[Dialogue] Emailing: Lina Newhouser, CommonDreams.org Co-Founder, 1951-2008 - CommonDreams.org.htm

Harry Wainwright h-wainwright at charter.net
Tue Jul 22 13:29:47 EDT 2008

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Published on Monday, July 21, 2008 by CommonDreams.org 

Lina Newhouser, CommonDreams.org Co-Founder, 1951-2008

CAPE ELIZABETH, Maine - Lina Jeanne Newhouser, 56, of Seal Cove Lane, died
at her home Friday evening from complications following an April stem-cell
transplant as part of the treatment in her defiant 3-year stand against
non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Lina wrote of her long struggle on her blog -
lina2002 1

 <http://www.tellthebees.org> Lina was an artist, a political activist, an
organic farmer, a businesswoman and a proud, loving mom.

Lina was born in Grand Junction, Colorado the daughter of John and Charlotte
Newhouser. But she considered her beloved New Orleans home - where she was
raised and graduated from high school. Lina graduated from Southwestern
College in Memphis, Tenn. She also lived and studied in Munich, Germany for
two years..

After college Lina became a community organizer with ACORN: the
<http://www.acorn.org> Association of Community Organizations for Reform
Now, working in Texas, Little Rock, Ark., and Bridgeport, Conn. In 1980 she
worked on the national staff of the Citizens Party, trying to elect Barry
Commoner President as a vehicle for starting a third party in the US. She
met and worked with both of her future husbands on the Citizens Party staff.
Lina then was off to New York City for a job as co-director of Media Network
that combined her two passions, art and politics, in a project using
independently produced films as organizing and educational tools in NYC's
working class neighborhoods.

In 1984, Lina and her first husband Bert DeLeeuw
<http://www.commondreams.org/archive/1990/11/18/2297/>  moved to Belize
where Lina painted for a year. Lina and Bert moved back to the US and bought
a 200-acre old farm in the mountains of central Pennsylvania. Over 5 seasons
Lina & Bert turned Blue Moon Farm into a successful organic vegetable and
flower farm. Bert was killed
<http://www.commondreams.org/archive/1990/11/18/2297/>  in 1990 when their
daughter Chloe was just 6-months old and Lina soon sold the farm.

In 1991 Chloe and Lina moved to Kentucky for Lina to work at Appalshop
<http://www.appalshop.org/> , an arts and education center based in the
eastern coal region of the state. Lina was the Asst Director of  The
American  <http://www.appalshop.org/afp/> Festival Project at Appalshop,
work she continued after her 1993 move to Maine when she and Craig married.
Moriah was born in 1995.

Since 1996 Lina has worked as International Program Director for Transformit
<http://www.transformit.com/> , a small, extraordinary firm that designs,
builds, rents and sells sculptural structures out of fabric for the special
event, trade show, architectural and retail markets. She loved her work (and
her co-workers) at Transformit which combined her skills at art, organizing
and working with people - and allowed her to travel a lot and put her
German, French and Italian language skills to good use.

In the 1980's Lina served for a time as the national president of the
Alliance for Cultural Democracy, a national activist arts organization that
flourished from 1982 to 1994. She currently serves on the Cape Elizabeth
Arts Commission.

In 1997, Lina, and her husband Craig Brown, co-founded CommonDreams.org
<http://www.CommonDreams.org> , the popular online news & views website for
the progressive community.

Lina is survived by her husband, Craig Brown; daughters Chloe May DeLeeuw
Brown and Moriah Brown, all of Cape Elizabeth; her brother John Newhouser
and his wife, Teri of Houston, Texas; her brother Mark Newhouser and his
wife Joan MacDonald of Glen Ellen, Calif. And her mothers-in-law Evelyn
DeLeeuw of Green Pond, New Jersey; and Ruth Brown of Cape Elizabeth; and
many in-laws, nieces and nephews and a wide circle of friends all over the

A celebration of Lina's life will be held in the near future.

Lina's family has requested that memorial donations in her honor be made to
CODEPINK: Women for Peace

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107 Comments so far 


	mountaineer July 21st, 2008 1:08 pm 

	My heart is with you, Craig.


	Little Brother July 21st, 2008 1:11 pm 

	Condolences to Lina's family and colleagues.


	old goat July 21st, 2008 1:14 pm 

	I would add an old goat to what must be an endless list of folks who
are grateful, admiring, inspired by a woman who I have never seen before -
except through her work - one of the marks of a great team of leaders. 

	Lina - always - present!


	cleanearth July 21st, 2008 1:21 pm 

	I am very sorry for your loss, and losing her is a loss for us all.
Another good one goes too soon.


	cleanearth July 21st, 2008 1:21 pm 

	I am very sorry for your loss, and losing her is a loss for us all.
Another good one goes too soon.
- Nancy Oden, Jonesboro, Maine


	Cedar July 21st, 2008 2:31 pm 

	We are persons who are offered the experience of our individuality
for a lifetime, no matter how long that lasts.
- Thomas Moore

	Alas, death often comes out of season.
Thank you Lina.


	Mordechai Shiblikov July 21st, 2008 2:32 pm 

	My condolences to her loved ones. Common Dreams is a great legacy.


	ragus July 21st, 2008 2:37 pm 

	I'm so sorry to read about Ms. Newhouser's death. I had no idea who
the founders of Common Dreams were, let alone that one of them was in the
midst of such a struggle with her health.

	Common Dreams has been my browser home page for a year or so. It
just became too important a news-and-views source for me to miss a single
day of it.

	Thanks so much to Lina Newhouser for her essential and beautiful
creation. Thanks also to Craig Brown for the same. And many, many
condolences to Craig and his and Lina's family and families of origin and

	I think maybe I get a sense of Lina's and Craig's spirits in the
name "Common Dreams," which always reminds me that I'm politically aware and
active for much deeper and more personal and human reasons than just to win

	Bless you, LIna. Bless you all.


	ezeflyer July 21st, 2008 2:37 pm 

	Rest in Peace Lina.


	jjpeter July 21st, 2008 2:42 pm 

	The saintly ones are leaving us. They sense what is coming.

	Thank you Lina, for your vision, your adherence to principal, the
love of your fellow man, your strength to greatly persevere in spite of the
odds, for doing the uncommon and the brave when society seemed lost in its
struggle to find meaning.

	And thank you for this site, a lamp in the wilderness. A place where
we can find the truth.


	hoodeet July 21st, 2008 2:42 pm 

	Condolences to you and your family, Craig.
Thank you, Lina, for the blessing of your life and work.


	vinlander July 21st, 2008 2:45 pm 

	She touched the life of every person who has read anything on this
site, and Common Dreams is a wonderful legacy.

	To her family and friends, I offer my deepest condolences.


	cdfan July 21st, 2008 2:49 pm 

	I felt a greater shock than I ever would have expected when I heard
of the death of this marvelous woman, Lina Newhouser. I, too, never knew
her, but Common Dreams has long been an oasis of critical, timely
information and discussion for me. Despite this anonymity, I felt and feel a
profound connection, and now a profound loss.

	I deeply admire what she accomplished in her life, and with her
spirit in mind I pledge and rededicate myself to what we must share as
common dreams as well as the website, CommonDreams.

	Thank you for your blessings.

	Knowing how burdensome this kind of intense medical care can be, I
wonder if there is some place to make donations to the family as well as the
requested CodePink.


	generallee July 21st, 2008 2:50 pm 

	So sad. Thanks for creating "Common Dreams", too bad you had to
leave so soon.


	Liberal Lady July 21st, 2008 3:05 pm 

	Rest in Peace, Lina. Thanks for all you have done to try to make
this earth a better place.


	biggy July 21st, 2008 3:07 pm 

	My heartfelt condolences to the family of Lina. Hers was a life well


	civil behavior July 21st, 2008 3:11 pm 

	Just makes me want to cry.


	Earthian July 21st, 2008 3:22 pm 

	Craig, what you, Lina and the other CommonDreams editors and staff
members have done is truly extraordinary.

	I'm so sorry for the loss of Lina.

	Thanks for creating the CommonDreams Progressive Community.


	frank1here July 21st, 2008 3:22 pm 

	My condolences to the family. Lina has passed, but her legacy will
continue to grow.


	iammyself July 21st, 2008 3:28 pm 

	My deepest sympathies to Craig and the Common Dreams family.


	KEM PATRICK July 21st, 2008 3:30 pm 

	This truly is a sad week, any decent person would love to have been
a friend or a family member of this exceptional lady. 

	I have the belief that God often takes the best ones early, and
allows them to return home. 

	That's just my personal belief.


	Ted Markow July 21st, 2008 3:30 pm 

	My heartfelt condolences to Craig and the rest of Lina's family. Her
presence lives on in these pages.


	Samson <http://www.samsonsworld.blogspot.com>  July 21st, 2008 3:33

	My deepest condolences ..


	Truthseeker58 July 21st, 2008 3:35 pm 

	What a wonderful soul she is. I also feel that God takes the good
ones early. Like Ted said - her presence lives on in these pages. This site
is such a Godsend. What a nice legacy to leave behind.

	My sympathy is with her family and friends. God bless you all. That
surely was a life well-lived.


	claudius July 21st, 2008 3:41 pm 

	I extend my deepest condolences to Craig and members of Lina's
family. Setting up this organization was a wonderful service to the country,
and is much appreciated. Thank you Lina.


	pzbrawl July 21st, 2008 3:42 pm 

	Here's to Lina Newhouser and Craig Brown for creating and
maintaining this heartwarming site.


	Klein July 21st, 2008 3:51 pm 

	Thank you to Lina for sharing your passion, your life. My heartfelt
support goes to your family and all of the CommonDreams family who supported
you during your illness. It's easier to accept because I believe you are now
at peace.


	John F. Butterfield <http://www.JohnFButterfield.com>  July 21st,
2008 4:02 pm 

	Lina Newhouser, a talented person who gave so much. We will rejoice
in what she gave and can only imagine how much more she would be giving if
she were still here. She will be missed.


	medea July 21st, 2008 4:02 pm 

	I am so saddened to read about Lina's death, and so amazed to read
about all the things she accomplished in her lifetime. How amazing that she
found a way to combine so many aspects of her life-her passion for art, her
commitment to grassroots activism, her love for the earth, her international
spirit. And yes, Common Dreams is quite a legacy.
My heartfelt sympathy to Craig, Lina's family and the wonderful family of
Common Dreams.
We at CODEPINK are incredibly honored that you have asked people to
contribute to CODEPINK in her name. With input from her family and friends,
we will use the resources for a special campaign that will continue Lina's
nurturing of our Common Dreams.
With love,
Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK: Women for Peace


	joneden July 21st, 2008 4:05 pm 

	Thank you Lina. Your work and spirit will live on into infinity.
Giving voice to others. There is no finer legacy.


	Jake July 21st, 2008 4:39 pm 

	A life well-lived. Thank heaven for the good people. May the loved
ones left behind take comfort from the wonderful legacy she has created.


	hilly July 21st, 2008 4:43 pm 

	My deepest sympathies. My first place for news is Common Dreams.
Thanks Lina and Craig.


	voxclamantis <http://www.voxclamantis.com>  July 21st, 2008 4:45 pm 

	We all might aspire to create something that is more visible than we
ourselves, and that lives beyond our years.


	Edward1793 July 21st, 2008 5:09 pm 

	It seems that the really good people die much too young. Thank you
for "Common Dreams" My sympathies go out to the family.


	BigDawgNC July 21st, 2008 5:12 pm 

	Very sorry to hear of Lina's passing. She,her family and friends,
and this fine site will all be in my prayers tonight. Thank you for such a
great site! Once again my sympathies and prayers go out to Craig and all the


	un-neocon July 21st, 2008 5:20 pm 

	Such a beautiful lady..and a life lived full of devotion to the
betterment of the world.we must pick up the torch she carried!


	doodah July 21st, 2008 5:23 pm 

	Lina leaves behind a wonderful legacy and a universe of kind people.
Her love survives and will continue to benefit us all.
I have just made a contribution to CodePink.org on her behalf and hope that
others will do likewise.



	joseph paquette July 21st, 2008 5:27 pm 

	Thanks for Common Dreams. Only an old
activist would appreciate your site as much
as I do. My sincere sympathies to the family.


	blueticket70 July 21st, 2008 5:34 pm 

	An unapologetic third-party activist since the Commoner campaign
salutes the life work of another fallen comrade.

	Anybody could all be proud to leave such a legacy.


	cygnusx1isahole July 21st, 2008 5:38 pm 

	There's a special place in heaven for those like Lina who made it a
life goal to pursue truth.


	opal July 21st, 2008 5:45 pm 

	To Lina's family and friends: May you have ease of mind and comfort
of heart. May you live in love and in compassion.


	wrensis July 21st, 2008 5:45 pm 

	My heartfelt sympathy to all of you and her family. We are all
better for her having lived.


	peterw July 21st, 2008 5:55 pm 

	So sorry to hear about your tragic loss. I'm always reminded that,
for all the shortcomings of its political system and its voters, the United
States also has some of the most profoundly dedicated, passionate, loving
activists anywhere on Earth, and it sounds like Lina was such a person. I
wish you peace.


	greenerthanthou <http://wagelaborer.blogspot.com/>  July 21st, 2008
6:03 pm 

	My condolences to Lina's family. She has touched the life of
thousands that she didn't even know. To be mourned by so many indicates a
life well lived.


	wcdevins July 21st, 2008 6:06 pm 

	Add the humble condolences of another '51 baby to those of the
giants here. I hope her suffering was small; her legacy is truly huge.
Craig, I can't thank you and Lina enough for CD. My deepest sympathies to
you and the children, and to all whose lives have been touched for the
better by Lina.

	Bill Devins


	pfutrell July 21st, 2008 6:10 pm 

	She was a wonderful woman who gave much. I hope she got alot in
return, which it sounds like she did, that she takes to her next life.


	PeaceGurl48 July 21st, 2008 6:12 pm 

	What an amazing woman and an amazing life. My sympathy to her
family.Common Dreams is a legacy and a gift.it is a daily refuge from an
insane world. Lina will live on in all of our hearts.


	FrederickJohnson July 21st, 2008 6:21 pm 

	There may be articles on this site I don't always take kindly to but
I thank Lina from the bottom of my heart for opening up our minds to new
ways of thinking. You'll never find this in school or college let alone most
media outlets.


	Johnny36 July 21st, 2008 6:32 pm 

	What a lovely and valuable life she led. Go in peace.


	citizenblog <http://www.citizensnews.org>  July 21st, 2008 6:33 pm 

	Lina has been a guiding and shining light and inspiration. My heart
is with you all at this time. .and the struggle continues..


	Insamsara July 21st, 2008 6:47 pm 

	I am very grateful for this website. It is my homepage and use it
everyday. it is my primary source of news. 

	I am very sad to hear of Lina's passing and her family's loss. To
her children, brothers, husband and family I send my deepest sympathies. 

	She has left a very powerful legacy. The ripples of her goodness
will continue for all time.


	Anita Linker July 21st, 2008 7:09 pm 

	Dear Craig:

	My heart goes out to you at this sad time. I did not know who
founded Common Dreams, never even thought to ask, but I did know it quickly
became a very special site for me. Here we receive the truthful, human news
that we all have wanted for so long. May the universe bless those courageous
and insightful enough to find ways of spreading the truth to the world's
people; it is so rare. 

	It has been said that to be really spiritual, you need to plan and
begin the healing of the world, even though you will not see the results
within your own lifetime, or even in the lifetimes of your children. You
must have faith that when those who today are not yet born eventually come
into this world, the changes begun so long ago will finally manifest in this
world and begin to heal our planet at last. 

	You and Lina are two examples of true spirituality to me. I will
always be grateful.


	Dearie July 21st, 2008 7:13 pm 

	Thanks and credit to Lina for a life's work and for this amazing
legacy that incorporates such a crowd. I am blessed to have benefitted from
Lina's efforts. I found Common Dreams by accident and have read it daily
since that happy accident. I marvel at the accomplishments of this young
woman and send deepest condolences to her family and friends.
Diane Rushing


	PatriotisVeritas <http://snipurl.com/2c3z7>  July 21st, 2008 7:23 pm

	Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: but in
every nation they that fear him, and work righteousness, are accepted with
him. Acts 10
The fact that the people who work on this news outlet never take personal
credit for it, except in death, shows the highest mark of integrity. Thank
you for the news Lina. Your fearless efforts continue to be righteous and
true, flying in the face of those who would see us and our world in bondage
or see us die at each others' hands rather than allow us live in peace and
harmony. Your dreams live on with us.


	AD July 21st, 2008 7:28 pm 

	Let me in here to damn say something! This is a damn mess with nice
gal dying like this. Well isn't it?


	jareilly July 21st, 2008 7:28 pm 

	"Her beloved New Orleans"? Well, I'll bet somewhere there's a second
line coming down the street, tubas, trombones and coronets weeping, wailing
and sailing, while people wave white kerchiefs and sing, "Didn't she
ramble.?" Thanks Lina, merci, cher.


	auntEm July 21st, 2008 7:31 pm 

	CommonDreams has been my homepage for about 8 years, my lifeline for
news and opinion ever since I got rid of my TV cable service and my daily
print newspaper. When the ability to add comments was added, the site really
became more like a community. Finally, I could see a sample of who actually
reads CommonDreams, share ideas and reactions and follow up on links other
readers shared.

	Anyway, I am thankful to Ms. Newhouser for fulfilling her dream of
establishing a spot like this. Among her many wonderful legacies, this one
stands out for me.

	My sincere condolences to her family and many close friends and
extended family.


	klever July 21st, 2008 7:35 pm 

	I suggest that to honor Lina's life and contributions that all
posters refrain from swearing and taunting on other threads.My hunch is
there are many brilliant readers of CD that seldom if ever post because of
such behavior.


	BugsBBunny III July 21st, 2008 8:17 pm 

	When one spends a life helping others, the good they have done lives
on and on in the hearts of those whom she helped and in the good that they

	Lina gave out fishing poles (CD is one). her blessings live on.
everytime someone says "Let's eat".


	medic6869 July 21st, 2008 8:19 pm 

	Thanks to Lina for the foresight to create a place where people can
come together and through discussion raise our collective conciseness of the
world around us. A better world is struggling to be born and your efforts
have helped push this process forward.


	chlorocardium July 21st, 2008 8:45 pm 

	Thank-you Lina. May you find peace, as you sought to nurture it here
where we remain. 

	My mother-in-law left in a thunderstorm a couple of years ago. Its
probably a good choice. Thank-you again.


	Turce July 21st, 2008 8:50 pm 

	My deepest sympathy to Craig and the family of Lina and their
children, to all of us that have become better informed due to a dream that
was realized.
Rhoda Ozen


	socrates2 July 21st, 2008 9:14 pm 

	My deepest condolences to Lina's family.
Great Americans are few and far between. This site is an institution that I
surmise will one day rank with the writings of Tom Paine.
Lina you will be missed but your brain-child, CD, will live on thanks to
You have the everlasting gratitude of our Republic. You've earned your rest.


	wc652 July 21st, 2008 9:20 pm 

	The news of Lina's death saddens; a great woman has passed on from
this earthly realm.

	Common Dreams is a beautiful legacy. It is a daily oasis of
refreshment and inspiration for me and this community, and I am grateful for
Lina's life and her sharing of her gifts with us.

	My thoughts and prayers are with Craig and their family.
William Cullen


	seedysea July 21st, 2008 9:39 pm 

	Common Dreams-what a wonderfull name and site-has been my main
source of news for years and will continue to be. How many among us will
affect so many people in such a positive way as Lina has done. What an
amazing thing to have done for all of us and for the country and the world.
Her family must be immensely proud of her and rightly so. I feel privileged
to have been part of this community. If positive thoughts and prayers can
indeed move mountains more than a few are being moved right now.


	WASHINGTON July 21st, 2008 9:46 pm 

	As long as we have spirits like Lina with us..there is still HOPE.


	goodwordswan <http://goodwordswan.wildflowerstew.com>  July 21st,
2008 9:50 pm 

	What a beautiful legacy she left us. How sad she left so soon.


	Poet July 21st, 2008 9:52 pm 

	To Craig, Chloe, and Moriah-

	May you be blessed with comfort in this time of loss and sadness.
Lina's life has blessed us all and so your loss and sadness is also our own.
May the audience and influence of this wonderful website grow and prosper as
a testimony to the vision and love of its founders. May the spirit that
inspired Lina find a new home in someone else to similarly inspire them to
achieve whatever they will.


	LambsieDivy July 21st, 2008 9:59 pm 

	I hope she knew how many hearts and minds she improved throughout
her life's work. What a courageous soul she has been. Thank you.



	ChrisHorton July 21st, 2008 10:10 pm 

	I'm sorry I missed Lina, she must have been a wonderful woman. My
deepest condolences to her family and colleagues.


	coco July 21st, 2008 10:23 pm 

	i have learned so many things at common dreams. i found it quite by
accident. i have laughed and cried at the comments and articles and the
humour. i've also made friends; albeit 'cyberspace' friends. 

	thank you common dreams. my condolences to lina's family and



	professor truth July 21st, 2008 10:51 pm 

	Common Dreams has been a very informative site. My deepest
condolences to Lina's family. She created an enduring, needed place to find
a progressive point of view.


	crone2 July 21st, 2008 10:54 pm 

	A great loss for us all ! Heartfelt sympathy to you all. A great


	dreamer2 July 21st, 2008 11:00 pm 

	I offer my sincerest condolences on the loss of your Lina. My
daughter introduced me to Common Dreams several months ago and it is
unerringly the most honest source of news. I am also a transplant to Maine.
Bless Lina, you and your family and thank you for being a beacon of light
and truth in this world.


	Common Dreamer 2008 July 21st, 2008 11:37 pm 

	Thank you, Lina, for your courage. Sincere condolences to Craig and
the children.


	iwarrior <http://www.myspace.com/iwarrior>  July 21st, 2008 11:39 pm

	I've been coming and referring to this site for at least five years
and had no idea who exactly was behind it all. It's sad that I only found
out just now after someone has passed away. 

	Regardless of whether or not you believe in an afterlife, I think
it's safe to say that because of Common Dreams, Lina Newhouser lives on and
is still with us. 

	There are times when I disagree with certain articles. There are
times when it's hard for me to even load the page because I just don't know
what else could be around the corner. What next? What else is wrong with our
world? It's prune juice sometimes. I've fought with people and at times
posted too much without reading enough. But at the same time I've learned so
much, realized that I'm not alone, and have friends I didn't even know I

	All I can say is Thank You.


	Siouxrose July 21st, 2008 11:39 pm 

	A remarkable & lovely soul, I believe all that she is will be
sustained on higher planes. Light like hers is not snuffed out when the body
fades; but I send condolences to her closest kin and friends, for surely
they will have cause to miss her (physical) nearness.

	Thank you Lina for providing the vision and venue for this promising
on-line community.


	webwalk July 21st, 2008 11:52 pm 

	thanks so much lina and craig for your gifts to the world. common
dreams is a lifeline for me and for many others. my prayers and dreams are
with you.




	tailcap July 22nd, 2008 12:13 am 

	My deepest condolences to the Lina's family especially Craig, Chloe
and Moriah. You should be very proud to have had the privilege of having
such a worthy and visionary person in your lives. I envy you. 

	Lina, thank you and Craig so much for having the inspiration to
create such a wonderful place for us to get together and share our thoughts,
spats and feelings with those we agree with and those we don't. 

	Thank you so much for providing us with a canvass for our blogs.
What a brilliant idea you and Craig had. And if you never read one of my
blogs, don't worry, you didn't miss much.

	Lina, you will live on forever in our hearts and minds. Thank you so
very much for all you have done for us and for good, we love you and may God
bless you and your family. Oh yea, and rest well.


	Thoughts_Into_Action July 22nd, 2008 12:19 am 

	I'm so sorry. 

	To do good for future generations is the highest achievement in
life. And there's no doubt that Lina accomplished that goal. 

	To spark just a little light in dark times . may we all be as
inspired as Lina to act on our conscience and continue the fine work that's
been done.


	passion unspent July 22nd, 2008 12:58 am 

	My heart aches as another angel leaves us to fight on toward a just
and sane world. May time heal what reason cannot explain.

	Many days CommonDreams is the only news I want and so it is all I
read. Thanks so very much.


	rtdrury July 22nd, 2008 1:15 am 

	What a tragic thing to happen. Common Dreams is THE place for
progressive op/eds.


	peaceman July 22nd, 2008 1:39 am 

	My sincere condolences to Lina's family.
Many of us regular Common Dreamer's never knew who put CD together, and I
thank you Craig and your wonderful Lina for your outstanding contribution to
America and the World by putting together this most important beacon of
honest information on the internet.
Your children and Lina's family have much to proud of.


	ballerina July 22nd, 2008 1:44 am 

	lina has made a huge difference in my life with common dreams.my
condolences to her family


	Bonatti July 22nd, 2008 2:06 am 

	Craig, you and your wonderful wife Lina are Great Americans and just
Great People. Carry on, for I am sure that is what Lina would want you to
do, for all of us, the decent, fairminded Americans and those we share this
planet with - NEED YOU. Take care friend. Frank Libbon


	idahovoter July 22nd, 2008 2:30 am 

	My heart goes out to you and your family Craig. Like many others,
though I read Common Dreams daily and have had it as my homepage for several
years, I had no idea about Lina and her brave struggle with lymphoma. I pray
that your wonderful website devoted to progressive causes will continue in
Lina's memory. Thank you both for your devotion to improving life on this
little planet of ours.


	rebelnow July 22nd, 2008 2:51 am 

	Common Dreams is such a wonderful gift to the world. Now I see why
there is so much heart and integrity here, Lina's beautiful smile says it
all. Thank you Lina, may your work continue to enlighten; and thank you
Craig, my sincere condolences to you and your family.


	pizzdorf July 22nd, 2008 2:55 am 

	Rest In Peace Lina, 

	I just wish that the majority of people read CD, then the crimes
that are happening now might be stopped in time.


	UN-common-dreams July 22nd, 2008 3:30 am 

	Dear C-D Community,

	Buddha said: "Better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness."
Reading through Lina's amazing list of achievements we can see that she (and
Craig) have lit MANY candles, -in many places.

	A life lived in such persistent dedication to *positive change* is a
life very much not wasted.

	Great spiritual teachers speak of the *much higher value* the gods
place on lives lived, -not only in doing valuable service for one's fellow
beings, but even more so, -when a being is at the same time striving and
struggling with great personal difficulties and hurdles.

	.So, -from a spiritual viewpoint, Lina has met the criteria for
*Great Soul* status on both counts: ~ she not only gave us her best, and lit
the world with her radiance, intelligence and beautifully *constructive*
work, she did all of this _in spite of_ her personal struggles and

	In so doing she provides an exemplary role model for those of us
still here on this 'mortal coil'. I feel we can best honor her work, her
life, her beautiful legacy, by striving that much harder to help complete
what she had set her valiant heart upon:: and that is, -helping to make this
world "a better place than what we found it." ~ What else would she prefer
us to do? 

	She lit the candles, - so let us ensure they are held proudly aloft,
and not snuffed out by the 'rogue hands' at present on the tiller.
There is a lot of LIGHT and LOVE in this world. Our work is to ensure it
wins out over darkness.

	I / we honor the life of Lina.

	We have not altogether 'lost' our sister, -we are just sort of
'distanced' for a while. Tears in the short term will turn soon enough to
great joy, at the moment of greeting her anew, - a bit further down the
line, when we too 'transform', and trade in our earthly vehicle for a new
and much improved model. 

	Meantimes, whilst we are still able, let's do as she would wish:
Let's work with a greater vigour and sense of purpose, let's work with a
UNITY which befits her shining example, ~ that work which is (-know it or
not!) at root *spiritual* work!
And let us each try not to fall so readily into bickering among ourselves? -
when we could / should be using our human energy as Lina did::: to
creatively *BUILD* the new and better world.

	Bless this Great Soul who has recently finished her worldly work.

	My heart's gentle touch goes out to her loved ones who will now miss
her so very much, but whose love will nonetheless find their target, as it
wings on up to that plane where she now blissfully resides.

	With love,



	mellie July 22nd, 2008 3:42 am 

	A newcomer (one year or so) to Commondreams, 

	I am so sad to hear the news of Lina, and send my deepest sympathy
to her nearest & dearest. 

	How we need in these difficult times the unity & compassion that
Commondreams brings.

	May CD continue to inform, inspire & comfort those who wish, dream &
work towards more peaceful times.

	With love from Pamela (Australia)& the poets of Melbourne. May love
continue to sustain us all.


	dumbo July 22nd, 2008 4:25 am 

	It is strange . one hour ago I did not know Lina. I have been
reading on this site for quite some time . and never heard of her.
And now that she is gone my heart is full of tears. Strange world this is. 

	Sometimes I fear that the darkness will be stronger than the light .
in the end. But at least we will always remember the darkness as what it is
- the darkness. Because we can feel blessed -we have seen the true light. It
is shining on CD. It was; and I hope it will in the future.

	I am very sorry for the Newhouser family; and very sorry for all of
us, too.


	Vera Gottlieb July 22nd, 2008 4:40 am 

	Condolences. Large shoes to fill, but filled they must.


	lisa3210peace July 22nd, 2008 7:05 am 

	All My Love. And Gratitude. 

	All My Love.

	From My Heart, Condolences, Craig. 

	Thank You, Lina.


	blueheeler July 22nd, 2008 7:28 am 

	I am so sorry for your loss Craig. 

	You and Lina have helped change the world with CD, thank you.

	This too, shall pass.


	Phyllis Stenerson <http://www.progressivevalues.org>  July 22nd,
2008 8:35 am 

	You have my sympathy for your profound loss. I appreciate Lina's
contribution to the world, particularly Common Dreams which has been very
important to me. Her legacy reaches far and deep.


	petunia July 22nd, 2008 8:54 am 

	Common Dreams has been a part of my daily reading for years now. I
have never known who was behind the work except that you are fellow Mainers.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss and am sorry I could not have shown my
appreciation for all you do sooner. Lina leaves a wonderful legacy which
certainly does not ease your pain but for which you can always be proud.

	Peace be with you.


	Tnd441 July 22nd, 2008 9:07 am 

	Though I never knew who the founders of Common Dreams were, I am
somehow touched by the obituary of such a focused and special person as Lina
and my heart goes out to her children and her husband.

	The world will not be the same without such a dedicated individual,
and I hope that Common Dreams continues to be the fine editorial/news site
that it has grown to be. I hold this site as one of my top 2 news gathering
sites, and I applaud all who contribute and maintain this one of a kind
internet jewel.

	To Lina, may God be with you in Heaven.


	Nanoo July 22nd, 2008 9:08 am 

	Thank you Craig and the departed Lina for CommonDreams. If I had a
bee hive it would be covered today.


	julie_peterson July 22nd, 2008 9:21 am 

	I am grateful to Lina. 

	And to Craig. 

	a deep heart felt thank you. 

	Julie Peterson


	Saloo July 22nd, 2008 9:45 am 

	My sincere condolences to Lina's family.

	I believe that Lina is in a better and just place


	Stargeezer July 22nd, 2008 11:03 am 

	We are starstuff, Carl Sagan said. The stuff of stars.
And a new star has been added to the cosmos.

	Lina's legacy shines in Common Dreams. And now she shines, too, as a
star overhead in the dark night sky. Look for her every clear night.

	Thank you Lina and Craig for your stellar legacy.Common Dreams.

	Sunny Days and Milky Way Nights.



	avidreader July 22nd, 2008 11:14 am 

	So sorry that Lina is gone, but the world is a much better place for
her having been here. Love and blessings to her family.


	Ronnie Cummins July 22nd, 2008 12:01 pm 

	From all of us at the Organic Consumers Association and the
Grassroots Netroots Alliance: our heartfelt condolences. Lina and Craig and
the rest of the Common Dreams family have led the way to keep us educated
and inspired in these times of grave crisis. We've just sent in a
contribution to Common Dreams and Code Pink and we urge all of the hundreds
of thousands of people who read this website to do the same.
Solidarity Forever!


	freia July 22nd, 2008 12:03 pm 

	Very sorry to hear of Lina's passing. I have been a daily CD reader
for the past 10 yrs. Thank you for founding an online progressive community
and letting our voices be heard.


	conscience July 22nd, 2008 12:17 pm 

	I had no idea about the founding of Common Dreams
but it has been something that I begin every day
with and something which has helped me understand
where we are wrong and where we are right in this

	A belated "thank you" to Lina Newhouser for this

	My sympathies to her family.


	KEM PATRICK July 22nd, 2008 1:10 pm 

	"And though death may hide me, and the greater silence enfold me,
yet again will I seek your understanding."

	"And not in vain will I seek. If aught I have said is truth, that
truth shall reveal itself in a clearer voice, and in words more kin to your

	~Kahlil Gibron~ __ Poet and prophet 

	Do not allow the pain to overcome you Craig, for someday you will
have the joy of Lina's presence once again.


	bvance July 22nd, 2008 1:19 pm 

	My condolences and best wishes for the family and for Common Dreams,
which has been a mainstay of my news habit since I gave up on print
newspapers very soon after 9/11. CD has made me feel less isolated and as if
there are others looking for the connections and perspectives on those
connections that I am hungry for. This, in many ways, especially in these
times, is probably irreplaceable.. as is Lina to those who love her.

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