[Dialogue] Invitation to join the Springboard Venture Online

David Dunn dmdunn1 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 4 23:40:27 EDT 2008

Hello Colleagues,

With apologies for double postingsŠ

Work has been going on to grow the Springboard Venture Online web site that
uses "social networking" technology. You'll recall that the site's aim is to
provide a very user-friendly online meeting place for colleagues who want to
share, network, study and "think out loud" with others. In the site's first
week, 38 new members have signed up. (There's a link below.)

During this first week, we've welcomed our first Indian colleagues. Also,
David Rebstock and Gordon Harper have put up the first context and resources
for the study of Tolle's ³A New Earth."

I've begun to create short ³screencast² videos to help you learn how to join
and use the site. The first is about the simple FOUR-STEP SIGNUP PROCESS
(browse to the sign up page, enter you email and choose a password, save a
profile, click join). You can view this video at a new web (movie) gallery
I've started. Paste the following link into your web browser and you'll be
able to stream the minute-long video to your computer:


The faster your Internet connection and the newer your computer and browser,
the faster it will load and play. If it's a little slow loading, be a little

My next "screencast" video will be an introduction to this new kind of web
site (it uses "social networking" tools like MySpace and FaceBook use) and
what you can do with it.

Because this is a private and secure web site, you have to "join" so that
the site can be password protected. There are several ways to join: 1. ask
someone you know who has already signed up to invite you; 2. send me a
personal email to the gmail account below; or 3. click on this link:


Your browser will take you to the sign up page. Remember the simple sign up
steps I mentioned above‹browse to the sign up page, enter you email and
choose a password, save a profile, click join. That's all there is to it.
I'll send new sign up links every now and then, with current news and
information about the site. After a new invitation link has been sent, all
the previous ones no longer work.

A whole lot of volunteer hours are being invested, but also quite a few
hours of professional development and administration time. You can track how
well the donations toward this project are keeping up with the actual hours
spent. Visit the site after you sign up and note the two stacks of small
yellow and green balls on the page header. The yellow balls reflect the
total hours of development and admin time invested. The green balls reflect
the proportion of that time that has been reimbursed. Donations buy time to
develop and support this new online venture.

Post feedback notes on the site, or send me personal email with comments,
questions and suggestions.


David Dunn
Mirror Communication
740 S Alton Way, Ste 9B
Denver, CO 80247  USA

dmdunn1 at gmail.com
Skype: dmirror

-- Please note new "GMAIL" address --

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