[Dialogue] [ustoptrainers] The Inauguration

Sheila LeGeros sheila.legeros at mac.com
Tue Jan 20 13:55:54 EST 2009

The crowd wildly waving American flags,
The energy coming through the television,
The gritting of Obama's jaw as pastors prayed for him,
Americans all pointed in the same direction!

On Jan 20, 2009, at 12:31 PM, James Wiegel wrote:

Words, phrases, images that struck you?

the sea of red all across the mall
Rick Warren, "united by a quest for freedom and justice, (not by  
religion, race, blood)
the poem about building edifices and having to clean them


Jim Wiegel

The essence of ultimate decision remains impenetrable to the observer  
- often, indeed, to the decider himself (...) There will always be the  
dark and tangled stretches in the decision-making process - mysterious  
even to those who may be intimately involved.   John F. Kennedy

401 North Beverly Way
Tolleson, Arizona 85353-2401
+1  623-936-8671
+1  623-363-3277
   jfwiegel at yahoo.com

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