[Dialogue] FW: sad news

Sandra/Bob True icatrue at igc.org
Wed Feb 25 11:04:00 EST 2009

-----Original Message-----
From: Dharmalingam Vinasithamby [mailto:dvinasithamby at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 9:40 AM
To: A. M. Noel; Ann Epps; Bill Staples; Bob/Sandra True; Brian Griffith;
Christina Welty; Christina Welty; David Dunn; Don Hinkelman; Don and Claudia
Kramer; Doris or Charles Hahn; Ed Shinn; Jack Gilles; Jean Long; Larry
Philbrook; Lawrence Philbrook; mike.shaw at mindspring.com; Ronnie Seagren;
Stefan Polanyk; Symond Kock; Tim Karpoff
Subject: sad news

Dear colleagues,

Just found out today that Desmond Balm died this afternoon. He had undergone
a kidney transplant a couple of days ago and seemed to be recovering. But
yesterday he was in a lot of pain and the doctors suspected problems with
the transplant. They were going to do surgery on him again today but he had
a massive heart attack and did not survive.

I spoke to Liz and his younger brother Allen. They expect to do the funeral
early next week as the hospital will be doing an autopsy first to find out
the cause of the complications.

Liz says she and Michelle (eldest daughter) spoke to him this morning before
he went into surgery. His other child is Francesca.

Liz's phone number is (89) 3777112 (Perth, Australia) and her email is
lizbalm at hotmail.com in case you want to speak or write to her. 




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