[Dialogue] An Alaskan Perspective

facilitationfla at aol.com facilitationfla at aol.com
Fri Sep 5 07:15:16 EDT 2008

I just got this.? Cynthia

from a college classmate of mine who lives in Alaska

Elizabeth M. Schneider

Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law

Brooklyn Law School

250 Joralemon St.

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

718.780.7988 (ph)

718.780.0376 (fax)

liz.schneider at brooklaw.edu

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor of Law

Columbia Law School

212.854.8079 (ph)

eschne at law.columbia.edu


From:?bmc1968 at googlegroups.com?[bmc1968 at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

jacsiegel at mac.com?[jacsiegel at mac.com]

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

To: BMC1968

Subject: [BMC1968] John McCain's VP nominee

Dear classmates -

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on

Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I

know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that

he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in

the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life

time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow

indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and

bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial

hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars

that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school

system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the

country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,

but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are

many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is

appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial

hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to

informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet

the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The

only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has

consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power

plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home

town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will

unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy

its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,

a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education

level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and

other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put

Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.

These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the

serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as

they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears

and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the

wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.

She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't

like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's

performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal

firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't

close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin

isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues

that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable

if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics

(admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs,

knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment,

health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads

of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in

the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John

McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that

the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and

possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate

as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try

to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her

today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and

Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she

did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a

worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you

think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine

her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To

those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of

Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified

McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I

guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the

poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.

While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is

obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,

a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and

unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.

I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to

live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.

Jackie S.

-----Original Message-----

From: Cecily Sturge <cecily10 at msn.com>

To: Cynthia Vance <facilitationfla at aol.com>; Debbie Van Note <dlvn59 at comcast.net>; Diane Zeller <djzeller at aol.com>; Dixie lee Dorsey <dleeann at comcast.net>; Harvey Gudis <gudis at aol.com>; Janet Talley <janettalley at yahoo.com>; Maureen Gross <mogross at bellsouth.net>; REBA COLE <rlcole109 at aol.com>; Ricky Winter <rickwinter at msn.com>; Rina Marsala <sarinabari at bellsouth.net>; Sandra Briggs <sandab at aol.com>; stoy dulgeroff <stoyan at comcast.net>; Yramnam at aol.com <yramnam at aol.com>

Sent: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 10:46 pm

Subject: FW: Sarah Palin

From: Jlwbluesky at aol.com

Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 21:11:30 -0400

Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

To: Madbrech at aol.com; WendyWish at aol.com; skrobot at nyc.rr.com; LHTesuque at aol.com; Cecily10 at msn.com; FacilitationFla at aol.com; dcrook at hearst.com; Phillypiesmith at gmail.com; Dddinah125 at aol.com

Pretty scary stuff...

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

--Forwarded Message Attachment--

Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 13:46:53 -0700

From: carolini225 at yahoo.com

Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

To: dizdezi at yahoo.com

CC: jlwbluesky at aol.com

Note: forwarded message attached. 

--Forwarded Message Attachment--

Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 13:09:55 -0700

From: dlm10j at yahoo.com

Subject: Sarah Palin

To: kelly.taylor at tiffany.com; jad26bia at optonline.net; carolini225 at yahoo.com; ronakaye at aol.com; s_b_kane at yahoo.com; SallyGnz at aol.com; sjaffa at chicagomag.com; rfr16 at hotmail.com; smetz22 at aol.com; lsmith at newmex.com; fnyari at aol.com; audreyellen at comcast.net




----- Forwarded Message ----

From: "Ekg17j at aol.com" <Ekg17j at aol.com>

To: HappyHara at aol.com; alexis at hoplitecapital.com; CARINGREEN at aol.com; e65st at usa.net; brynaweiss at gmail.com; buffaloirv at cox.net; lyricamy at mindspring.com; AnnaBurton at mac.com; bigdogjen at charter.net; chazmere at optonline.net; DAVERAVE at aol.com; jedavis32 at gmail.com; smdavis101 at gmail.com; deborahburton at compuserve.com; bundick at verizon.net; dlm10j at yahoo.com; edith0724 at verizon.net; SFraidin at aol.com; francinek at eloan.com; lgedit at sbcglobal.net; HindaGon at aol.com; NancyADV at aol.com; GREGHYMAN at aol.com; Nhibooks at aol.com; AHunter166 at aol.com; jfeurring at hotmail.com; Jodesignsit at aol.com; KathrynJKates at aol.com; aksales1234 at optonline.net; stephenkussack at gmail.com; valowell2 at aol.com; maryround at earthlink.net; RKovner at NYC.RR.com; hildarolfe at verizon.net; Sandy Teger <sandy at system-dynamics.com>; carolstix at gmail.com; Suzfeit at aol.com; tompatodonnell at hotmail.com; mlusdans at maxwell.syr.edu; Valleamalfi at aol.com; waks at comcast.net

Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 9:24:55 PM

Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin

In a message dated 9/2/2008 8:12:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, ROSLYN833 writes:

that Palin


It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

-----Inline Message Follows-----



From: suegould1000 at yahoo.com

To: voloshin at webtv.net, roslyn833 at aol.com, shepark2 at yahoo.com, suznorm at optonline.net, Kknitbirdd at aol.com, dbass2 at optonline.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, gwen3561 at aol.com, irwingo at aol.com, rick51189 at aol.com, coffeesip at aol.com, nancygb at aol.com

Sent: 9/2/2008 8:24:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Subj: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin




----- Forwarded Message ----

From: schorr barbara <pikbar at comcast.net>

To: benerofe arthur <mega4333 at att.net>; hampton liz <bhampton08 at comcast.net>; gould susan <suegould1000 at yahoo.com>; harris helena harrishelena <helenaharris9 at aol.com>; lipkin gladys lipkin <gladnat224 at aol.com>; lippman myrna lippman <mlipdec21 at aol.com>; locke harriet <hlocke822 at aol.com>; marks anne marks <AnneVictorC at aol.com>; minix ellen <ellenminix at verizon.net>; rindner anita <awr328 at aim.com>; schorr paul <p.schorr at hillcrestradiology.com>; schorr perry schorrperry <PSS1057 at AOL.COM>; schorremmy <ebs32 at georgetown.edu>; shames loretta shamesloretta <lorshames at comcast.net>; sherman marlene <marmil18 at hotmail.com>; silvers shirley SILVERS <SIDANDSHIRL at AOL.COM>; silverstein joy silversteinjoy <BOCANANAJOY at AOL.COM>; slater edie slater <edithsltr at yahoo.com>; steckler les <poppyles at comcast.net>; stone joan STONE <SHAKEHEAD2 at AOL.COM>

Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 8:46:45 PM

Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

Begin forwarded message:

From: <oraz at mindspring.com>

Date: September 1, 2008 7:28:49 PM EDT

To: "Tonijo" <TONIJO7 at aol.com>, "Sheilah7886 at aol. com" <Sheilah7886 at aol.com>, "sandy" <sfriedman at petersan.com>, "ovie" <oved.lourie at citrix.com>, "Nakadai at Mindspring. Com" <nakadai at mindspring.com>, "margie" <gmargie at mindspring.com>, "Lori Jacobs" <word1 at aol.com>, "Karen Fable" <karentamara at comcast.net>, "Jonathan Stein" <jonstein at bellsouth.net>, "Jess boddy" <jesscarmel at msn.com>, "Diana at Dianacowa n. Com" <diana at dianacowan.com>, "David Zadikoff" <dzadikoff at cmcichicago.com>, "cyn thia buck" <cbuck at carolina.rr.com>, "bob" <robinj1 at mindspring.com>, "barbara schorr" <pikbar at comcast.net>

Subject: FW: Sarah Palin




from a college classmate of mine who lives in Alaska

Elizabeth M. Schneider

Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law

Brooklyn Law School

250 Joralemon St.

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

718.780.7988 (ph)

718.780.0376 (fax)

liz.schneider at brooklaw.edu

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor of Law

Columbia Law School

212.854.8079 (ph)

eschne at law.columbia.edu


From:?bmc1968 at googlegroups.com?[bmc1968 at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

jacsiegel at mac.com?[jacsiegel at mac.com]

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

To: BMC1968

Subject: [BMC1968] John McCain's VP nominee

Dear classmates -

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on

Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I

know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that

he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in

the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life

time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow

indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and

bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial

hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars

that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school

system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the

country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,

but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are

many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is

appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial

hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to

informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet

the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The

only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has

consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power

plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home

town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will

unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy

its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,

a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education

level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and

other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put

Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.

These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the

serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as

they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears

and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the

wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.

She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't

like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's

performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal

firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't

close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin

isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues

that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable

if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics

(admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs,

knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment,

health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads

of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in

the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John

McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that

the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and

possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate

as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try

to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her

today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and

Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she

did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a

worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you

think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine

her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To

those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of

Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified

McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I

guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the

poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.

While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is

obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,

a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and

unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.

I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to

live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.

Jackie S.


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Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.



From: suegould1000 at yahoo.com

To: voloshin at webtv.net, roslyn833 at aol.com, shepark2 at yahoo.com, suznorm at optonline.net, Kknitbirdd at aol.com, dbass2 at optonline.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, gwen3561 at aol.com, irwingo at aol.com, rick51189 at aol.com, coffeesip at aol.com, nancygb at aol.com

Sent: 9/2/2008 8:24:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Subj: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin




----- Forwarded Message ----

From: schorr barbara <pikbar at comcast.net>

To: benerofe arthur <mega4333 at att.net>; hampton liz <bhampton08 at comcast.net>; gould susan <suegould1000 at yahoo.com>; harris helena harrishelena <helenaharris9 at aol.com>; lipkin gladys lipkin <gladnat224 at aol.com>; lippman myrna lippman <mlipdec21 at aol.com>; locke harriet <hlocke822 at aol.com>; marks anne marks <AnneVictorC at aol.com>; minix ellen <ellenminix at verizon.net>; rindner anita <awr328 at aim.com>; schorr paul <p.schorr at hillcrestradiology.com>; schorr perry schorrperry <PSS1057 at AOL.COM>; schorremmy <ebs32 at georgetown.edu>; shames loretta shamesloretta <lorshames at comcast.net>; sherman marlene <marmil18 at hotmail.com>; silvers shirley SILVERS <SIDANDSHIRL at AOL.COM>; silverstein joy silversteinjoy <BOCANANAJOY at AOL.COM>; slater edie slater <edithsltr at yahoo.com>; steckler les <poppyles at comcast.net>; stone joan STONE <SHAKEHEAD2 at AOL.COM>

Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 8:46:45 PM

Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

Begin forwarded message:

From: <oraz at mindspring.com>

Date: September 1, 2008 7:28:49 PM EDT

To: "Tonijo" <TONIJO7 at aol.com>, "Sheilah7886 at aol. com" <Sheilah7886 at aol.com>, "sandy" <sfriedman at petersan.com>, "ovie" <oved.lourie at citrix.com>, "Nakadai at Mindspring. Com" <nakadai at mindspring.com>, "margie" <gmargie at mindspring.com>, "Lori Jacobs" <word1 at aol.com>, "Karen Fable" <karentamara at comcast.net>, "Jonathan Stein" <jonstein at bellsouth.net>, "Jess boddy" <jesscarmel at msn.com>, "Diana at Dianacowa n. Com" <diana at dianacowan.com>, "David Zadikoff" <dzadikoff at cmcichicago.com>, "cyn thia buck" <cbuck at carolina.rr.com>, "bob" <robinj1 at mindspring.com>, "barbara schorr" <pikbar at comcast.net>

Subject: FW: Sarah Palin




from a college classmate of mine who lives in Alaska

Elizabeth M. Schneider

Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law

Brooklyn Law School

250 Joralemon St.

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

718.780.7988 (ph)

718.780.0376 (fax)

liz.schneider at brooklaw.edu

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor of Law

Columbia Law School

212.854.8079 (ph)

eschne at law.columbia.edu


From:?bmc1968 at googlegroups.com?[bmc1968 at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

jacsiegel at mac.com?[jacsiegel at mac.com]

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

To: BMC1968

Subject: [BMC1968] John McCain's VP nominee

Dear classmates -

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on

Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I

know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that

he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in

the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life

time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow

indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and

bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial

hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars

that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school

system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the

country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,

but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are

many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is

appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial

hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to

informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet

the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The

only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has

consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power

plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home

town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will

unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy

its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,

a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education

level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and

other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put

Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.

These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the

serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as

they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears

and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the

wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.

She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't

like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's

performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal

firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't

close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin

isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues

that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable

if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics

(admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs,

knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment,

health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads

of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in

the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John

McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that

the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and

possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate

as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try

to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her

today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and

Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she

did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a

worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you

think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine

her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To

those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of

Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified

McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I

guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the

poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.

While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is

obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,

a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and

unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.

I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to

live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.

Jackie S.


It's only a deal if it's where?you?want to go. Find your travel deal?here.

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Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

--Forwarded Message Attachment--

From: ROSLYN833 at aol.com

Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 20:12:18 -0400

Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin

To: RGoody2 at aol.com; Ekg17j at aol.com; ela88 at webtv.net; Frsamuels123 at aol.com; suejim1191 at sbcglobal.net; lenrett at msn.com; Phylrodman at aol.com



From: suegould1000 at yahoo.com

To: voloshin at webtv.net, roslyn833 at aol.com, shepark2 at yahoo.com, suznorm at optonline.net, Kknitbirdd at aol.com, dbass2 at optonline.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, gwen3561 at aol.com, irwingo at aol.com, rick51189 at aol.com, coffeesip at aol.com, nancygb at aol.com

Sent: 9/2/2008 8:24:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Subj: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin




----- Forwarded Message ----

From: schorr barbara <pikbar at comcast.net>

To: benerofe arthur <mega4333 at att.net>; hampton liz <bhampton08 at comcast.net>; gould susan <suegould1000 at yahoo.com>; harris helena harrishelena <helenaharris9 at aol.com>; lipkin gladys lipkin <gladnat224 at aol.com>; lippman myrna lippman <mlipdec21 at aol.com>; locke harriet <hlocke822 at aol.com>; marks anne marks <AnneVictorC at aol.com>; minix ellen <ellenminix at verizon.net>; rindner anita <awr328 at aim.com>; schorr paul <p.schorr at hillcrestradiology.com>; schorr perry schorrperry <PSS1057 at AOL.COM>; schorremmy <ebs32 at georgetown.edu>; shames loretta shamesloretta <lorshames at comcast.net>; sherman marlene <marmil18 at hotmail.com>; silvers shirley SILVERS <SIDANDSHIRL at AOL.COM>; silverstein joy silversteinjoy <BOCANANAJOY at AOL.COM>; slater edie slater <edithsltr at yahoo.com>; steckler les <poppyles at comcast.net>; stone joan STONE <SHAKEHEAD2 at AOL.COM>

Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 8:46:45 PM

Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

Begin forwarded message:

From: <oraz at mindspring.com>

Date: September 1, 2008 7:28:49 PM EDT

To: "Tonijo" <TONIJO7 at aol.com>, "Sheilah7886 at aol. com" <Sheilah7886 at aol.com>, "sandy" <sfriedman at petersan.com>, "ovie" <oved.lourie at citrix.com>, "Nakadai at Mindspring. Com" <nakadai at mindspring.com>, "margie" <gmargie at mindspring.com>, "Lori Jacobs" <word1 at aol.com>, "Karen Fable" <karentamara at comcast.net>, "Jonathan Stein" <jonstein at bellsouth.net>, "Jess boddy" <jesscarmel at msn.com>, "Diana at Dianacowan. Com" <diana at dianacowan.com>, "David Zadikoff" <dzadikoff at cmcichicago.com>, "cyn thia buck" <cbuck at carolina.rr.com>, "bob" <robinj1 at mindspring.com>, "barbara schorr" <pikbar at comcast.net>

Subject: FW: Sarah Palin




from a college classmate of mine who lives in Alaska

Elizabeth M. Schneider

Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law

Brooklyn Law School

250 Joralemon St.

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

718.780.7988 (ph)

718.780.0376 (fax)

liz.schneider at brooklaw.edu

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor of Law

Columbia Law School

212.854.8079 (ph)

eschne at law.columbia.edu


From:?bmc1968 at googlegroups.com?[bmc1968 at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

jacsiegel at mac.com?[jacsiegel at mac.com]

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

To: BMC1968

Subject: [BMC1968] John McCain's VP nominee

Dear classmates -

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on

Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I

know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that

he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in

the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life

time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow

indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and

bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial

hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars

that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school

system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the

country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,

but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are

many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is

appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial

hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to

informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet

the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The

only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has

consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power

plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home

town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will

unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy

its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,

a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education

level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and

other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put

Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.

These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the

serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as

they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears

and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the

wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.

She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't

like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's

performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal

firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't

close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin

isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues

that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable

if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics

(admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs,

knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment,

health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads

of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in

the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John

McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that

the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and

possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate

as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try

to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her

today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and

Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she

did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a

worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you

think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine

her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To

those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of

Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified

McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I

guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the

poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.

While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is

obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,

a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and

unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.

I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to

live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.

Jackie S.


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Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

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Attached Message


ROSLYN833 at aol.com


RGoody2 at aol.com; Ekg17j at aol.com; ela88 at webtv.net; Frsamuels123 at aol.com; suejim1191 at sbcglobal.net; lenrett at msn.com; Phylrodman at aol.com


Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin


Tue, 2 Sep 2008 20:12:18 EDT



From: suegould1000 at yahoo.com

To: voloshin at webtv.net, roslyn833 at aol.com, shepark2 at yahoo.com, suznorm at optonline.net, Kknitbirdd at aol.com, dbass2 at optonline.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, gwen3561 at aol.com, irwingo at aol.com, rick51189 at aol.com, coffeesip at aol.com, nancygb at aol.com

Sent: 9/2/2008 8:24:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Subj: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin




----- Forwarded Message ----

From: schorr barbara <pikbar at comcast.net>

To: benerofe arthur <mega4333 at att.net>; hampton liz <bhampton08 at comcast.net>; gould susan <suegould1000 at yahoo.com>; harris helena harrishelena <helenaharris9 at aol.com>; lipkin gladys lipkin <gladnat224 at aol.com>; lippman myrna lippman <mlipdec21 at aol.com>; locke harriet <hlocke822 at aol.com>; marks anne marks <AnneVictorC at aol.com>; minix ellen <ellenminix at verizon.net>; rindner anita <awr328 at aim.com>; schorr paul <p.schorr at hillcrestradiology.com>; schorr perry schorrperry <PSS1057 at AOL.COM>; schorremmy <ebs32 at georgetown.edu>; shames loretta shamesloretta <lorshames at comcast.net>; sherman marlene <marmil18 at hotmail.com>; silvers shirley SILVERS <SIDANDSHIRL at AOL.COM>; silverstein joy silversteinjoy <BOCANANAJOY at AOL.COM>; slater edie slater <edithsltr at yahoo.com>; steckler les <poppyles at comcast.net>; stone joan STONE <SHAKEHEAD2 at AOL.COM>

Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 8:46:45 PM

Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

Begin forwarded message:

From: <oraz at mindspring.com>

Date: September 1, 2008 7:28:49 PM EDT

To: "Tonijo" <TONIJO7 at aol.com>, "Sheilah7886 at aol. com" <Sheilah7886 at aol.com>, "sandy" <sfriedman at petersan.com>, "ovie" <oved.lourie at citrix.com>, "Nakadai at Mindspring. Com" <nakadai at mindspring.com>, "margie" <gmargie at mindspring.com>, "Lori Jacobs" <word1 at aol.com>, "Karen Fable" <karentamara at comcast.net>, "Jonathan Stein" <jonstein at bellsouth.net>, "Jess boddy" <jesscarmel at msn.com>, "Diana at Dianacowan. Com" <diana at dianacowan.com>, "David Zadikoff" <dzadikoff at cmcichicago.com>, "cyn thia buck" <cbuck at carolina.rr.com>, "bob" <robinj1 at mindspring.com>, "barbara schorr" <pikbar at comcast.net>

Subject: FW: Sarah Palin




from a college classmate of mine who lives in Alaska

Elizabeth M. Schneider

Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law

Brooklyn Law School

250 Joralemon St.

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

718.780.7988 (ph)

718.780.0376 (fax)

liz.schneider at brooklaw.edu

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor of Law

Columbia Law School

212.854.8079 (ph)

eschne at law.columbia.edu


From:?bmc1968 at googlegroups.com?[bmc1968 at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

jacsiegel at mac.com?[jacsiegel at mac.com]

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

To: BMC1968

Subject: [BMC1968] John McCain's VP nominee

Dear classmates -

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on

Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I

know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that

he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in

the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life

time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow

indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and

bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial

hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars

that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school

system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the

country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,

but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are

many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is

appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial

hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to

informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet

the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The

only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has

consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power

plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home

town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will

unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy

its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,

a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education

level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and

other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put

Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.

These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the

serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as

they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears

and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the

wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.

She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't

like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's

performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal

firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't

close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin

isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues

that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable

if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics

(admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs,

knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment,

health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads

of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in

the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John

McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that

the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and

possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate

as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try

to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her

today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and

Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she

did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a

worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you

think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine

her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To

those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of

Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified

McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I

guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the

poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.

While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is

obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,

a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and

unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.

I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to

live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.

Jackie S.


It's only a deal if it's where?you?want to go. Find your travel deal?here.

Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

Attached Message


Donna Michaels <dlm10j at yahoo.com>


Kelly Taylor <kelly.taylor at tiffany.com>; jad26bia at optonline.net; Caroline Johnson <carolini225 at yahoo.com>; rona kaye <ronakaye at aol.com>; s_b_kane at yahoo.com; SallyGnz at aol.com; Sandra Jaffa <sjaffa at chicagomag.com>; Randie Rice <rfr16 at hotmail.com>; susan metz <smetz22 at aol.com>; Loren Smith <lsmith at newmex.com>; fnyari at aol.com; Audrey Sussman <audreyellen at comcast.net>


Sarah Palin


Wed, 3 Sep 2008 13:09:55 -0700 (PDT)




----- Forwarded Message ----

From: "Ekg17j at aol.com" <Ekg17j at aol.com>

To: HappyHara at aol.com; alexis at hoplitecapital.com; CARINGREEN at aol.com; e65st at usa.net; brynaweiss at gmail.com; buffaloirv at cox.net; lyricamy at mindspring.com; AnnaBurton at mac.com; bigdogjen at charter.net; chazmere at optonline.net; DAVERAVE at aol.com; jedavis32 at gmail.com; smdavis101 at gmail.com; deborahburton at compuserve.com; bundick at verizon.net; dlm10j at yahoo.com; edith0724 at verizon.net; SFraidin at aol.com; francinek at eloan.com; lgedit at sbcglobal.net; HindaGon at aol.com; NancyADV at aol.com; GREGHYMAN at aol.com; Nhibooks at aol.com; AHunter166 at aol.com; jfeurring at hotmail.com; Jodesignsit at aol.com; KathrynJKates at aol.com; aksales1234 at optonline.net; stephenkussack at gmail.com; valowell2 at aol.com; maryround at earthlink.net; RKovner at NYC.RR.com; hildarolfe at verizon.net; Sandy Teger <sandy at system-dynamics.com>; carolstix at gmail.com; Suzfeit at aol.com; tompatodonnell at hotmail.com; mlusdans at maxwell.syr.edu; Valleamalfi at aol.com; waks at comcast.net

Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 9:24:55 PM

Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin

In a message dated 9/2/2008 8:12:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, ROSLYN833 writes:

that Palin


It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

-----Inline Message Follows-----



From: suegould1000 at yahoo.com

To: voloshin at webtv.net, roslyn833 at aol.com, shepark2 at yahoo.com, suznorm at optonline.net, Kknitbirdd at aol.com, dbass2 at optonline.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, gwen3561 at aol.com, irwingo at aol.com, rick51189 at aol.com, coffeesip at aol.com, nancygb at aol.com

Sent: 9/2/2008 8:24:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Subj: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin




----- Forwarded Message ----

From: schorr barbara <pikbar at comcast.net>

To: benerofe arthur <mega4333 at att.net>; hampton liz <bhampton08 at comcast.net>; gould susan <suegould1000 at yahoo.com>; harris helena harrishelena <helenaharris9 at aol.com>; lipkin gladys lipkin <gladnat224 at aol.com>; lippman myrna lippman <mlipdec21 at aol.com>; locke harriet <hlocke822 at aol.com>; marks anne marks <AnneVictorC at aol.com>; minix ellen <ellenminix at verizon.net>; rindner anita <awr328 at aim.com>; schorr paul <p.schorr at hillcrestradiology.com>; schorr perry schorrperry <PSS1057 at AOL.COM>; schorremmy <ebs32 at georgetown.edu>; shames loretta shamesloretta <lorshames at comcast.net>; sherman marlene <marmil18 at hotmail.com>; silvers shirley SILVERS <SIDANDSHIRL at AOL.COM>; silverstein joy silversteinjoy <BOCANANAJOY at AOL.COM>; slater edie slater <edithsltr at yahoo.com>; steckler les <poppyles at comcast.net>; stone joan STONE <SHAKEHEAD2 at AOL.COM>

Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 8:46:45 PM

Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

Begin forwarded message:

From: <oraz at mindspring.com>

Date: September 1, 2008 7:28:49 PM EDT

To: "Tonijo" <TONIJO7 at aol.com>, "Sheilah7886 at aol. com" <Sheilah7886 at aol.com>, "sandy" <sfriedman at petersan.com>, "ovie" <oved.lourie at citrix.com>, "Nakadai at Mindspring. Com" <nakadai at mindspring.com>, "margie" <gmargie at mindspring.com>, "Lori Jacobs" <word1 at aol.com>, "Karen Fable" <karentamara at comcast.net>, "Jonathan Stein" <jonstein at bellsouth.net>, "Jess boddy" <jesscarmel at msn.com>, "Diana at Dianacowa n. Com" <diana at dianacowan.com>, "David Zadikoff" <dzadikoff at cmcichicago.com>, "cyn thia buck" <cbuck at carolina.rr.com>, "bob" <robinj1 at mindspring.com>, "barbara schorr" <pikbar at comcast.net>

Subject: FW: Sarah Palin




from a college classmate of mine who lives in Alaska

Elizabeth M. Schneider

Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law

Brooklyn Law School

250 Joralemon St.

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

718.780.7988 (ph)

718.780.0376 (fax)

liz.schneider at brooklaw.edu

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor of Law

Columbia Law School

212.854.8079 (ph)

eschne at law.columbia.edu


From:?bmc1968 at googlegroups.com?[bmc1968 at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

jacsiegel at mac.com?[jacsiegel at mac.com]

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

To: BMC1968

Subject: [BMC1968] John McCain's VP nominee

Dear classmates -

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on

Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I

know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that

he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in

the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life

time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow

indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and

bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial

hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars

that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school

system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the

country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,

but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are

many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is

appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial

hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to

informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet

the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The

only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has

consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power

plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home

town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will

unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy

its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,

a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education

level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and

other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put

Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.

These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the

serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as

they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears

and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the

wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.

She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't

like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's

performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal

firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't

close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin

isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues

that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable

if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics

(admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs,

knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment,

health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads

of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in

the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John

McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that

the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and

possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate

as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try

to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her

today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and

Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she

did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a

worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you

think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine

her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To

those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of

Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified

McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I

guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the

poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.

While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is

obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,

a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and

unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.

I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to

live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.

Jackie S.


It's only a deal if it's where?you?want to go. Find your travel deal?here.

Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.



From: suegould1000 at yahoo.com

To: voloshin at webtv.net, roslyn833 at aol.com, shepark2 at yahoo.com, suznorm at optonline.net, Kknitbirdd at aol.com, dbass2 at optonline.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, gwen3561 at aol.com, irwingo at aol.com, rick51189 at aol.com, coffeesip at aol.com, nancygb at aol.com

Sent: 9/2/2008 8:24:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Subj: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin




----- Forwarded Message ----

From: schorr barbara <pikbar at comcast.net>

To: benerofe arthur <mega4333 at att.net>; hampton liz <bhampton08 at comcast.net>; gould susan <suegould1000 at yahoo.com>; harris helena harrishelena <helenaharris9 at aol.com>; lipkin gladys lipkin <gladnat224 at aol.com>; lippman myrna lippman <mlipdec21 at aol.com>; locke harriet <hlocke822 at aol.com>; marks anne marks <AnneVictorC at aol.com>; minix ellen <ellenminix at verizon.net>; rindner anita <awr328 at aim.com>; schorr paul <p.schorr at hillcrestradiology.com>; schorr perry schorrperry <PSS1057 at AOL.COM>; schorremmy <ebs32 at georgetown.edu>; shames loretta shamesloretta <lorshames at comcast.net>; sherman marlene <marmil18 at hotmail.com>; silvers shirley SILVERS <SIDANDSHIRL at AOL.COM>; silverstein joy silversteinjoy <BOCANANAJOY at AOL.COM>; slater edie slater <edithsltr at yahoo.com>; steckler les <poppyles at comcast.net>; stone joan STONE <SHAKEHEAD2 at AOL.COM>

Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 8:46:45 PM

Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

Begin forwarded message:

From: <oraz at mindspring.com>

Date: September 1, 2008 7:28:49 PM EDT

To: "Tonijo" <TONIJO7 at aol.com>, "Sheilah7886 at aol. com" <Sheilah7886 at aol.com>, "sandy" <sfriedman at petersan.com>, "ovie" <oved.lourie at citrix.com>, "Nakadai at Mindspring. Com" <nakadai at mindspring.com>, "margie" <gmargie at mindspring.com>, "Lori Jacobs" <word1 at aol.com>, "Karen Fable" <karentamara at comcast.net>, "Jonathan Stein" <jonstein at bellsouth.net>, "Jess boddy" <jesscarmel at msn.com>, "Diana at Dianacowa n. Com" <diana at dianacowan.com>, "David Zadikoff" <dzadikoff at cmcichicago.com>, "cyn thia buck" <cbuck at carolina.rr.com>, "bob" <robinj1 at mindspring.com>, "barbara schorr" <pikbar at comcast.net>

Subject: FW: Sarah Palin




from a college classmate of mine who lives in Alaska

Elizabeth M. Schneider

Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law

Brooklyn Law School

250 Joralemon St.

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

718.780.7988 (ph)

718.780.0376 (fax)

liz.schneider at brooklaw.edu

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor of Law

Columbia Law School

212.854.8079 (ph)

eschne at law.columbia.edu


From:?bmc1968 at googlegroups.com?[bmc1968 at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

jacsiegel at mac.com?[jacsiegel at mac.com]

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

To: BMC1968

Subject: [BMC1968] John McCain's VP nominee

Dear classmates -

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on

Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I

know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that

he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in

the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life

time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow

indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and

bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial

hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars

that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school

system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the

country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,

but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are

many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is

appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial

hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to

informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet

the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The

only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has

consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power

plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home

town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will

unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy

its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,

a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education

level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and

other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put

Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.

These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the

serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as

they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears

and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the

wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.

She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't

like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's

performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal

firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't

close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin

isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues

that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable

if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics

(admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs,

knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment,

health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads

of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in

the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John

McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that

the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and

possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate

as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try

to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her

today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and

Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she

did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a

worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you

think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine

her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To

those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of

Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified

McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I

guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the

poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.

While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is

obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,

a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and

unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.

I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to

live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.

Jackie S.


It's only a deal if it's where?you?want to go. Find your travel deal?here.

Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

Attached Message


ROSLYN833 at aol.com


RGoody2 at aol.com; Ekg17j at aol.com; ela88 at webtv.net; Frsamuels123 at aol.com; suejim1191 at sbcglobal.net; lenrett at msn.com; Phylrodman at aol.com


Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin


Tue, 2 Sep 2008 20:12:18 EDT

Attached Message


ROSLYN833 at aol.com


RGoody2 at aol.com; Ekg17j at aol.com; ela88 at webtv.net; Frsamuels123 at aol.com; suejim1191 at sbcglobal.net; lenrett at msn.com; Phylrodman at aol.com


Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin


Tue, 2 Sep 2008 20:12:18 -0400

Attached Message


caroline johnson <carolini225 at yahoo.com>


desiree ventra <dizdezi at yahoo.com>


judy <jlwbluesky at aol.com>


Fwd: Sarah Palin


Wed, 3 Sep 2008 13:46:53 -0700

Note: forwarded message attached.

Attached Message


Donna Michaels <dlm10j at yahoo.com>


Kelly Taylor <kelly.taylor at tiffany.com>; jad26bia at optonline.net; Caroline Johnson <carolini225 at yahoo.com>; rona kaye <ronakaye at aol.com>; s_b_kane at yahoo.com; SallyGnz at aol.com; Sandra Jaffa <sjaffa at chicagomag.com>; Randie Rice <rfr16 at hotmail.com>; susan metz <smetz22 at aol.com>; Loren Smith <lsmith at newmex.com>; fnyari at aol.com; Audrey Sussman <audreyellen at comcast.net>


Sarah Palin


Wed, 3 Sep 2008 13:09:55 -0700


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Ekg17j at aol.com" <Ekg17j at aol.com>
To: HappyHara at aol.com; alexis at hoplitecapital.com; CARINGREEN at aol.com; 
e65st at usa.net; brynaweiss at gmail.com; buffaloirv at cox.net; lyricamy at mindspring.com; 
AnnaBurton at mac.com; bigdogjen at charter.net; chazmere at optonline.net; 
DAVERAVE at aol.com; jedavis32 at gmail.com; smdavis101 at gmail.com; 
deborahburton at compuserve.com; bundick at verizon.net; dlm10j at yahoo.com; 
edith0724 at verizon.net; SFraidin at aol.com; francinek at eloan.com; 
lgedit at sbcglobal.net; HindaGon at aol.com; NancyADV at aol.com; GREGHYMAN at aol.com; 
Nhibooks at aol.com; AHunter166 at aol.com; jfeurring at hotmail.com; 
Jodesignsit at aol.com; KathrynJKates at aol.com; aksales1234 at optonline.net; 
stephenkussack at gmail.com; valowell2 at aol.com; maryround at earthlink.net; 
RKovner at NYC.RR.com; hildarolfe at verizon.net; Sandy Teger <sandy at system-dynamics.com>; 
carolstix at gmail.com; Suzfeit at aol.com; tompatodonnell at hotmail.com; 
mlusdans at maxwell.syr.edu; Valleamalfi at aol.com; waks at comcast.net
Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 9:24:55 PM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin

In a message dated 9/2/2008 8:12:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, ROSLYN833 
that Palin

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

-----Inline Message Follows-----

From: suegould1000 at yahoo.com
To: voloshin at webtv.net, roslyn833 at aol.com, shepark2 at yahoo.com, 
suznorm at optonline.net, Kknitbirdd at aol.com, dbass2 at optonline.net, 
goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, gwen3561 at aol.com, 
irwingo at aol.com, rick51189 at aol.com, coffeesip at aol.com, nancygb at aol.com
Sent: 9/2/2008 8:24:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: schorr barbara <pikbar at comcast.net>
To: benerofe arthur <mega4333 at att.net>; hampton liz <bhampton08 at comcast.net>; 
gould susan <suegould1000 at yahoo.com>; harris helena harrishelena 
<helenaharris9 at aol.com>; lipkin gladys lipkin <gladnat224 at aol.c

om>; lippman 
myrna lippman <mlipdec21 at aol.com>; locke harriet <hlocke822 at aol.com>; marks anne 
marks <AnneVictorC at aol.com>; minix ellen <ellenminix at verizon.net>; rindner anita 
<awr328 at aim.com>; schorr paul <p.schorr at hillcrestradiology.com>; schorr perry 
schorrperry <PSS1057 at AOL.COM>; schorremmy <ebs32 at georgetown.edu>; shames loretta 
shamesloretta <lorshames at comcast.net>; sherman marlene <marmil18 at hotmail.com>; 
silvers shirley SILVERS <SIDANDSHIRL at AOL.COM>; silverstein joy silversteinjoy 
<BOCANANAJOY at AOL.COM>; slater edie slater <edithsltr at yahoo.com>; steckler les 
<poppyles at comcast.net>; stone joan STONE <SHAKEHEAD2 at AOL.COM>
Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 8:46:45 PM
Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

Begin forwarded message:

From: <oraz at mindspring.com>
Date: September 1, 2008 7:28:49 PM EDT
To: "Tonijo" <TONIJO7 at aol.com>, "Sheilah7886 at aol. com" <Sheilah7886 at aol.com>, 
"sandy" <sfriedman at petersan.com>, "ovie" <oved.lourie at citrix.com>, 
"Nakadai at Mindspring. Com" <nakadai at mindspring.com>, "margie" 
<gmargie at mindspring.com>, "Lori Jacobs" <word1 at aol.com>, "Karen Fable" 
<karentamara at comcast.net>, "Jonathan Stein" <jonstein at bellsouth.net>, "Jess 
boddy" <jesscarmel at msn.com>, "Diana at Dianacowan. Com" <diana at dianacowan.com>, 
"David Zadikoff" <dzadikoff at cmcichicago.com>, "cyn thia buck" 
<cbuck at carolina.rr.com>, "bob" <robinj1 at mindspring.com>, "barbara schorr" 
<pikbar at comcast.net>
Subject: FW: Sarah Palin


from a college classmate of mine who lives in Alaska

Elizabeth M. Schneider

Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law

Brooklyn Law School

250 Joralemon St.

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

718.780.7988 (ph)

718.780.0376 (fax)

liz.schneider at brooklaw.edu

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor of Law

Columbia Law School

212.854.8079 (ph)

eschne at law.columbia.edu


From:?bmc1968 at googlegroups.com?[bmc1968 at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

jacsiegel at mac.com?[jacsiegel at mac.com]

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

To: BMC1968

Subject: [BMC1968] John McCain's VP nominee


classmates -

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on

Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I

know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that

he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in

the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life

time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow

indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and

bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial

hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars

that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school

system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the

country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,

but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are

many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is

appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial

hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to

informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet

the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The

only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has

consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power

plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home

town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will

unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy

its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,

a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education

level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and

other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put

Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'

m talking about.

These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the

serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as

they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears

and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the

wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.

She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't

like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's

performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal

firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't

close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin

isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues

that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable

if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics

(admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs,

knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment,

health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads

of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in

the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John

McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that

the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and

possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate

as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try

to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her

today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and

Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she

did not get the nomination, please don't think that 

Sarah Palin is a

worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you

think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine

her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To

those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of

Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified

McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I

guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the

poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.

While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is

obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,

a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and

unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.

I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to

live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.

Jackie S.


It's only a deal if it's where?you?want to go. Find your travel deal?here.

Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

From: suegould1000 at yahoo.com
To: voloshin at webtv.net, roslyn833 at aol.com, shepark2 at yahoo.com, 
suznorm at optonline.net, Kknitbirdd at aol.com, dbass2 at optonline.net, 
goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, gwen3561 at aol.com, 
irwingo at aol.com, rick51189 at aol.com, coffeesip at aol.com, nancygb at aol.com
Sent: 9/2/2008 8:24:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin



---- Forwarded Message ----
From: schorr barbara <pikbar at comcast.net>
To: benerofe arthur <mega4333 at att.net>; hampton liz <bhampton08 at comcast.net>; 
gould susan <suegould1000 at yahoo.com>; harris helena harrishelena 
<helenaharris9 at aol.com>; lipkin gladys lipkin <gladnat224 at aol.com>; lippman 
myrna lippman <mlipdec21 at aol.com>; locke harriet <hlocke822 at aol.com>; marks anne 
marks <AnneVictorC at aol.com>; minix ellen <ellenminix at verizon.net>; rindner anita 
<awr328 at aim.com>; schorr paul <p.schorr at hillcrestradiology.com>; schorr perry 
schorrperry <PSS1057 at AOL.COM>; schorremmy <ebs32 at georgetown.edu>; shames loretta 
shamesloretta <lorshames at comcast.net>; sherman marlene <marmil18 at hotmail.com>; 
silvers shirley SILVERS <SIDANDSHIRL at AOL.COM>; silverstein joy silversteinjoy 
<BOCANANAJOY at AOL.COM>; slater edie slater <edithsltr at yahoo.com>; steckler les 
<poppyles at comcast.net>; stone joan STONE <SHAKEHEAD2 at AOL.COM>
Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 8:46:45 PM
Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

Begin forwarded message:

From: <oraz at mindspring.com>
Date: September 1, 2008 7:28:49 PM EDT
To: "Tonijo" <TONIJO7 at aol.com>, "Sheilah7886 at aol. com" <Sheilah7886 at aol.com>, 
"sandy" <sfriedman at petersan.com>, "ovie" <oved.lourie at citrix.com>, 
"Nakadai at Mindspring. Com" <nakadai at mindspring.com>, "margie" 
<gmargie at mindspring.com>, "Lori Jacobs" <word1 at aol.com>, "Karen Fable" 
<karentamara at comcast.net>, "Jonathan Stein" <jonstein at bellsouth.net>, "Jess 
boddy" <jesscarmel at msn.com>, "Diana at Dianacowan. Com" <diana at dianacowan.com>, 
"David Zadikoff" <dzadikoff at cmcichicago.com>, "cyn thia buck" 
<cbuck at carolina.rr.com>, "bob" <robinj1 at mindspring.com>, "barbara schorr" 
<pikbar at comcast.net>
Subject: FW: Sarah Palin


from a college classmate of mine who lives in Alaska

Elizabeth M. Schneider

Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law

Brooklyn Law School

250 Joralemon St.

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

718.780.7988 (ph)

718.780.0376 (fax)

liz.schneider at brooklaw.edu

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor of Law

Columbia Law School

212.854.8079 (ph)


hne at law.columbia.edu


From:?bmc1968 at googlegroups.com?[bmc1968 at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

jacsiegel at mac.com?[jacsiegel at mac.com]

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

To: BMC1968

Subject: [BMC1968] John McCain's VP nominee

Dear classmates -

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on

Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I

know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that

he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in

the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life

time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow

indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and

bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial

hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars

that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school

system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the

country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,

but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are

many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is

appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial

hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to

informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet

the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The

only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has

consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power

plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home

town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will

unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy

its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,

a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average max

imum education

level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and

other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put

Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.

These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the

serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as

they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears

and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the

wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.

She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't

like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's

performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal

firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't

close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin

isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues

that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable

if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics

(admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs,

knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment,

health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads

of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in

the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John

McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that

the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and

possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate

as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try

to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. 

when McCain introduced her

today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and

Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she

did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a

worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you

think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine

her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To

those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of

Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified

McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I

guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the

poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.

While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is

obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,

a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and

unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.

I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to

live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.

Jackie S.


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----- Forwarded Message ----

From: "Ekg17j at aol.com" <Ekg17j at aol.com>

To: HappyHara at aol.com; alexis at hoplitecapital.com; CARINGREEN at aol.com; e65st at usa.net; brynaweiss at gmail.com; buffaloirv at cox.net; lyricamy at mindspring.com; AnnaBurton at mac.com; bigdogjen at charter.net; chazmere at optonline.net; DAVERAVE at aol.com; jedavis32 at gmail.com; smdavis101 at gmail.com; deborahburton at compuserve.com; bundick at verizon.net; dlm10j at yahoo.com; edith0724 at verizon.net; SFraidin at aol.com; francinek at eloan.com; lgedit at sbcglobal.net; HindaGon at aol.com; NancyADV at aol.com; GREGHYMAN at aol.com; Nhibooks at aol.com; AHunter166 at aol.com; jfeurring at hotmail.com; Jodesignsit at aol.com; KathrynJKates at aol.com; aksales1234 at optonline.net; stephenkussack at gmail.com; valowell2 at aol.com; maryround at earthlink.net; RKovner at NYC.RR.com; hildarolfe at verizon.net; Sandy Teger <sandy at system-dynamics.com>; carolstix at gmail.com; Suzfeit at aol.com; tompatodonnell at hotmail.com; mlusdans at maxwell.syr.edu; Valleamalfi at aol.com; waks at comcast.net

Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 9:24:55 PM

Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin

In a message dated 9/2/2008 8:12:18 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, ROSLYN833 writes:

that Palin


It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.

-----Inline Message Follows-----



From: suegould1000 at yahoo.com

To: voloshin at webtv.net, roslyn833 at aol.com, shepark2 at yahoo.com, suznorm at optonline.net, Kknitbirdd at aol.com, dbass2 at optonline.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, gwen3561 at aol.com, irwingo at aol.com, rick51189 at aol.com, coffeesip at aol.com, nancygb at aol.com

Sent: 9/2/2008 8:24:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Subj: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin




----- Forwarded Message ----

From: schorr barbara <pikbar at comcast.net>

To: benerofe arthur <mega4333 at att.net>; hampton liz <bhampton08 at comcast.net>; gould susan <suegould1000 at yahoo.com>; harris helena harrishelena <helenaharris9 at aol.com>; lipkin gladys lipkin <gladnat224 at aol.com>; lippman myrna lippman <mlipdec21 at aol.com>; locke harriet <hlocke822 at aol.com>; marks anne marks <AnneVictorC at aol.com>; minix ellen <ellenminix at verizon.net>; rindner anita <awr328 at aim.com>; schorr paul <p.schorr at hillcrestradiology.com>; schorr perry schorrperry <PSS1057 at AOL.COM>; schorremmy <ebs32 at georgetown.edu>; shames loretta shamesloretta <lorshames at comcast.net>; sherman marlene <marmil18 at hotmail.com>; silvers shirley SILVERS <SIDANDSHIRL at AOL.COM>; silverstein joy silversteinjoy <BOCANANAJOY at AOL.COM>; slater edie slater <edithsltr at yahoo.com>; steckler les <poppyles at comcast.net>; stone joan STONE <SHAKEHEAD2 at AOL.COM>

Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 8:46:45 PM

Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

Begin forwarded message:

From: <oraz at mindspring.com>

Date: September 1, 2008 7:28:49 PM EDT

To: "Tonijo" <TONIJO7 at aol.com>, "Sheilah7886 at aol. com" <Sheilah7886 at aol.com>, "sandy" <sfriedman at petersan.com>, "ovie" <oved.lourie at citrix.com>, "Nakadai at Mindspring. Com" <nakadai at mindspring.com>, "margie" <gmargie at mindspring.com>, "Lori Jacobs" <word1 at aol.com>, "Karen Fable" <karentamara at comcast.net>, "Jonathan Stein" <jonstein at bellsouth.net>, "Jess boddy" <jesscarmel at msn.com>, "Diana at Dianacowa n. Com" <diana at dianacowan.com>, "David Zadikoff" <dzadikoff at cmcichicago.com>, "cyn thia buck" <cbuck at carolina.rr.com>, "bob" <robinj1 at mindspring.com>, "barbara schorr" <pikbar at comcast.net>

Subject: FW: Sarah Palin




from a college classmate of mine who lives in Alaska

Elizabeth M. Schneider

Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law

Brooklyn Law School

250 Joralemon St.

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

718.780.7988 (ph)

718.780.0376 (fax)

liz.schneider at brooklaw.edu

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor of Law

Columbia Law School

212.854.8079 (ph)

eschne at law.columbia.edu


From:?bmc1968 at googlegroups.com?[bmc1968 at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

jacsiegel at mac.com?[jacsiegel at mac.com]

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

To: BMC1968

Subject: [BMC1968] John McCain's VP nominee

Dear classmates -

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on

Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I

know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that

he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in

the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life

time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow

indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and

bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial

hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars

that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school

system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the

country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,

but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are

many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is

appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial

hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to

informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet

the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The

only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has

consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power

plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home

town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will

unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy

its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,

a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education

level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and

other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put

Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.

These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the

serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as

they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears

and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the

wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.

She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't

like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's

performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal

firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't

close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin

isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues

that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable

if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics

(admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs,

knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment,

health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads

of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in

the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John

McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that

the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and

possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate

as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try

to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her

today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and

Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she

did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a

worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you

think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine

her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To

those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of

Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified

McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I

guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the

poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.

While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is

obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,

a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and

unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.

I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to

live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.

Jackie S.


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Get the MapQuest Toolbar. Directions, Traffic, Gas Prices & More!

It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.



From: suegould1000 at yahoo.com

To: voloshin at webtv.net, roslyn833 at aol.com, shepark2 at yahoo.com, suznorm at optonline.net, Kknitbirdd at aol.com, dbass2 at optonline.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, goldstein_judy at bellsouth.net, gwen3561 at aol.com, irwingo at aol.com, rick51189 at aol.com, coffeesip at aol.com, nancygb at aol.com

Sent: 9/2/2008 8:24:57 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Subj: Fw: Fwd: Sarah Palin




----- Forwarded Message ----

From: schorr barbara <pikbar at comcast.net>

To: benerofe arthur <mega4333 at att.net>; hampton liz <bhampton08 at comcast.net>; gould susan <suegould1000 at yahoo.com>; harris helena harrishelena <helenaharris9 at aol.com>; lipkin gladys lipkin <gladnat224 at aol.com>; lippman myrna lippman <mlipdec21 at aol.com>; locke harriet <hlocke822 at aol.com>; marks anne marks <AnneVictorC at aol.com>; minix ellen <ellenminix at verizon.net>; rindner anita <awr328 at aim.com>; schorr paul <p.schorr at hillcrestradiology.com>; schorr perry schorrperry <PSS1057 at AOL.COM>; schorremmy <ebs32 at georgetown.edu>; shames loretta shamesloretta <lorshames at comcast.net>; sherman marlene <marmil18 at hotmail.com>; silvers shirley SILVERS <SIDANDSHIRL at AOL.COM>; silverstein joy silversteinjoy <BOCANANAJOY at AOL.COM>; slater edie slater <edithsltr at yahoo.com>; steckler les <poppyles at comcast.net>; stone joan STONE <SHAKEHEAD2 at AOL.COM>

Sent: Monday, September 1, 2008 8:46:45 PM

Subject: Fwd: Sarah Palin

Begin forwarded message:

From: <oraz at mindspring.com>

Date: September 1, 2008 7:28:49 PM EDT

To: "Tonijo" <TONIJO7 at aol.com>, "Sheilah7886 at aol. com" <Sheilah7886 at aol.com>, "sandy" <sfriedman at petersan.com>, "ovie" <oved.lourie at citrix.com>, "Nakadai at Mindspring. Com" <nakadai at mindspring.com>, "margie" <gmargie at mindspring.com>, "Lori Jacobs" <word1 at aol.com>, "Karen Fable" <karentamara at comcast.net>, "Jonathan Stein" <jonstein at bellsouth.net>, "Jess boddy" <jesscarmel at msn.com>, "Diana at Dianacowa n. Com" <diana at dianacowan.com>, "David Zadikoff" <dzadikoff at cmcichicago.com>, "cyn thia buck" <cbuck at carolina.rr.com>, "bob" <robinj1 at mindspring.com>, "barbara schorr" <pikbar at comcast.net>

Subject: FW: Sarah Palin




from a college classmate of mine who lives in Alaska

Elizabeth M. Schneider

Rose L. Hoffer Professor of Law

Brooklyn Law School

250 Joralemon St.

Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

718.780.7988 (ph)

718.780.0376 (fax)

liz.schneider at brooklaw.edu

Fall 2008

Visiting Professor of Law

Columbia Law School

212.854.8079 (ph)

eschne at law.columbia.edu


From:?bmc1968 at googlegroups.com?[bmc1968 at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of

jacsiegel at mac.com?[jacsiegel at mac.com]

Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

To: BMC1968

Subject: [BMC1968] John McCain's VP nominee

Dear classmates -

As an Alaskan, I am writing to give all of you some information on

Sarah Palin, Senator McCain's choice for VP. As an Alaska voter, I

know more than most of you about her and, frankly, I am horrified that

he picked her.

The most accurate description of her is red neck. Her husband works in

the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay and races snow mobiles. She is a life

time member of the NRA and has worked tirelessly to allow

indiscriminate hunting of wildlife in Alaska, particularly wolves and

bears. She has spent millions of Alaska state dollars on aerial

hunting of these predators from helicopters and airplanes, dollars

that should have been spent, for example, on Alaska's failing school

system.We have the lowest rate of high school graduation in the

country. Not all of you may think aerial predator hunting is so bad,

but how anyone (other than Alaska wolf-haters, of which there are

many, most without teeth), could think this use of funds is

appropriate is beyond me. If you want to know more about the aerial

hunting travesty, let me know and I will send some links to

informative web sites.

She has been a strong supporter of increased use of fossil fuels, yet

the McCain campaign has the nerve to say she has "green" policies. The

only thing green about Sarah Palin is her lack of experience. She has

consistently supported drilling in ANWR, use of coal-burning power

plants (as I write this, a new coal plant is being built in her home

town of Wasilla), strip mining, and almost anything else that will

unnecessarily exploit the diminishing resources of Alaska and destroy

its environment.

Prior to her one year as governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla,

a small red neck town outside Anchorage.The average maximum education

level of parents of junior high school kids in Wasilla is 10th grade.

Unfortunately, I have to go to Wasilla every week to get groceries and

other supplies, so I have continual contact with the people who put

Palin in office in the first place. I know what I'm talking about.

These people don't have a concept of the world around them or of the

serious issues facing the US. Furthermore, they don't care. So long as

they can go out and hunt their moose every fall, kill wolves and bears

and drive their snow mobiles and ATVs through every corner of the

wilderness, they're happy. I wish I were exaggerating.

Sarah Palin is currently involved in a political corruption scandal.

She fired an individual in law enforcement here because she didn't

like how he treated one of her relatives during a divorce. The man's

performance and ability weren't considered; it was a totally personal

firing and is currently under investigation. While the issue isn't

close to the scandal of Ted Steven's corruption, it shows that Palin

isn't "squeaky clean" and causes me to think there ay be more issues

that could come to light. Clearly McCain doesn't care.

When you line Palin up with Biden, the comparison would be laughable

if it weren't so serious. Sarah Palin knows nothing of economics

(admittedly a weak area for McCain), or of international affairs,

knows nothing of national government, Social Security, unemployment,

health care systems - you name it. The idea of her meeting with heads

of foreign governments around the world truly frightens me.

In an increasingly dangerous world, with the economy in shambles in

the US, Sarah Palin is uniquely UNqualified to be vice president. John

McCain is not a young man. Should something happen to him such that

the vice president had to step in, it would destroy our country and

possibly the world to have someone as inexperienced and inappropriate

as Sarah Palin. The choice of Palin is a cheap shot by McCain to try

to get Hillary supporters to vote for him. when McCain introduced her

today, Palin had the nerve to compare herself with Hillary and

Geraldine Ferraro. Sarah Palin, you are no Hillary Clinton.

To those of you who, like me, supported Hilary and were upset that she

did not get the nomination, please don't think that Sarah Palin is a

worthy substitute. If you supported Hillary, regardless of what you

think the media and the democratic party may have done to undermine

her campaign, the person to support now is Obama, not Sarah Palin. To

those of you who are independent or undecided, don't let the choice of

Palin sway you in favor of McCain. Choosing her shows how unqualified

McCain is to be president. To those of you who are conservative, I

guess you have no choice for president. But please try to see how the

poor choice of Palin tells us a great deal about McCain's judgment.

While the political posturing inherent in the choice of Palin is

obvious, the more serious issue is the fact that the VP is, literally,

a heartbeat away from the presidency. Sarah Palin is totally and

unequivocally unqualified to be vice president, let alone president.

I know this is a lengthy and emotional email, but the stakes are high.

I thought it might help for all of you, regardless of political

affiliation, to know something about Palin from someone who has to

live with her administration in Alaska on a daily basis.

Jackie S.


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