[Dialogue] Amazing ICA meeting

Jeanette Stanfield jstanfield at ica-associates.ca
Sat Dec 10 12:44:51 EST 2011

Dear Colleagues, 
I just wanted to tell you of an amazing ICA virtual meeting that  happened this day.  Thanks to
great technical help from an ICA USA team of facilitators, 16 ICAs met over Adobe connect
and Skype for a 2 hour Global Assembly.  

Meeting started at 7AM Chicago time, midnight Sydney time.  About 35 people were on call. 
The leadership team (ICAI board) had done tremendous preparation work so we were able
to check in with one another, see a fine video, vote on several matters, have reports of
ICAs peer to peer work around the world and the Nepal conference in 2012. We were able to 
share our thoughts  through writing and speaking  about directions for the next year.  
ICAs from Latin America, Asia, Africa, Europe, North America were all able to participate . 

Larry Philbrook convened this event.  I couldn't help think that his dad would have been mighty
proud of him. 

ICAs continue to operate on a shoestring but they are alive and well with wonderful young
emerging leadership- all part of the living legacy of OE/EI/ICA. 


Jeanette Stanfield

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