[Dialogue] Fw: Re: Fwd: Written By A 21 Year Old Girl!! Go Girl!!

jlepps at pc.jaring.my jlepps at pc.jaring.my
Wed Jan 25 11:26:07 EST 2012

Well said, Randy. Thanks for bringing some sanity & realism to the dialogue.


At 07:03 AM 1/25/2012, you wrote:
>I am forwarding this because I think there's going to be a lot more 
>of this kind of thing going around as the U.S. election season 
>continues to heat up.  I believe we cannot just let these kinds of 
>things slide by.  I live in an area where many believe everyone 
>thinks exactly as they do, and silence is too often construed as 
>agreement.  I think it is possible to respond in a civil, 
>non-partisan way that can perhaps be heard.  I hope that is what I 
>have done here.
>You'll need to read from the bottom up.
>"Listen to what is emerging from yourself to the course of being in 
>the world; not to be supported by it, but to bring it to reality as 
>it desires."
>-Martin Buber (adapted)
>--- On Wed, 1/25/12, R Williams <rcwmbw at yahoo.com> wrote:
>From: R Williams <rcwmbw at yahoo.com>
>Subject: Re: Fwd: Written By A 21 Year Old Girl!! Go Girl!!
>To: BIPBRAD at aol.com
>Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 7:55 AM
>Dear Elliott,
>This little story is indicative of some very old but still prevalent 
>stereotypes of people who  live in poverty.  Here are some facts 
>about the more than 46 million Americans who currently live below 
>the federal poverty guidelines.  You can look up the exact 
>statistics if you care to, but here's the gist.  Nearly 50% of those 
>currently living in poverty go to work everyday at full-time, albeit 
>minimum wage, jobs and many of those have more than one 
>job.  Because of the time spent at work in order to keep food on the 
>family table they have no time to pursue the further training and 
>education that would allow them to move up.
>By far the majority of those living in poverty who are not employed 
>are the very old, the very young and the chronically ill. This 
>leaves almost no one who fits the old, time-worn stereotype of 
>welfare queens, skid row bums, people gaming the system, etc.
>Now I'll get a little preachy.  (It's in my blood, you know.)  In 
>the New Testament the hero was frequently asked questions like, "Who 
>is my neighbor?" and "Am I my brother's (and sister's) keeper?"  He 
>answered by saying something like, "I was hungry and you gave me 
>food, thirsty and you gave me drink, naked and you clothed 
>me..."  When asked when did they do that for him he said, "If you 
>did it to the least of these you did it to me."
>The way we in our nation fulfill this responsibility to the "least 
>of these," our brothers, sisters and neighbors, is through our 
>government "of, by and for the people."  That's the  only way we can 
>marshall the resources; the religious and private charitable 
>establishments don't, and never will, have the money.  We constantly 
>walk a tight rope to assure that we don't cross the line from safety 
>nets to making people more dependent.  But we also have to watch 
>that we don't throw the baby out with the bath.  Growing numbers 
>living in poverty and the growing chasm between the few who have 
>much and the many who have little will eventually erode the fabric 
>of our whole culture and civilization.  At the end of the day, we're 
>all in this together.
>Just wanted to give you my take on this because I admire you as a 
>good man and a good friend, and to let you know that everyone in 
>East Texas/Collin County doesn't think the same way, and that's a good thing.
>Take care,
>PS  By the way, there are a lot of people in this nation "taking 
>other people's money for doing absolutely nothing."  It's called 
>capital gains.  (Written by a 73-year old man--me).
>"Listen to what is emerging from yourself to the course of being in 
>the world; not to be supported by it, but to bring it to reality as 
>it desires."
>-Martin Buber (adapted)
>--- On Tue, 1/24/12, BIPBRAD at aol.com <BIPBRAD at aol.com> wrote:
>From: BIPBRAD at aol.com <BIPBRAD at aol.com>
>Subject: Fwd: Written By A 21 Year Old Girl!! Go Girl!!
>To: Saljobrad at aol.com, abdodson at sbcglobal.net, 
>claybradley at gmail.com, chadleybradley at gmail.com, 
>chas.bradley1 at gmail.com, dblum at publicrealtycapital.com, 
>Rambridge at aol.com, JOudt at aol.com, Jebraz42 at aol.com, 
>tdavis at crescent-fund.com, frank.cannon at cannonfinancialgroup.com, 
>tbrumett at sharingtheheart.org, cwilson at cambridgecos.com, 
>sm at m-tlaw.com, denniso at dallas-law.com, jgay at ntexas-attorneys.com, 
>tloving22 at yahoo.com, kraynolds at harbornet.com, 
>kyle at lang-partners.com, rcwmbw at yahoo.com, budn at earthlink.net, 
>tgraves at mcvean.com, steve.b.smith at jpmorgan.com, 
>stephenwingert at sbcglobal.net, sparlingphoto at gmail.com, 
>bwalner at tx.rr.com, jfhasler05 at msn.com, bob at parliamentgroup.com
>Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 4:19 PM
>>This young lady should be an advisor to whomever the Republican's 
>>nominate. She would not offend anyone except those who are already 
>>members of Obama's "Camp Handout". EB
>> > Written By A 21 Year Old Girl (obviously one who works!)
>> >
>> >
>> > Obviously  this girl has a job and realizes how the government 
>> is using her hard-earned  money.
>> >
>> > Wow, this girl has a great plan!   The last thing she suggested 
>> may be the best!
>> >
>> > This was written by a 21  yr old female who gets it.  It's her future
>> > she's worried about and  this is how she feels about the social 
>> welfare big
>> > government state that  she's being forced to live in!  These solutions are
>> > just common sense in  her opinion.
>> >
>> > This was in the Waco Tribune Herald, Waco, TX, Nov 18,  2011
>> >
>> > PUT ME IN CHARGE . . .
>> >
>> > Put me in charge of food  stamps. I'd get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash
>> > for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's,  just money for 50-pound bags of rice 
>> and beans,
>> > blocks of cheese and all the  powdered milk you can haul away. If you want
>> > steak and frozen pizza, then get  a job.
>> >
>> > Put me in charge of Medicaid. The first thing I'd do is to get  women
>> > Norplant birth control implants or tubal legations. Then, we'll  test
>> > recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. If you want to 
>> reproduce or  use
>> > drugs, alcohol, or smoke, then get a job.
>> >
>> > Put me in charge of  government housing.  Ever live in a 
>> military barracks?
>> > You will maintain  our property in a clean and good state of repair.
>> > Your "home" will be  subject to inspections anytime and 
>> possessions will be
>> > inventoried.  If  you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a 
>> job and your
>> > own  place.
>> >
>> > In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each  week
>> > or you will report to a "government" job.  It may be cleaning 
>> the  roadways
>> > of trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we 
>> find  for you.  We
>> > will sell your 22 inch rims and low profile tires and 
>> your  blasting stereo
>> > and speakers and put that money toward the "common  good.."
>> >
>> > Before you write that I've violated someone's rights, 
>> realize  that all  of
>> > the above is voluntary.  If you want our money, accept  our 
>> rules.  Before you
>> > say that this would be "demeaning" and ruin their  "self esteem," consider
>> > that it wasn't that long ago that taking someone  else's money for doing
>> > absolutely nothing was demeaning and lowered self  esteem.
>> >
>> > If we are expected to pay for other people's mistakes we should  at
>> > least attempt to make them learn from their bad 
>> choices.  The  current system
>> > rewards them for continuing to make bad choices.
>> >
>> > AND  While you are on Gov't subsistence, you no longer can VOTE!  Yes,
>> > that  is correct.  For you to vote would be a conflict of 
>> interest.  You  will
>> > voluntarily remove yourself from voting while you are receiving a  Gov't
>> > welfare check.  If you want to vote, then get a job.
>> >
>> > Now,  if you have the guts - PASS IT ON...
>> >
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