[Dialogue] archives

Marge Philbrook msphilbrook at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 09:08:42 CST 2009

I'm having fun trying to figure out my plan for the archives.  I just
found this note in Joe's handwriting.
"1.  The social process is a complex dynamic that involves the
inter-relation of the Economic processes (which maintain basic
existence); the Political processes (which provides social existence);
and the Cultural processes (which enables rational or intentional
existence.  Because the social process is dynamical in nature, none of
these separate processes exists in itself.  Each is dependent on the
others.  Society is relationships, when one part is malfunctioning or
tyranizing over the others society as a whole is ill.
2."  There was no 2.

So where should I file this? in B401 Joe's papers, or G1904 the Social
Process category which I just added to the list as I have gone over
material about researching the social process triangles.

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