[Dialogue] IKE

Tim Wegner twegner at swbell.net
Fri Sep 12 20:24:44 EDT 2008

Pat wrote:

> Here´s hoping our Texas and Louisiana colleagues and families have
> hunkered down somewhere safe. 

Sue and I are far from the mandatory evacuation zones and should be 
fine, we shall see. We have battened down the hatches and done all 
the normal hurricane preparations. We'll get the main force of the 
wind and rain around 6 or 7 am tomorrow. We shall see if the 
electricity service holds up.

Galveston and other areas on the gulf are already getting serious 
flooding and the hurricane hasn't even hit yet. My workplace (United 
Space Alliance) and NASA are in one of the mandatory evacuation 
areas. I am of course concerned how they do.


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