[Dialogue] Any colleagues connected with Rensselear Polytechnic Institute?

James Wiegel jfwiegel at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 9 08:48:41 EDT 2011

All it takes to change
Globe and Mail 8/9/2011

"To change the beliefs of an entire community," says Discovery News, "only 10 per cent of the population needs to become convinced of a new or different opinion, suggests a new study done at the social cognitive networks academic research center at Rensselear Polytechnic Institute.  At that tipping point, the idea can spread through social networks and alter behaviors on a large scale."

Jim Wiegel
Jfwiegel at yahoo.com

When physicians were given a gift a bag of candy they were better at integrating case information and less likely to become fixated on their initial ideas and coming to premature closure in their diagnosis.  --  Some study I read about somewhere

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