[Dialogue] Xmas advice needed!

Tracy Longacre tel at telphoto.com
Tue Dec 14 17:51:05 CST 2010

I have a Kindle and an iPad.


It depends on what you want to do. A Kindle is for reading. Personally, I
find it much easier on my eyes to read full books on the Kindle than even to
read a "real" book - I'm often in situations where lighting is not ideal
(low power, bad bulbs, etc) and find reading books in those conditions too


The iPad is a computer, not a book reader. I can imagine reading a book
there, just as I could imagine doing so on my computer, but not a long book
or not for long sessions - the screen technology is too tiring on my eyes.
The iPad is a great replacement for a netbook or laptop - web browsing is
awesome and, actually, reading news and magazines there (particularly Nat'l
Geographic) is a pretty awesome experience. It is a multi-media machine -
pictures, music/radio, video - these are its strengths.


And these two are priced according to what you get from them. . .


   Tracy E. Longacre

   from Ashland, OR

   +1 (415) 944-0158

   SKYPE: tlongacre


   Run Blog:   <http://revruns.blogspot.com/> http://revruns.blogspot.com

   Photos:  <http://www.flickr.com/photos/tlongacre/>

   Want to receive monthly updates on me and my work? send an e-mail to:
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"You don't have to take God to anyone.  God is already with everyone.  So,
rather than taking the approach that you need to take the truth out to
people who need it, adopt the approach that you need to go find the truth
that others have and you are missing.  Go be evangelized."


From: dialogue-bounces at wedgeblade.net
[mailto:dialogue-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf Of
facilitationfla at aol.com
Sent: 14 December 2010 04:17
To: Dialogue at wedgeblade.net
Subject: [Dialogue] Xmas advice needed!


Kindle, The Nook (in color), Sony Reader, and I-Pad -- which should I

What have been your experiences, joys, frustrations with any of these?


Santa Cynthia wants to visit herself!

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