[Dialogue] Other World Roots & Quotes

steve har stevehar11201 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 14:28:37 CST 2011

With compassion for Sandra & Bob...


Does anyone have Other World Roots, Quotes or insights about of the Other
World research to share for example

-experience your experience

-other world in this world


-64 states of being

-analogical thinking as: like standing naked on 5th Avenue

-the logic of the other world charts?

-what the relationship is between the new social vehicle and the new
religious mode might be?

-64 different states or 64 "flavors" of human experiece?

-what is a trek?

-why 4 cagegories: land, river, mountain sea

-individualized private experience only or groups, teams, families...?

>From Brian Stanfield's book Courage to Lead pp91ff

What is a state of being

So...what is a state of being? Joe Matthews spoke of it as "a big think, or
awesomeness, a "big feel" and "a big resolve" all intertwined.

Stanfield: p 98 Thanks to...Husserl, a third way of thought was introduced
to the west: phenomenology. According to the phenomonologists, the tendency
to see awareness and reality as two separate things has led people to loos
sight of their own experience. As a result they see reality from an
artificial point of view wto which their own lives and experiences are
unimportant. husserl and later, Einstein [?] and many others , deplored the
way in which science since Descartes had imposed its attitude of objectivity
on the world. The result is an "objective" reality with the human
significance stripped away. So what is a state of being?...

The Task of Reflection is Experiencing your Experience

92 [earlier] we described the task of reflection as "experiencing your

p 92 [going further] what ever meaning can be found in life is located in
the midst of everyday happenings at home, on the job, in the world

Transparency happens when

p 92 We experience transparency when meaning shines through the mundane
happenings of life

p 93 Transparency is something like what happens when you light a match
under a piece of paper, but not too close to it. First you experience the
heat. Then the paper turns brown, then it pops into flame until a hole
appears, and we see through the paper to what lies beyond. Sometimes you can
feel it before you can see it.

p93 Transparency is an external happening, as well as the happening inside
the happening. [Example" One day my father dies...]

p93 It's not just extraordinary experiences where this happens. More and moe
people encounter what might be called meaning in the mundane. In the past we
eccountered the awe or the mysterious at the edge of life, at the edge of
knowing. Heaven or Hell and other ultimate categories were located in some
basement or second or third story of life that had nothing to do with daily
living. Nobody believes in this anymore

p97 Descriptions of transparency are [omegas??] in the language of states of
being. When the awe of a transparent event impacts us, there is an
accompanying state of being

Awareness & Reality 1 or 2?

p98...the tendency to see awareness and reality as two separate things had
led people to lose sight of their own experience. As a result they see
reality from an artifical point of view in which thier own lives and
experiences are unimportant. Husserl and later...many others deplored the
way in which science since Descartes has imposed its attitude of objectivity
on the world. The result is an "objective" reality with human signifance
stripped away....so what is a state of being...

Matthews: State of Being

What is a state of being? p 98 so what is a state of being? Joe Matthews
spoke of it as a big think, or awareness, a big feel, and a big resolve, all

ICA Research on 64 States of Being

How are they different? p 98 some years ago ICA staff did an extensive
research project on states of being. They attempted to itemize the different
states of being one could experience. They came up with 64 states of being
arranged in a series of charts...the charts use the image of breaking
through this ordinary world because of profoundly human experiences. This
happens in the midst of ordinary mundane life...

Four Categories of Being States: Mystery, Conscious, Care, Tranquility

Four Categories; 64 States of Being: p 99 In our research we found that the
states of being fall under 4 different categories: states of being related
to mystery, consciousness, care, tranquility. Just as this world has in it
land, rivers, mountains and seas,

Other World, Poetically Speaking... Stanfield p99

we saw in the other world, poetically speaking,as  the land of mystery, the
river of consciousness the freedom of every human being to live a creative
life. We discover the mountain of care as people wake up caring and ready to
expand themselves for others. We discover the sea of tranquility, the
experience of unfathomable light, peace and joy in the midst of pain and
woes. We no longer ask what life [is] about. We see four dimensions: mystery
consciousness, care and fulfillment or tranquility.

p103 The poetry of Transparency: Hammarskjoeld

p 61 Poetry helps us experience [and express] what we are experiencing

Markings UN Secretary General 1953-1961 Markings Dag Hammarskjoeld

Steve Harrington
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