[Dialogue] May Archives Sojourn Registration

Pamela Bergdall pbergdall2 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 31 21:33:47 CDT 2010

I am happy to report that you can now go to www.ica-usa.org to register for the Global Archives Project and particiate in the May Soujourn program.  We are looking forward to see all of you here.  On the ICA USA website, click on the bottom left where it says "register for ICA's Global Archives Project- May Sojourn".  When you register, your name will appear on the Attendees list.  It is a nice feature to be able to click and see who else is coming.  One of the required data is "organization".  If you don't have another, just put ICA.  If one of your guests does not have an e-mail address or you don't remember it, use your own e-mail address.
Until the following people get registered, I will be giving updates on who is coming.  The first week of May we have Beret Griffith, Sandra True and Frank Knutson so far. The second week, we have Charles and Doris Hahn, Bill and Marianna Bailey and (hopefully) Wendell and Shirley St. John. Bob and Muriel Griffith will also join us for work on the 12th and 13th.  Janice Ulangca is coming the 4th Week and Randy Williams and Mary Beth are coming the 26th and leaving on the 29th that week.  Evelyn Philbrook and her mother are coming sometime in May but still have not decided when. Sally Fenton has indicated she will commute during the day at different times throughout May.  For those who can only be available on the weekends (Week Two as some remember it), Rosemary Albright is working during the week and has volunteered to organize the weekend activities.  Feel free to continue to sign up for any of the weeks. We are not "limiting" the number of
 volunteer sojourners to six.  Check out the EI/OE/ICA Facebook group that Terry set up for more updates and dialogue about the Archives.  
We just had a great weekend here with the International Initiatives meeting.  We intend to continue to upgrade the rooms based on suggestions.  I think everyone was pleased witih the beautiful floors.  Looking forward to see you in May.  Pam

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