[Dialogue] Kim Epley died this evening

David Dunn dmdunn1 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 21:28:30 CST 2011

Hello Colleagues.

You'll recall the note from Jann McGuire about Kim Epley's health status that arrived day before yesterday, Monday, January 31.

> For those who remember the Epleys. Kim has been fighting for her life for months.
> Today marks three years since Fred's transition. Poignant time.
> Blessings, Jann

Kim's brother-in-law, Bill Taylor, whom some may recall has been a ToP facilitator with Kim for many years called this evening. Kim completed her life at 6:30 p.m. today. We'll send word about the upcoming memorial service when we know the details.

You can reach Walt Epley at <wfepley at yahoo.com>.

Grace and peace to all.


David Dunn
740 S Alton Way 9B
Denver, CO 80247
dmdunn1 at gmail.com

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