[Dialogue] Those who Care

Nancy Lanphear nancy at songaia.com
Thu Mar 13 23:26:45 EDT 2008

Dear Randy and all,

Your emails have sparked a need in me to respond with a positive  
picture of the Church.  This does not intend to speak to the larger  
contradiction of the Church nor negate what is being said here by  
Randy. Jim and others.

Finding that our work community and our home community took all of  
our energy and passion,  Fred and I were "un-churched" for 17 years  
after we returned from India.  Now that we are "retired" we are  
members of an incredible Congregational UCC church near our home in  
Washington state.

It is a church with soooo many white hairs (including Fred's), and  
they are passionately involved in the church and in other eco-justice  
efforts.  Fred has just completed facilitating 2 groups of church  
folks in a series called Elders as Earth Keepers.  They have taken on  
the task of helping to establish the church to become a green  
congregation.  Our "bible" studies are held during the week and have,  
over the past 2 years, involved a high percent of the members, with  
studies such as  Opening the Box, Living the Question, Saving Jesus,  
and The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg.  Several times during  
the year the congregation does a series of sermons, the pastor  
becomes part of the congregation for the time.  We are quite active  
in the local ecumenical parish organization. We have recently decided  
to join the progressive christianity movement  and are, of course, a  
welcoming and affirming congregation. As we "speak", Tent City IV is  
living in our church parking lot.  This is a mobile community of  
about 100 homeless folks who move from church to church every 3  
months.  Some communities have not been happy with the arrangement  
which is the reason for the brief stay in each location.  These are  
just some of our activities - a lively and wonderful community!

You are loved,


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