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Harry Wainwright
h-wainwright at charter.net
Wed Jul 30 18:32:04 EDT 2008
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A Parting Gift to the Religious Right
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Posted on Jul 28, 2008
By Marie Cocco <http://www.truthdig.com/about/staff/65>
>From the people who brought you the Terri Schiavo spectacle, the stem-cell
research stalemate and the atrocious waste of tax money on abstinence-only
sex education that has been shown not to work, comes a sequel: a proposal to
redefine abortion to include some of the most common forms of birth control,
and to potentially penalize with funding cuts hundreds of thousands of
doctors, hospitals and other health care providers who expect their
employees to give women full reproductive care.
This parting gift to the religious right comes in a proposed rule by the
Health and Human Services Department, which says it is merely revising
existing federal rules that allow health care personnel to opt out of
performing an abortion if they have a moral or religious objection to the
procedure. From that minimalist and unobjectionable clause, a monster grows.
The draft regulation would redefine abortion to include "any of the various
procedures-including the prescription, dispensing and administration of any
drug or the performance of any procedure or any other action-that results in
the termination of the life of a human being in utero between conception and
natural birth, whether before or after implantation."
The right wing has failed to win approval of a "human life" amendment to the
Constitution that would declare that life begins at conception. It has
failed to get even conservative-leaning courts to go along with the most
extreme elements of its anti-abortion agenda. It failed to block approval of
the RU-486 pill that produces a medical abortion. It failed to block
government approval of emergency contraception-the "morning after" pill long
promoted by the medical profession-which is taken whether or not a woman
even knows she is pregnant. Seven years ago, when the first Bush
administration budget included language that would drop a requirement that
federal workers' health insurance plans offer contraception if the plan
includes coverage of prescription drugs, a bipartisan storm extinguished the
And so, having failed to keep American women from having access to basic
birth control, the right is trying to use the guise of an existing
"conscience" requirement to achieve what it cannot accomplish through an
open political process. You could, if you were taken to an emergency room
after being raped, be told by a worker invoking the conscience clause that
you cannot have a drug to prevent a possible pregnancy.
"Women would be totally subject to the luck of the draw when they went to
get reproductive health care," says Cecile Richards, president of Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
Administration officials say they cannot comment in detail on the proposal
because it is a draft. They insist it is being promoted merely because the
agency has an obligation to enforce the existing conscience rules. Yet the
document reveals its own origins: In recent years, as religious
conservatives have tried to get pharmacies to allow employees to refuse to
dispense birth control pills to women, states have responded with laws that
require the prescriptions to be filled. Six states have laws ensuring that
pharmacies will fill birth control prescriptions and 27 have laws
guaranteeing equity in insurance prescription coverage for contraception,
according to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y. Fourteen states currently
have laws guaranteeing rape victims access to emergency contraception.
The draft rule, in fact, singles out New York, California, Colorado,
Illinois, Connecticut, New Jersey and Massachusetts for actions they took to
ensure that women, especially rape victims, would have access to birth
It estimates that about 504,000 recipients of federal funds-including any
hospital or doctor who participates in Medicare and Medicaid-would have to
allow its staff to exercise its individual birth-control conscience. It
defines a health care "entity" to include health maintenance organizations
and other insurance plans-language indicating that federal employees who
receive insurance through the government also could be affected.
Clinton and other senators have written to Secretary Michael O. Leavitt in
an effort to stop the proposal; so have scores of public health and women's
groups. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has called
the proposed redefinition of abortion "inconsistent with all established
medical authorities" and "an affront to health professionals and American
The religious right has only six months left in President Bush's term to
continue its war on science and its war on women. The latest sneak attack
has been exposed. Congress has a duty to beat it back.
Marie Cocco's e-mail address is mariecocco(at)washpost.com.
C 2008, Washington Post Writers Group
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By Saggy, July 30 at 2:09 pm # <>
re: Hesperion, July 30 at 12:53 pm #
.... Saggy: I understand that you will not grasp this.
I'm smarter than you think. And, believe it or not, I understand both sides
of this argument.
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By Saggy, July 30 at 2:07 pm # <>
re: nrobi, July 30 at 11:37 am #
...... To take a person at their word, Saggy is pro-life and pro-death.
Well, I'm pro-life in some situations and pro-death in others. Life for the
innocent, death for those guilty of murder.
That apparent contradiction was the point of my post. Re-read it carefully.
The common thread is that I think individuals are responsible for their
actions and need to behave responsibly. A mother needs to act responsibly
toward her fetus/child once conceived. A murderer is responsible for the
death of another person and he/she must pay the price.
Contrast this to the left-liberal position, which is also pro-life (the
murderer) and pro-death (the fetus). In both cases, the irresponsible party
is given primacy. Irresponsible behavior is condoned.
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By Hesperion, July 30 at 12:53 pm # <>
"It takes a truly twisted mind to characterize the effort to stop abortion
as a 'war on women'. The demonization of Christianity by the 'liberal left'
is mind boggling to behold."
Saggy: I understand that you will not grasp this. Religionists
(Domninionists) believe that women are inferior, untrustworthy, sexually
inert, childlike, incapable and to be subjugated. A woman, to them, cannot
make rational choices and must be regulated by males. That a woman might be
sexual it abhorant to them but that only applies to the wifey types. They
don't seem to have a problem with whores when they want them. So, a sexual
woman is a renegade that they must make war on. Among the reasons they hate
gay people is related to this. They wrongly insist that gays "want to be
women" and the sex they have it somehow "womanly". Facts do not matter. They
CANNOT see anything but the sexual component in the lives of women and gays.
This is a fixation for them. That Christianity is somehow under attack when
people assert their rights is one of their major new themes. This can only
mean that meddling and abusing others that do not share their views is an
essential part of their religion so that taking that away is tantamount to
disallowing one of their sacraments. The clergy MUST control them and
isolate them from sense and reason else they will be exposed for the
charlatans they are. Their followers keep them in business by remaining
ignorant of truth and fact. Christ's teaching are not considered at all in
ANY of this. It's a cult of the clergy.
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By nrobi, July 30 at 11:37 am # <>
To take a person at their word, Saggy is pro-life and pro-death. How can
this be? A person that believes in the sanctity of a human life but believes
in the death penalty? Isn't this an inconsistent holding? One should be
pro-life all the way or as Saggy termed it pro-death, pro-irresponsibility
all the way.
To be of two minds, must be a difficult thing, to sway like the proverbial
tree in the wind, regarding abortion and the death penalty, must be
difficult to swallow and to keep in mind which position you hold in which
conversation you are having.
I must confess, I do not know where I stand on abortion, but I am truly
against the death penalty, it has not been proven as a deterrent to criminal
behaviour, it is not administered correctly across the board and it is
proven that an inordinate amount of poor and minority people are on death
row because of a lack of funding for the necessary attorneys.
Should a person, which holds both ends of the candle, speak about
consistency of thought, when they cannot keep their minds straight regarding
death? Also included in this debate should be the cause of euthanasia. The
Federal Government cannot keep their activist noses out of the rights of the
states to legislate their own behaviour. Oregon, had one of the most
progressive and sane policies regarding euthanasia in the nation, the only
sane policy regarding euthanasia in the nation and the shrubs cronies went
to court and had the state mandated law, voted on by the people of Oregon,
passed by the people, overturned because the drugs used are federally
administered. This to me is a bunch of crap, no one has the right to tell me
how to die with dignity.
The Far Right Christian Fundamentalist Wing of the Republican Party has so
many inconsistent policies, that their heads must spin every time they have
to speak regarding their stances on any number of issues regarding life and
Thank the Mother, that there is less than 1 year left of this abomination of
an administration. Hopefully, the American electorate, will come to their
senses and elect someone who has consistent and normal policies, foreign and
domestic, that is progressive and worth listening to.
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By Grousefeather, July 30 at 10:17 am # <>
(Unregistered commenter)
The religious right is and has always been obsessed with controling the
sexuality of others. It's okay to bomb and maim innocent women and children,
contaminate the enviornment, and promote greed and selfishness, but to many,
if not most religious people, sexualiuty is what makes for the biggest sins
of all.
Let's call a spade a spade: religious people are manifestly immature,
intellectually and emotionally, and it's religion that's been responsible
for retarding the progress of humanity.
As for personal responsibility the religous right keeps carping about, as
though they're the only ones who have it, they're largely apathetic toward
illegal wars, corporate greed, and destroying the enviornment. NOW THAT IS
IRRESPONSIBLE! They prefer to look down their santimonious noses at people
less fortunate as though all the problems of the world can be attributed to
Religion is the most contemptable affliction of mankind, and because it's
the by product of ignorance, there's little hope to be rid of it; because,
ignorance is an abyss, the depths of which can never be sounded.
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By Blueboy1938, July 30 at 9:43 am # <>
(Unregistered commenter)
Let's suppose that a devout muslim or jew goes to work for a sandwich place.
Ham sandwiches are on the menu. How long would that person keep a job
telling patrons that they won't get ham sandwiches, because it is against
the server's conscience to serve them?
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By purplewolf, July 30 at 8:08 am # <>
Working in the medical profession for over thirty years, I could not refuse
to do my job because I didn't like or agree with a patients: religious
beliefs, race, disease, where they resided or for many more other reasons
not listed. When I was sent out to a job site, be it a personal home,
hospital, nursing home or doctors office, I was expected to do my job in a
professional manner, emotions, beliefs or feeling were to be put aside.
Otherwise you had no job.
If people today do not want to preform their current jobs, then they need to
change careers into a field more acceptable to them and not by making
exceptions for some over the medical treatment a person may need. Forcing
your views unto the people whom you rely on for your income never did mix
with the working world. In time, the big corps will find out you are losing
them money and you will be gone.
If you do not believe in abortion or birth control, do not use them. But to
force your views unto others is an invasion unto their rights to live their
lives as they see fit. What if others with views of limiting your progeny to
2 or less were enforced unto you? Would you allow that to become the law of
the land? It works both ways.
Trying to ban birth control will result in more unwanted pregnancies and
children. Abortion has been around for thousands of years.
Your version of God in the old testament, which this type of person want to
go back to, embrace a delusional view of the world. What kind of sick people
would embrace a God and want to force him unto others,a God who forces a
raped woman to marry her rapist, Duet. 22:28-29? How about Hosea 9:11-12
abort children from their mothers wombs? Refers to women and childbirth
equals filthy women, Levi. 12:1-5. It's right up there with the talking
donkeys and Balaam, Numbers 22:27-30, or allowing Elijah to curse the earth
with no rain for 3-4 years, James 5:17 or the claims that all animals will
fear humans forever, Gen. 9:2? Or any strangers approaching sanctuary must
be put to death, Numbers 17:7, so if you need help, do not seek it from
these radical religious people, as there is a good chance they will kill you
as you are a stranger.
Let's hope this country never goes that far back to the dark ages of
superstition and ignorance. It would make the radical Islamist seem
If birth control medications are banned, then people will have to go back to
the old ways of contraceptives like: QUEEN ANN'S LACE, to start with.
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By David, July 30 at 5:41 am # <>
(Unregistered commenter)
The logic behind your inferences is dangerously infantile.
..."The liberal left denies personal responsibility for everything and
assigns responsibility for everything to society. The liberal left approves
irresponsible behavior."
Nice meaningless generalizations. You've managed to say nothing and you did
it with all the sophistication of a playground argument. Please educate
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By Gloria Picchetti, July 30 at 4:18 am # <>
(Unregistered commenter)
"The religious right has only six months left in President Bush's term to
continue its war on science and its war on women." Marie, are you being too
optimistic? What if the bushites find a way to stay? The same criminals that
counted the bush votes count the mccain votes. McCain really, really hates
birth control & abortion. Cindy-Cindy does not have to listen to him because
she has her own money.
Thank G-d there is a moderate Christian movement that is more interested in
ecology, building homes for the homeless, and the welfare of animals than
they are spying on our bedrooms. One can only hope they are able to create a
stablility & common sense amongst the trance induced, foaming at the mouth,
snake handling fundies.
As for the Bible being the national book. What happened to government of the
people, by the people, and for the people? All them do not read the Bible. I
like the Bible. I have three versions of it and a French one. But I wouldn't
mess up my Bibles by running around banging folks on the head. I want my
Bibles Holy, not full of holes.
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By Mike Hopper, July 30 at 4:04 am # <>
(Unregistered commenter)
Religious activists seldom consider the consequences of their heart-felt
ideals. The human race took over a million years (or even seven thousand) to
reach a world population of 2.2 billion. That number has DOUBLED in my
lifetime. The consequence of pro-life insistance on unchecked procreation
can only lead to the extinction of our precious human race when we run out
of resources to feed them. But then, to a philosophy that expects their
"real life" to start when they die.
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By Saggy, July 30 at 2:44 am # <>
re: Allan Krueger, July 29 at 7:15 pm #
...... The religious right constitute the largest group of hypocritical
phonies EVER!
The religious right is pro-life, or pro-birth if you want, and also pro
death penalty. The liberal left is pro-abortion or pro-choice if you want
and anti-death penalty.
Each position has its common thread.
The religious right honors life, the life of the child by guaranteeing it,
and the life of the victim of a crime by punishing the criminal with a
punishment equal to the crime. The religious right believes that personal
responsibility is paramount. The religious right approves responsible
The liberal left honors death, the death of the fetus is explicitly
approved, and the death of th4 victim of a crime is tacitly approved, by
making the punishment not fit the crime. The liberal left denies personal
responsibility for everything and assigns responsibility for everything to
society. The liberal left approves irresponsible behavior.
I'm not a member of the religious right, but I agree with them on the issues
of abortion and the death penalty.
Also, while the religious right is associated with pro-war politics, I think
there are exceptions, and I don't think it is an integral part of the
religious right's gestalt. I think the religious right is manipulated by
por-war forces.
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By Allan Krueger, July 29 at 7:15 pm # <>
The right wing religious nut jobs are pro BIRTH, not pro LIFE ---- once a
person is born they could care less about them! I am not in favor of
abortion. I would like the right wing (Krystal and the others), war mongers
to explain away all of the pregnant women who have been killed in Iraq -
couldn't you call this war-for-profit MILITARY ABORTION? The religious right
constitute the largest group of hypocritical phonies EVER!
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By cyrena, July 29 at 6:55 pm # <>
By C Quil, July 29 at 8:16 am
. "Pro-life makes me laugh, one of those words which sounds fine until you
find the pointy-eyed control freaks behind it. Pro-life seems to kick in
only if it concerns a white fetus with "christian" parentage."
C Quil,
Makes me laugh too. (except of course that it isn't really funny) You
described this version of 'pro-life' so well. It has this very, very, very
selective application. Definitely white and of 'christian' parentage. Hitler
felt the same way you know.
Anybody else...well, that's who the guns and bombs and knives are for.
Guns + war + (Christian) god = Pro-life
Now if that was an exercise on an IQ test, some things wouldn't fit in the
formula or the result. But how many people would assume that as the CORRECT
answer, including the ones scoring the test?
That should tell us something.
On this:
. "As for contraception availability, no one should ever be refused
treatment. If a member of the medical staff has religious objections, they
should not have to participate but perhaps they should be found work in some
other area. They are not allowed to refuse treatment in any other
discipline. .There should always be someone available to provide the
service. Any other way is medical malpractice."
That actually IS the law. There is always supposed to be someone available
for service, except that in most of these cases/states, they've diminished
it require only a 'referral'. In other words, if someone goes to their local
pharmacy to fill a prescription for contraceptives, and only a fundie is on
duty, they feel that they are only required to refer the person to a
different pharmacy, where there is a real professional on-duty, willing to
honor their Hippocratic Oath. Same thing applies in the hospitals. I think
it's absurd. And, it happens a lot. When I lived in Texas, there were entire
staffs full of these people (nurses and others), who would simply refuse to
scrub for any such procedure.
I don't believe that any medical professional should put their personal
convictions above their Hippocratic Oath, and still be allowed to practice
medicine. No other profession would put up with that.
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By Saggy, July 29 at 4:47 pm # <>
re: mike112769, July 29 at 4:26 pm #
I accept that it is your opinion that ...
..... The government has NO BUSINESS telling a woman if she can have an
abortion or not.
Perhaps you might want to consider that other people might have a different
opinion, but probably not.
However, to claim that that opinion is ..
..... another building block of this country
borders on insanity. This 'building block' didn't exist for 200 years and
is in fact antithetical to the morality that prevailed in the US for those
200 years.
Some of us think the US did OK during that period. Some of us might even
harken back to it !
The 'liberal left' has turned morality upside down in the US, all the while
claiming that it was honoring the traditions that it was destroying.
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By mike112769, July 29 at 4:26 pm # <>
This is nothing more than an attack on another building block of this
country: the separation of church and state. The "right-wing" christians
have slowly been imposing their morality on the rest of us via the
republican party. Every time we let the republicans (who profess to be
christians) get away with screwing this country, we give tacit approval for
their goals. Where is the sense of outrage something like this would once
have stirred? The government has NO BUSINESS telling a woman if she can have
an abortion or not. If we keep going down this path, we may be seeing the
birth of the American Taliban.
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By Saggy, July 29 at 4:23 pm # <>
"The religious right has only six months left in President Bush's term to
continue its war on science and its war on women."
It takes a truly twisted mind to characterize the effort to stop abortion as
a 'war on women'. The demonization of Christianity by the 'liberal left' is
mind boggling to behold. And then they wonder why they lose elections.
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By Big B, July 29 at 1:31 pm # <>
Troublsum echos a reverse Jesse Helms policy. Rememeber that he once
suggested that we place all the gays and all the blacks in their own state
and put a fence around them.
Perhaps we should have let the south succeed afterall. But then again, we
would be stuck with a violent and ignorant theocracy right next store (like
we have NOW).
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By troublesum, July 29 at 1:14 pm # <>
The best way to shut these people up is to give them 3 or 4 states in the
south for their own country. They do not want to live in the 21st century
and since most of them already live in southern states which are a drain on
the national treasury, I think it's would be a pretty good deal.
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By Jim Downing, July 29 at 11:35 am # <>
(Unregistered commenter)
Yes, let's act on our consciences.
As a pacifist, I will be able to refuse to pay the 60% of my taxes that go
to weaponry.
"Where did Jesus say to kill for your country? Show me where he said that."
-Iraq War veteran
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By Thomas Billis, July 29 at 8:35 am # <>
My dear Maria.A problem envisioned by the founders with the separation of
Church and State.Obama vowing to continue the Faith Based Ininiative
programs promises more of the same.Just a different perspective.Religion
should have a voice in the arena never from government.If when you have
power instead of continuing the intrusion of religion in government you end
it maybe we could resestablish the separation of Church and State.Beleive me
the new Christies will be just as fanatical as the old Christies in a
different direction.Religion in church politics in the White House.
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By C Quil, July 29 at 8:16 am # <>
What IS it with these people, constantly trying to exert control over
everybody else when they are barely able to control themselves?
The latest huge hypocrite is Larry Craig, he of the "wide stance" and
penchant for soliciting bathroom sex, who is backing the "protection of
marriage and the family" bill, or whatever the official name of it was.
Pro-life makes me laugh, one of those words which sounds fine until you find
the pointy-eyed control freaks behind it. Pro-life seems to kick in only if
it concerns a white fetus with "christian" parentage.
Anybody of any other color, religion or nationality is fair game for guns,
knives or bombs. How can the same pro-lifers be also so pro-war and mass
slaughter of anyone who dares question the great American way?
Word to the pro-lifers out there - mind your own business. If you don't want
an abortion, don't have one. If you don't want to use birth control, don't.
Squeeze out as many little fundamentalists as you wish, but leave the the
rest of the world alone, hear?
As for contraception availability, no one should ever be refused treatment.
If a member of the medical staff has religious objections, they should not
have to participate but perhaps they should be found work in some other
area. They are not allowed to refuse treatment in any other discipline.
There should always be someone available to provide the service. Any other
way is medical malpractice.
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By Big B, July 29 at 8:00 am # <>
It has been plainly obvious to even the casual observer that over the last
28 years (the Golden Era of the Neocon) that the ultimate goal of the
conservative movement is the re-subservience of women in America. They
believe that if women are once again removed from public life (short of a
trip to the grocery store)that all the ills of our nation will be magically
As the U.S. takes it's inevitable plung into histories crevace of failed
empires, our society is bound to take on the the most unfortunate attributes
of a failing super power. When we cannot find anymore external enemies to
blame for our misfortune, we will look within our own borders. This trend
has already begun with the phony war on illegal immigrants. Women are now
finding themselves in the crosshairs, soon to be followed by Blacks and all
The war on reproductive rights is only another battle being waged by the
neocons in their master plan to form America into a corporate run theocracy.
Another eight years of republican rule, or gutless democratic leadership
should put us well on way to these ends.
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By Purple Girl, July 29 at 7:12 am # <>
First we must Redefine 'Pro Life' to encompass everything After Birth. Far
too many who claim to be 'pro Life' don't give a shit what happens after the
womb- this is not only a mortal sin, but criminal.These heretics are only
waiting on ONE birth. they are so arrogant and lack faith in an 'almighty'
they beleive that such an entity is incapable of assuring a 'second coming'
without their intervention. Oh ye of Little Faith...Or is it their 'God' is
unable to do anything without the asistance from mere mortals. A Creator is
capable of Desinging 'heaven and Earth' but can't bring one life into being?
Also when you disregard the conditions of a new life and it's entire
existence thereafter- are you not disregarding the divinity of the creation
and what it brings forth. So refusing to focus on a lifes access to food,
shelter, education, income, health...not spitting on the potential of that
'creation' and what it may be able to contribute to the rest of mankind. If
A Savior was born today, would he/she be living in a War torn area, starve
to death, die from inadequate shelter, suffer detriments resulting from this
substandard existence and resources?
I wounder What entity would require humans to assure a birth, would not care
about the life/existence once born? Would be so dispassionate about the
Human condition.
But who on Earth would benefit from irresposniblity of the only sepcies
capable of Stewardship? Those who view humans as commodities, would reap the
benefits of a high supply, thus lower cost of such a commodity. If the
commodity of human labor is flooded, the cost of obtaining this commodity
loses it's value. Consider the cost effective analysis of the Multinational
Corporations when the supply side of labor outweigh the demand. Cut cost on
wages, offer fewer benefits and have the ability replace workers as needed
or desired. When job applicants far outnumber the job opportunities, such
demands of the Corp to provide adequate reimbursement is markedly decreased.
Until the so called 'Right to Lifers' realize they are first being
Blashphemous and heretical towards their Religious doctrines and Deities and
realize that the only Mortals who benefit from this marketing scam are those
who wish to control Labor costs, These crimes against humanity will
Teh only ones benefiting from theCurrent psuedo Pro Life movements is that
which enjoys human suffering and those who gain financially.
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By skulz fontaine, July 29 at 6:09 am # <>
Amerika's "religious right" seem worlds of bunched up about 'morals' and
'conscience' when it comes to a woman's right of choice. Yeah, whatever. The
"religious right" are appallingly absent on issues of actual morality. You
know like wars of naked aggression, illegal detention, torture, and cutesy
stuff like that. Expedience is therefore the "god" the religious right would
worship and fall on their knees before. Not all "religious", nope. Mostly
just your run-of-the-mill Evangeli-culls, most Cathoholics, and those truly
creepy 'Jonestown United For Israel' types. Aren't they drinking the
"kool-aid" already? Mikey 'the fish killer' Leavitt will capitulate to the
ding-bats and that's a given.
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By Jim Yell, July 29 at 5:32 am # <>
(Unregistered commenter)
The wonderful thing about the religious is they want the Bible to be
considered word for word the strict and undisputed truth, until such time
that you point out that it doesn't support what they wish to force on the
rest of the nation.
No I am not claiming that the Bible promotes or doesn't condemn abortion, or
other pregnancy interventions. But, to the point the Bible makes it very
clear that the unborn is not the same as the born. A pregnant woman is
killed and that is murdere, A pregnant woman is injuried and causes the
fetus to be aborted and a fine is paid decided on by a court and the husband
and the husband, not the wife receives the compensation for the loss. One of
the most simple declarations in the Bible.
In an age of "Biblically un-natural medical practice" which allows
"Biblically un-natural" procedures to save lives and improve lives the
extended survival of individuals require a more responsible and thoughtful
reproductive act. Reproductive act is not the same as sexual act, although
they are tied up together.
Women must carry all the dangers of prenancy. Women generally are left to
raise the children. They are left living in extreme poverty when the male
skips out on the marriage and the children. To carry a pregnancy to term
should finally be only in the woman's hands. Out of humanity we can not
ignore the support of children who are unfortunate enough to have missing or
disfunctional parents. It will effect all of us if woman are forced to have
children they either do not want or can not take care of.
Before a person gets all worked up with self-righteousness a case study is
at hand in Roumania. The government decided all pregnancy must be carried to
term. They didn't of course want to spend public wealth to take care of
these children. The results were babies and young children living in brutal
conditions of neglect and calculated abuse. The pro-life should never be
allowed to use this name, as it is a lie. They should be called what they
really are Pro-abuse, Pro-poverty, Pro-ignorance.
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