[Dialogue] In Memoriam: Jack and Mary Lois Shepp - and a request

Richard West icataiw at ms69.hinet.net
Fri Mar 21 02:53:20 EDT 2008

Dear Ed,

Thanks for sending the information about the Shepp's...  Actually I 
don't remember them personally, maybe a little bit remembrance of 
their name.  It's what happens when we spend so much time out of the 
US, a small price to pay for the fantastic time we have had over the 
last 34 years, but still noticeable.

I get the impression that you and the community in Kemper are finding 
your way through the fog, certainly hope that all works out.  Any ICA 
community deserves the greatest possible hope and support.  I 
appreciate the community you have helped build and hold together more 
every time I come to Chicago.

Evelyn and Larry are working away at the ICAI level to hold on to the 
spirit edge of the ICA around the world.  Gail and I support them in 
that and other arenas while handling our own clients of all sort.  It 
is exactly what we would choose for our "old age."  We did a 3 1/2 
day fast and detox on an island off SE Thailand a month ago and are 
feeling much more energetic as a result.  Who would have thought it? 
We are also noticing how much trouble many people are experiencing 
due to pollution and toxicity of all kinds.  No way to avoid it 
altogether.  The island we were on (Samui) seemed very clean and 
clear, very little manufacturing going on there, but it is clearly 
being built up rapidly, so human beings seem sure to become more than 
the island can support without complaining.

I hope you are well and happy doing what you do best, caring for 
others.  It's a great calling and skill to have.


Richard West        ICA Taiwan
3F, # 12, Lane 5, Tien Mou West Road
Taipei, Taiwan 111
T) 8862-2871-3150
F) 8862-2871-2870
email) rwestica at ms69.hinet.net
skype)  rwestica

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