[Dialogue] Selma

ANN S. EPPS annepps at pd.jaring.my
Fri Aug 5 23:07:16 EDT 2011

Hi Anne,

You need to write a book, or at least some articles, about your adventures
with this wild group.  Remember the time we were robbed in the church
basement in Kansas City while teaching a LENS course?

By the way, do you still have your David Dow suit?  My sisters and I were
just sorting through my mother's old Harzfeld (Kansas City) suits last
month, and some of them (espcially the jackets) are pretty stylish for
today's fashions :-)  Didn't find any white gloves, though.

Ann Epps
in Malaysia

Quoting Anne Wood <awoodewm at aol.com
> Betty Pesek was not there and neither was Joe Mathews.
> My memory of the event is vivid but the cast of characters is
> blured....
> I remmeber Donna McClesky was there and she was very pregnant at the
> time. I also think that Joe Slicker and Fred Buss were there.
> We rode all night on a Greyhound bus........We arrived at some field
> where they were putting up a huge tent.... there was to be some sort of
> entertainment that night.
> There had been much reported in the news about the "kind of trash" that
> was particapating in the march (including the easy availability of
> prostitutes). Sooooooooo I had worn my most expensive "David Dow" suit,
> heels and yes white gloves.
> As we got off the bus and strolled across the field to the tent
> suddenly out of no where came wind and sheets of rain! We rushed under
> the tent for cover just as the tent pole pulled out of the
> ground...into the air.....and we were all knocked into what had become
> a mess of mud and we were trapped under the collapsed tent. So much for
> a respectable apperance!
> There's lots more to this story......it was indeed an awesome event and
> I will never forget a moment
> Anne Wood.

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