[Dialogue] Fwd: Your message to Dialogue awaits moderator approval

Tim Wegner twegner at swbell.net
Tue Nov 17 17:23:02 CST 2009

Ruth wrote:

> I thought I was on the member list.

You weren't, but I added you to BOTH oe and dialogue, I didn't find 
you on either. If that is not what you want, let me know. OE has a 
lot less traffic than dialogue, but the lists, while overlapping, 
don't have the same members. You can stay sane if you can make your 
email program sort the messages to a foder so they don't clog your 

> I would also like you to add on a subject if you can. 

One of the other moderators (David Dunn?) beat me to this, so the 
message was posted with no subject. In any case, I don't think the 
system makes it possible for us to edit posts, though if happens 
again, we could reject the post and you could repost with a subject.

For the future, you should be able to post to the list, and you 
should get messages from the list.

Thanks for the update, we all care about you and  Ken and appreciate 
the updates.


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