[Dialogue] [Oe List ...] Legacy

PSchrijnen at aol.com PSchrijnen at aol.com
Mon Dec 20 09:25:22 CST 2010

instant transformational, or, transformative decor.  
In our kitchen we have a slight water problem on the wall, just as the  
place where Christmas decorations should go. So, we took some shiny red 
wrapping  paper and papered that wall. On top of that we stuck white snow-flakes of 
 different kinds. I must have learned that in the Academy, where, just for 
the  ball, large roles of aluminium foil were used to instantly transform 
the hall. I  think the Brussels Nexus was wallpapered with brown wall paper, 
on top of which  wonderful imagery informed us. 
In a message dated 20/12/2010 15:01:55 GMT Standard Time, nancy at songaia.com 

Dear  Friends, 

I, too, have 2 more pieces of our Order legacy that cannot be  left off of 
my list.  Someone else has mentioned them but ....

1)  Story is Key - this is one that kept Fred's mind sharp and happy as he 
moved  toward his death.  The universe story captured his imagination and 
his  heart.  Of course, in the midst of the big picture (Fred always had that) 
 there were the smaller stories like:   life stories, stories of being of  
service, funny stories, etc. Beckoning others to tell their stories was one 
of  the best parts of his day.

2) 2 suitcases - I do not know this image  came from but it did help to 
order our lives - what did you carry in your 2  suitcases?  I remember telling 
the story and it went like this  ....  "we carried two suitcase and one was 
full of decor and notes".  I think  the other must have been clothes.  


2010/12/12 Bill Bailey <_bailey03132 at charter.net_ 
(mailto:bailey03132 at charter.net) >

I would like to add to the list  of our legacy, the understanding that we 
were living in the "no longer  and not yet" building (with
many other voices and people of action) a  bridge to a new spirituality.
Bill Bailey

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OE  mailing list
_OE at wedgeblade.net_ (mailto:OE at wedgeblade.net) 

OE  mailing  list
OE at wedgeblade.net

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