[Dialogue] Fwd: Sandra True

rmalbright at aol.com rmalbright at aol.com
Thu Jan 13 19:27:29 CST 2011

Rosemary Albright 12 midnight CST

-----Original Message-----
From: Marianna Bailey <wmbailey at charter.net>
To: Colleague Dialogue <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Thu, Jan 13, 2011 3:50 pm
Subject: Re: [Dialogue] Fwd: Sandra True

Marianna Bailey 4 pm ET

On Jan 13, 2011, at 3:57 PM, PSchrijnen at aol.com wrote:

Paul Schrijnen  6.30 am GMT  (1.30am New York)

In a message dated 13/01/2011 17:17:31 GMT Standard Time, 
ksims at ica-usa.org writes:

Karen Sims. 10:00pm Chicago time.

Karen A. Sims
Director of Resource Development and External Affairs
Institute of Cultural Affairs-USA
Phone: 773-769-6363
Fax: 773-769-1144
We recently updated our website.  See our new look at www.ica-usa.org


 From: dialogue-bounces at wedgeblade.net 
[mailto:dialogue-bounces at wedgeblade.net] On Behalf Of Mary Laura Jones
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 11:11 AM
To: Colleague Dialogue
Subject: Re: [Dialogue] Fwd: Sandra True

LiDona, I signed up for 6am Chicago time.  Mary Laura

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 10:39 AM, <facilitationfla at aol.com> wrote:

This is the time I wake up:  4:00 am  (New York Time)  and will send 
prayers for healing for Sandra.  Please insert my name.  Cynthia Vance




-----Original Message-----
From: LiDona Wagner <lidonaw at gmail.com>
To: Allen Lingo <clingojr at aol.com>; Ann Ensinger 
<aensing at schools.nyc.gov>; Ann Epps <annepps at pd.jaring.my>; Beret 
Griffith <beretgriffith at charter.net>; Betty Pesek <bpesek12 at gmail.com>; 
Charles or Doris Hahn <cdhahn at flash.net>; Cynthia Vance 
<facilitationFla at aol.com>; Dorcas Rose <icatroy at verizon.net>; Doris 
Morris <scottmorr at aol.com>; Elaine Stover <greenschemes at Bellsouth.net>; 
Elise Packard <kelisepackard at rcn.com>; Eunice Shankland 
<emshankland at comcast.net>; Gail West <icataiw at ms69.hinet.net>; Isobel 
Bishop <isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au>; Jann Sanders 
<jsanders at bconnex.net>; Jean Smith <jeancsmith at peakinet.net>; Jo Nelson 
<jnelson at ica-associates.ca>; Joan Knutson <jfknutson at aol.com>; Joe 
Thomas <jrthomas42 at aol.com>; John Burbidge <burbidge at centurytel.net>; 
John Cock <jpc2025 at triad.rr.com>; Joyce Bonafield 
<jcbonafield at yahoo.com>; Judi White <sophiacircle at yahoo.com>; Judith 
Hamje <jhamje at gmail.com>; Kamala Parekh <vinodparekh at usa.net>; Karen 
Snyder <snyder at consultmillennia.com>; Katrin Ogilvy 
<kogilvy at alphalink.com.au>; Kitty Cole <colekitty at comcast.net>; Leah 
Early <lees.mail at comcast.net>; Lela Jahn <lelajahn at hotmail.com>; Lewis 
Pierce <lpierce at comcast.net>; Linda Alton <connect2 at mninter.net>; Linda 
Zahrt <chbnb at netins.net>; Louise Singleton <singltn at aol.com>; Lynda 
Cock <llc860 at triad.rr.com>; Mangla Gavai <icabombay at igc.org>; 
mangalg2000 <mangalg2000 at hotmail.com>; Margaret Krauss 
<kmkrauss at sbcglobal.net>; Marianne Mann <cmmann1 at comcast.net>; Marie 
Sharp <mbsharp71 at gmail.com>; Marilyn Crocker <marilyncrocker at juno.com>; 
Martha Talbott <mltalbott at att.net>; Mary D'Souza 
<marykdsouza at gmail.com>; Mary Hoff <mlhoff2002 at yahoo.com>; Mary Laura 
Jones <mljones at rcn.com>; Mary Lou Vergara <vergara99 at bellsouth.net>; 
Mary Ward <tabbyoaks at comcast.net>; Mary Warren Moffett 
<marywmoffett at comcast.net>; Maxine Butcher <rmxbutcher at aol.com>; Maxine 
Norton <nortonmaxine at yahoo.com>; Mollie Clements <revmollie at aol.com>; 
Muriel Griffin <murielcgriffin2 at hotmail.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 13, 2011 12:03 am
Subject: Sandra True

ICA Colleagues,

One of our dear colleagues, Sandra True is fighting a very aggressive 
cancer that has recently metastasized to her brain. Though her spirit 
is strong she finds being in the hospital very draining. It makes her 
fell isolated. When I mentioned that I have been meditating each 
evening for 15 minutes and sending healing energy to her, she remarked 
that it made her feel better just knowing that. 


Therefore, I have decided to set up a 24 hour daily Prayer Vigil 
beginning immediately and going for as long as she needs our support. 
Beret Griffith and I have signed up. I am looking for at least 22 
others. Once that is reached, we will move to 30 minute segments. 
Please look at your schedule and consider if there is a time in your 
day when you can pray, meditate and send healing energy to Sandra. I've 
attached a preliminary chart to help you. If you can put your name and 
time on the chart and return it to me, I will compile the results and 
get back to you.


We are Sandra's community. She has poured her heart and soul into each 
of us and into the work in the world that each of us has valued. It is 
my hope that she can feel on a vibrational level that we all love and 
support her as she and Bob and Lynn face this challenge.


Grace and Peace,


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