[Dialogue] Hello from ICA in Chicago

Karen Sims ksims at ica-usa.org
Wed Nov 19 12:12:46 EST 2008

Dear all:

Hello, I'm Karen Sims, the brand new Director of Resource Development for ICA. NinoTillman, the Executive Director, sent this note a few weeks ago and you may have already received it and shared in the "good news".  If not, please excuse us while we re-build our data base.

I wanted to be sure that you know that your past and current participation is appreciated and highlights the passion and commitment of ICA's network of members, facilitators, trainers and staff to the bright future of ICA.

I look forward to keeping in touch with you through this site. Please, feel free to visit the national headquarters in Chicago if you are traveling to the Midwest. I would be honored to give you a tour of the ICA Building. Also, remember to log on to our new website (ica-usa.org) to stay connected with our progress and programs.

Thank you for your continuing support of ICA-USA.

Dear ICA Colleague:

During my first year as Executive Director of ICA-USA, I have been excited to meet ICA members and trainers from all around the country and the world. My first exposure and connection to the methods, work, history, and mission was at the Living Legacy Event held last October. It was a wonderful and appropriate way to Honor the Past and Embrace the Future.

 Since then I have used the advice from that occasion as a road map for planning the next chapter of service for ICA. The final document reflected the wisdom of those present. It also represented the thousands of pioneers who have invested time, skills and resources in releasing people's capacity for creating positive futures. I am grateful to those who attended the Living Legacy and those that were there in spirit and sent their goodwill.

Here are some Facts & Actions that highlight the year. The list reveals the vitality of ICA-USA and an array of activities that have marked accomplishments.

-          We are extremely pleased that we continue to receive funding for two ICA-USA programs. Los Angeles County Children and Families Foundation renewed funding for the third year of a five-year contract with First 5 LA, a child abuse prevention initiative in Los Angeles. This initiative is propelled by ToP methods. The Illinois State Board of Education renewed funding for our early childhood development initiative called Learning Basket located in Chicago's Uptown. Both of these grants are votes of confidence and recognize our mission and contributions to local communities.

-          The national program staff and the ToP Trainers Network's Marketing Committee created the 2009 marketing    plan and strategies for the ToP public courses.  The meeting was held at the ICA-USA headquarters this summer.

-          The ToP Trainers Committee and staff also met to revise and update the ToP Certification standards.

-          The ToP Trainer Network leaders meet monthly with the new ICA-USA Director of National Programs, Timothy J. Duszynski, Ph.D.  The focus is to assure the quality of methods training is maintained.

-          An active member of the ICAI General Assembly, ICA-USA held a series of Regional PreConference Workshops in preparation for the Seventh ICAI Global Conference in Japan.  The USA topic was "The Persistence of Poverty". A report from the three regional workshops (Chicago, Sausalito and Troy, New York) will be presented to the Global Conference.  I am very thankful for everyone who hosted, facilitated and attended these events.  Your contributions will have influence and an impact on the Japan Conference.

-          A few weeks ago, Washington D.C. colleagues hosted me at their House Church and added to my education on history and vision.  It was good to feel the vigor and spirit of the ICA mission in the group. There was a desire to retain our values and attain new levels of quality for the benefit of everyone we serve.

-          An essential aspect of Ecumenical Institute's goals is to fully utilize the Kemper Building at 4750 N. Sheridan Road in Chicago.  It is now at 89.7% capacity and is the home to 27 social service, health and government agencies.  Also, last month the ICA-USA's national office was moved to the 6th floor. The Global Guild Suite, now restored, continues as the location for conferences and receptions.

-          Daily the national staff encounters the dynamic and interesting residents of the Keystone Community who reside on the top floors of the building.  We are inspired by them and proud to be the landlord of this intentional community that is focused on living green. They were recently featured in a CNN story and both a local newspaper and on a TV documentary.

-          Recently, Elise Packard and the International Family Literacy Initiative held their international week-long conference at the building. During their stay, the attendees were comfortably housed at the Keystone Community.

-          As part of the national senior staff's effort to understand and appreciate ICA/EI history, we attended, with 40 Institute colleagues, the Profound Journey Dialog.  The revered John and Lynda Cock created this updated and secularized version of RS1. The construct of the retreat offered many ways to share personal journeys and ICA experiences. More retreats are planned for the East Coast, Denver, Chicago, Seattle, Virginia, and Los Angeles. I also took a special trip to Denver to visit colleagues.

-          Lambert Okrah, ICAI's Executive Director and I have met three times in recent months.  We are formalizing our intent to work collaboratively on programs and funding. Many have worked hard and diligently to make this happen.

-          An Archives Committee has been formed to pursue funding and enlist volunteers for the preservation of the EI, ICA and O:E archives currently held in more than 170 cabinets in the basement.

-          By family consent and a Board resolution, the Joseph Wesley Mathews Collection moved from the Institute of Cultural Affairs in Chicago to the Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington D.C. in April of 2008.  The Joseph Wesley Mathews Collection consists of correspondence, research and dissertation materials, books, manuscripts and other writings compiled by Mathews during his lifetime.

-          Colleagues have volunteered to form a Development Committee to help Karen Sims, new Director of Resource Development, maintain communications with all constituents and supporters.

-          Staying connected is critical to our future success. New software systems for public course registration, event announcements and merchandize sales (Cvent) and a fundraising database (Raiser's Edge) have been installed.

The completed lives of three wonderful people  were celebrated.  David McCleskey's life was appreciated and lauded on ICA and Order list serves. He was one of the original founders of the O:E, EI and ICA; he was a much respected theologian, teacher and leader in all aspects of engagement.  Audrey Ayres, a long-term volunteer at Fifth City Preschool, the Westside EL/ICA office and national headquarters, and former board member, was remembered and recognized at a reception after the PreConference in Chicago. Also, Kay Slattery Townley, a wonderful spirit who touched many lives was remembered in memorial services and events in both Denver and Chicago.

ICA-USA's goal has always been to be a resource for community development organizations, schools, governments, nonprofits, churches, and for any institution seeking positive change. The national staff is committed to continue dialog with ICA-USA's colleagues, associates and friends as we all work through transition and change. Respecting the history and remaining faithful to ICA-USA's values are sources of great strength.  Let is all Honor the Past and Embrace the Future.

With sincerity and hope for your continued support,
[cid:image002.gif at 01C94A37.BF7A74A0]
Nino Tillman, MBA
Executive Director

P.S. Remember to log-on to the website (ica-usa.org) and stay connected with our progress and programs. Also, look for the 2007 Annual Report that will highlight the people who make the mission and vision of ICA-USA come alive in every part of country.

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