[Dialogue] [Oe List ...] Carlos Zervigon has passed

James Wiegel jfwiegel at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 13 13:17:16 CST 2010

How does that song go?
"Those who wait . . "
Let's all sing, in remembrance, respect, appreciation and sorrow.


It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else	Erma Bombeck 

Jim Wiegel

401 North Beverly Way, Tolleson, Arizona 85353-2401

+1  623-363-3277  skype:  jfredwiegel

jfwiegel at yahoo.com   www.partnersinparticipation.com

Upcoming public course opportunities from Partners in Participation:

ToP  Facilitation Methods,    Feb 15-16, May 17-18, Sept 20-21, 2011

Facilitation Graphics, Mar 15, 2011

ToP Strategic Planning,   Nov 8-9, 2011

The AZ Community of Practice meets the 1st Friday- Jan 7, 2011

Facilitation Mastery : Our Mastering the Technology of Participation program is available in Phoenix in 2011-12.  Program begins on Oct 12-14, 2011.  See website for further details.

--- On Mon, 12/13/10, George Holcombe <geowanda at earthlink.net> wrote:

From: George Holcombe <geowanda at earthlink.net>
Subject: [Oe List ...] Carlos Zervigon has passed
To: "Order Ecumenical Community" <OE at wedgeblade.net>, "ICA LIST SERVE" <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
Date: Monday, December 13, 2010, 12:06 PM

Our dear colleague, Carlos Zervigon, passed yesterday.  He was one of a kind, who was among the TWC people (those who care).  We'll miss him.  New Orleans will not be the same without him.  We were part of the New Orleans cadre in the 60's and never lost that connection.  Our thoughts are with Kathy, Mario and the rest of his family.

George Holcombe
14900 Yellowleaf Tr.
Austin, TX 78728
Mobile 512/252-2756
geowanda at earthlink.net

‎“...we have the choice: we can gratefully cultivate the relationships that make us part of a vast network, or we can take them for granted and allow them to wither and die.”  Brother David Steindl-Rast, Deeper than Words

OE mailing list
OE at wedgeblade.net

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