[Dialogue] Carlos Zervigon has passed

KarenBueno at aol.com KarenBueno at aol.com
Mon Dec 13 21:20:10 CST 2010

Let us sing, to the tune of Ghost Riders in the Sky, In the name of the  
Father...Amen.  Rest in peace, Carlos
Karen Bueno
In a message dated 12/13/2010 12:37:48 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
jsloan45 at gmail.com writes:

Thank you for this information George.  I am saddened with this news  but 
so pleased to have known this remarkable spirit.  How fondly I  remember the 
connection between Carlos Ollison and Carlos Zervigon and how  they used to 
rib each other. I will make sure Carlos Ollison gets this  news. 

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:06 PM, George Holcombe <_geowanda at earthlink.net_ 
(mailto:geowanda at earthlink.net) >  wrote:

Our dear colleague, Carlos Zervigon, passed yesterday.  He was one of a 
kind, who was among the TWC people (those who care).  We'll miss him.  New 
Orleans will not be the same without him.  We were part of the New Orleans cadre 
in the 60's and never lost that  connection.  Our thoughts are with Kathy, 
Mario and the rest of his  family.

George Holcombe
14900 Yellowleaf Tr.
Austin, TX  78728
Mobile 512/252-2756
_geowanda at earthlink.net_ (mailto:geowanda at earthlink.net) 

‎“...we  have the choice: we can gratefully cultivate the relationships 
that make us  part of a vast network, or we can take them for granted and 
allow them to  wither and die.”  Brother David Steindl-Rast, Deeper than  Words

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