Other places just report
jingoistic flag-humping bullshit.
I linked to this article on my blog <http://www.justaintright.blogspot.com>
& also the video mentioned above by commenter Christie. It's VERY important
to disseminate this information. We cannot afford to have a monster like
McLame in the WH.
I actually tried just now to go to the Veterans for Common Sense site and it
wouldn't load. I hope it's from too many visits, and not being hacked or
interfered with by the powers that be.
Thanks you, Steven Rosenfeld, for this insightful article.
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Its time for a people Coup...De-charter all Corps ...Now....
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Posted by: blueapples26 on Aug 11, 2008 9:15 AM
Current rating: 5 [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
The rich don't give a crap oabout us. They get richer and we like good
lemmings give our wealth and labor to them without saying a peep. wake up,
your in a trance.
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> > RE: Its time for a people Coup...w/ one alteration! Posted by: donl51
So, that's it, huh?
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Posted by: willymack on Aug 11, 2008 10:45 AM
Current rating: Not yet rated [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
The bushies have dispensed with all pretense of democracy, and all our
gutless congress can do is throw up their hands and say there isn't time to
DO anything about it? The Constitution (I think it's in Article One) gives
the House the power to eliminate any political party deemed harmful to the
nation. They got rid of the Whigs that way, and can shitcan the neocon
bastards as well. Let's face it, folks; the so-called republicans are that
in name only, and are really a gang of greedy, sadistic, morally degenerate
criminals that we'd be far better off without.
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Blah, blah, blah!!!!
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Posted by: Spiritgirl on Aug 11, 2008 2:19 PM
Current rating: Not yet rated [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
Veteran's always get the short shrift! While the GOP talks about "supporting
the troops", the fact is that they don't. Not when it comes down to it.
These people are going into this war of choice because of the lies of
children! They are are coming home with all types of injuries, and if they
are not being booted out (no one planned on having casualties that might
need care), they are once again getting the shaft.
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Why Would The Republicans Care
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Posted by: TruthBeTold on Aug 11, 2008 4:21 PM
Current rating: Not yet rated [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]
about making it easy for wounded and homeless veterans to register to vote?
Has anyone heard anything from the American Legion or the VFW protesting the
fact that the VA is preventing efforts to register these veterans?
Groups like the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars continue to
slavishly support John McCain, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. These people
will stampede over their grandchildren trying to get photo-ops with the
likes of Bush/Cheney, but not a word from them about the treatment of
soldiers returing from Iraq and Afghanistan.
John McCain has a dismal record of actually supporting the troops where it
counts, yet the people in these groups don't hesitate to dress up in their
old uniforms just to appear on stage with McCain (Bush and Cheney) to have
their photos taken shaking his hand. For the low-information readers, McCain
- amendment providing $20 billion to the VA's medical facilities (5/4/06)
- providing $430 million to the VA for outpatient care and treatment for
veterans (4/26/06)
- increasing VA funding by $1.5 billion by closing corporate loopholes
- increasing VA funding by $1.8 billion by ending abusive tax loopholes
Also, for the record McCain DID NOT SUPPORT the new 21st Century GI Bill and
could not be bothered to even show up for the vote but that did not stop
him, and George Bush, from taking credit for that bill. For McCain, Suport
the troops meant spending that time in California on a campaign and
fund-raising trip instead of showing up to vote on the new GI Bill.
Everyone who has even two brain cells knows Bush's military record and about
Cheney's 5 deferments because he had better things to do but something
compels groups like the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars to
continue showing up for that photo op.
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