[Dialogue] Carlos Zervigon has passed

facilitationfla at aol.com facilitationfla at aol.com
Tue Dec 14 06:10:35 CST 2010

Carlos had such an enthusiastic spirit and saw so much possibility in everything.  I have so many fond memories of when he and Larry Ward came to work with me on numerous contracts with the Miami PD.  That time we ate crawdads with him and Katherine on his roof in N.O. was a such a delight.  His spirit will be missed greatly among our colleagues and others in his great city.

-----Original Message-----
From: George Holcombe <geowanda at earthlink.net>
To: Order Ecumenical Community <OE at wedgeblade.net>; ICA LIST SERVE <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Mon, Dec 13, 2010 2:06 pm
Subject: [Dialogue] Carlos Zervigon has passed

Our dear colleague, Carlos Zervigon, passed yesterday.  He was one of a kind, 
ho was among the TWC people (those who care).  We'll miss him.  New Orleans 
ill not be the same without him.  We were part of the New Orleans cadre in the 
0's and never lost that connection.  Our thoughts are with Kathy, Mario and the 
est of his family.
George Holcombe
4900 Yellowleaf Tr.
ustin, TX 78728
obile 512/252-2756
eowanda at earthlink.net
‎“...we have the choice: we can gratefully cultivate the relationships that make 
s part of a vast network, or we can take them for granted and allow them to 
ither and die.”  Brother David Steindl-Rast, Deeper than Words

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