[Dialogue] Fwd: Sandra True

susan craver craversf at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 17:10:54 CST 2011

Thank you. Please sign me up for 10 pm Eastern Time.
Susan Craver

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 11:39 AM, <facilitationfla at aol.com> wrote:

>  This is the time I wake up:  4:00 am  (New York Time)  and will send
> prayers for healing for Sandra.  Please insert my name.  Cynthia Vance
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: LiDona Wagner <lidonaw at gmail.com>
> To: Allen Lingo <clingojr at aol.com>; Ann Ensinger <aensing at schools.nyc.gov>;
> Ann Epps <annepps at pd.jaring.my>; Beret Griffith <beretgriffith at charter.net>;
> Betty Pesek <bpesek12 at gmail.com>; Charles or Doris Hahn <cdhahn at flash.net>;
> Cynthia Vance <facilitationFla at aol.com>; Dorcas Rose <icatroy at verizon.net>;
> Doris Morris <scottmorr at aol.com>; Elaine Stover
> <greenschemes at Bellsouth.net>; Elise Packard <kelisepackard at rcn.com>;
> Eunice Shankland <emshankland at comcast.net>; Gail West <
> icataiw at ms69.hinet.net>; Isobel Bishop <isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au>;
> Jann Sanders <jsanders at bconnex.net>; Jean Smith <jeancsmith at peakinet.net>;
> Jo Nelson <jnelson at ica-associates.ca>; Joan Knutson <jfknutson at aol.com>;
> Joe Thomas <jrthomas42 at aol.com>; John Burbidge <burbidge at centurytel.net>;
> John Cock <jpc2025 at triad.rr.com>; Joyce Bonafield <jcbonafield at yahoo.com>;
> Judi White <sophiacircle at yahoo.com>; Judith Hamje <jhamje at gmail.com>;
> Kamala Parekh <vinodparekh at usa.net>; Karen Snyder <
> snyder at consultmillennia.com>; Katrin Ogilvy <kogilvy at alphalink.com.au>;
> Kitty Cole <colekitty at comcast.net>; Leah Early <lees.mail at comcast.net>;
> Lela Jahn <lelajahn at hotmail.com>; Lewis Pierce <lpierce at comcast.net>;
> Linda Alton <connect2 at mninter.net>; Linda Zahrt <chbnb at netins.net>; Louise
> Singleton <singltn at aol.com>; Lynda Cock <llc860 at triad.rr.com>; Mangla
> Gavai <icabombay at igc.org>; mangalg2000 <mangalg2000 at hotmail.com>; Margaret
> Krauss <kmkrauss at sbcglobal.net>; Marianne Mann <cmmann1 at comcast.net>;
> Marie Sharp <mbsharp71 at gmail.com>; Marilyn Crocker <
> marilyncrocker at juno.com>; Martha Talbott <mltalbott at att.net>; Mary D'Souza
> <marykdsouza at gmail.com>; Mary Hoff <mlhoff2002 at yahoo.com>; Mary Laura
> Jones <mljones at rcn.com>; Mary Lou Vergara <vergara99 at bellsouth.net>; Mary
> Ward <tabbyoaks at comcast.net>; Mary Warren Moffett <
> marywmoffett at comcast.net>; Maxine Butcher <rmxbutcher at aol.com>; Maxine
> Norton <nortonmaxine at yahoo.com>; Mollie Clements <revmollie at aol.com>;
> Muriel Griffin <murielcgriffin2 at hotmail.com>
> Sent: Thu, Jan 13, 2011 12:03 am
> Subject: Sandra True
>  ICA Colleagues,
> One of our dear colleagues, Sandra True is fighting a very aggressive
> cancer that has recently metastasized to her brain. Though her spirit is
> strong she finds being in the hospital very draining. It makes her fell
> isolated. When I mentioned that I have been meditating each evening for 15
> minutes and sending healing energy to her, she remarked that it made her
> feel better just knowing that.
>  Therefore, I have decided to set up a 24 hour daily Prayer Vigil
> beginning immediately and going for as long as she needs our support. Beret
> Griffith and I have signed up. I am looking for at least 22 others. Once
> that is reached, we will move to 30 minute segments. Please look at your
> schedule and consider if there is a time in your day when you can pray,
> meditate and send healing energy to Sandra. I've attached a preliminary
> chart to help you. If you can put your name and time on the chart and return
> it to me, I will compile the results and get back to you.
>  We are Sandra's community. She has poured her heart and soul into each of
> us and into the work in the world that each of us has valued. It is my hope
> that she can feel on a vibrational level that we all love and support her as
> she and Bob and Lynn face this challenge.
>  Grace and Peace,
> LiDona
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