[Dialogue] Fwd: Remembering Molly

Charles or Doris Hahn cdhahn at flash.net
Fri Feb 1 18:48:02 EST 2008

Hey Dick!  What a find!  Don't you wish Molly was
still writing.  Perhaps this gal can fill her shoes.
--- KroegerD at aol.com wrote:

> ____________________________________
>  From: Dick email
> To: KroegerD
> Sent: 2/1/2008 5:00:15 P.M. Central  Standard Time
> Subj: Remembering Molly
> Susan Lenfestey: What would Molly do?
> January 30, 2008 
> It's been a year since Molly Ivins died, leaving us
> to slog through the  
> political landscape without her sanity-saving blend
> of insight, humor and  
> outrage. Unlike Maureen Dowd, who delights in snippy
> wordplay, with Molly you  felt 
> the words erupting from her soul, ricocheting off
> her funny bone and then  
> passing through her brain to be arranged in a way
> that made sense -- an  enormous 
> challenge when dealing with the non-sense of the
> president she called  
> "Shrub." 
> As Super Tuesday closes in with the fate of -- oh,
> just about everyone --  at 
> stake, I keep wishing I could open my paper and find
> Molly's take on it  all. 
> What fun she would have had with the entire
> Republican slate, from the  
> moribund-on-arrival Fred Thompson to the
> 12th-century worldview of affable  Mike 
> Huckabee to the transformation of "America's Mayor"
> to America's  meltdown. 
> And she wouldn't have let John McCain's resemblance
> to an ermine -- a  
> short-legged weasel who changes color with the
> seasons -- go unnoticed. 
> On the other side I imagine she'd have taken a few
> jabs at Dennis Kucinich  
> for toe-tapping with a UFO and at John Edwards for
> his pricey girly-man  
> haircuts -- yet slapped them a high-five for the
> truths they dare to speak.  She 
> encouraged veracity no matter how eccentric the
> package; she just couldn't  
> tolerate "clever straddling," as she put it. 
> She would have donned a hazmat suit to deal with the
> hydra-like beast  called 
> Billary that clawed its way to defeat in South
> Carolina. She was clear  on 
> where she stood on the Clintons, calling Bill "as
> weak as bus-station  chili" 
> and writing in January 2006, "I'd like to make it
> clear to the people  who run 
> the Democratic Party that I will not support Hillary
> Clinton for  president. 
> Enough. Enough triangulation, calculation and
> equivocation." 
> So as millions of us trudge off to caucuses and
> primaries next Tuesday, I'm  
> wondering: What Would Molly Do? 
> Referring to the death of Gene McCarthy in that same
> 2006 column, she gave  a 
> pretty good idea of where she stood. 
> "There are times a country is so tired of bull that
> only the truth can  
> provide relief. If no one in conventional-wisdom
> politics has the courage to  speak 
> up and say what needs to be said, then you go out
> and find some obscure  
> junior senator from Minnesota [or Illinois -- my
> add] with the guts to do  it." 
> Well, McCarthy didn't win, but he also wasn't much
> of a candidate. I knew  
> and admired Eugene McCarthy, but I think it's safe
> to say he was no Barack  
> Obama. But by coalescing the young and the antiwar
> voters, he forced those who  
> did win to put an end to America's other mistake of
> a war. 
> So Molly would rail at us not to let Bush Co. -- and
> any lily-livered  
> so-called leader who is up for election -- tell us
> that this war is no longer  an 
> issue. 
> With plans for permanent military bases throughout
> Iraq and likely  
> Republican candidate John McCain's comfort with 100
> years of occupation -- not  to 
> mention the obscene daily loss of life and treasure
> -- we are a nation that  will 
> continue to bleed out until we die. 
> So do what Molly would do. Go to your precinct
> caucus on Feb. 5, not  because 
> your candidate's political future depends on it, but
> because your  nation's 
> future depends on the candidate you choose. Go with
> Molly's words  ringing in 
> your ears: "We want to find solutions other than
> killing people.  Not in our 
> name, not with our money, not with our children's
> blood." 
> Susan Lenfestey lives in Minneapolis and writes at
> the _Clotheslineblog.com_ 
> (http://clotheslineblog.com/) .
> © 2008 Star Tribune. All rights  reserved.
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