[Dialogue] Any info on El Bayad & Democracy Now

Geri Tolman gdtolman at comcast.net
Thu Feb 10 06:53:00 CST 2011

Thanks for sending the links to Democracy Now, Janice.

To listen to past shows, just click on the "Past Shows" tab in the upper
portion of their home page.  This brings you to a list by year and month.
When you select one, you are then given several stories from which to chose.
Click on a story to select it, and you are then given the option of watching
it as a video, listening to the audio, downloading it to your iPod, etc.
What a wonderful (free) resource!  There is also a "donate" tab....

Geri Tolman
-----Original Message-----
To: Colleague Dialogue
Subject: [Dialogue] Any info on El Bayad & Democracy Now

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