The Prologue
1. The world is in a state of deepening crisis. The whole globe is in revolution heretofore unknown in the history of man. Nothing remains untouched. Every individual, every people, and every institution is affected: family, state, economic orders, cultural systems and the Church. The present social cleavage is so broad and so deep that it wrenches the collective psyche. Little wonder that most would flee from it all. But there is no final escape. Man must shoulder the burden, sooner or later, of forging new patterns of social relations and symbols of personal meaning. At such crisis points in history, the Church has a very crucial role to play. Time and again in the journey of man the People of God have both catalyzed new social structures and recreated man's symbol systems. This the Church must and will do again for our time.
2. Ironically the Church today is experiencing a painful failure in morale. It is widespread and increasing in intensity. It is the consequence of bearing, over many decades, the burden of intellectual consternation, structural disrepair, and spiritual aridity. These ills, in turn, are occasioned by the present global cultural revolution. This is not to be interpreted negatively as first of all a sign of weakness, degeneration, or irrelevance. The troubles of the Church are rather the fire sent by God, in which she is undergoing the purification that is issuing even now in radical reconstruction. They are the struggle of the Church to prepare herself to fulfill her ancient and ongoing function in this present revolutionary age.
4. The practical phase of any revolution takes place primarily in the local units of society. So the second phase of renewal in the Church must necessarily center on the Church in its local form. Yet because the local congregation is the very essence of the Church, to renew it is to renew the Church at large. What has to be done at the local level is a highly concrete and practical task. It means literally transfiguring every structure of the local congregation for the sake of the Church being what it is: mission in the world. It is the foundational reconstruction of the intellectual, sociological, and spiritual forms that enlighten, equip, and nurture men for sacrificial service in the cause of God and mankind. This is not a matter of building new structures, nor is it an effort to rehabilitate old. It is rather the occasioning of radical metamorphosis in the presently existing structures. If the Church is to be relevant, effective mission in the postmodern world, this serious reconstruction of the Local Church is utterly essential. Herein is the imperative at hand for those who love the established Church.
5. The need today is therefore twofold: to forge
the framework for a new vision of reformulation for the social
structures and to provide new meaning to the spirit dimension
of every human being. Man's journey in the twentieth century has
raised consciousness to unparalleled heights, yet the aridity
of the spirit deeps has broadened in our time. Behind the revolution
in the human community of the globe lies the cry for a renewal
of the spiritual depths. The Church's role is to recast her spiritual
forms and social constructs which embody her new awareness and
to bring spiritual reality into the life of the community of the
People of God. and thus to the society of mankind.
7. The Church is mission. This is a basic assumption
underlying this project in the reconstruction of the Local Church.
In the fifty years of selfrenewal and awakening the Church
has become clear that mission is not one aspect of its life, but
that mission is the very being of the people who are the Church.
Only as the Church is structured in a way that will always thrust
its attention upon the world of humanity will the creation of
internal Church structures be meaningful. Internal congregational
structures and programs must always be seen in the context of
the world which is the arena of the Church's mission, so that
the congregational program becomes not an end in itself but a
means to mission. At the same time the mission of the Local Church
must be utterly global in its scope. In order for the Local Church
to minister missionally to its community, it must see the entire
globe as the sphere of its mission and the context out of which
it renews social structures in the local setting. Anything short
of this universal understanding will only maintain autonomous,
uncoordinated, and parochial communities. Specifically, the mission
which is the Historical Church is threefold: 1) to bear
witness to the Word that heals the human spirit, the Word in Jesus
Christ that sets men free to live creative lives; 2) to be an
insistent, catalytic power within the structures of society to
see that justice is imparted to all men; and 3) to stand as a
sign of hope in the midst of world despair by living a style of
life which speaks of the possibility of the future as we live
in the present moment. This project in reconstruction will put
flesh and blood on the basic assumption that the Church is mission
in specific local communities.
8. This project is based on the conviction that the dynamics which make up the Local Church are not temporary phenomena but reside in a fundamental human process which demands restructuring. As social scientists have studied the nature of community it has become apparent that in every local social formation in human history there have been three structural forces at play: I) some form of human settlement through which the family unit could be ordered and cared for, 2) some form of cultus which enabled the community to symbolize its reason for being and to make it possible for men to do things together, and 3) some kind of shaman group comprised of signal, symbolic, catalytic persons who enlivened the cultus and awakened the spirit depths of the community fabric. The Local Church has stood in history as a living example of a social structure with these selfconscious human dynamics. In forging a project of radical Local Church reconstruction the following terms have symbolized the process which must take place: 1) the "parish" is a missional activity arising out of the response of the Local Church to human need in which structures of reeducation and reformulation realize the demand to love and care for every man in a particular geographical local community, thus being related to the fundamental dynamic of the human settlement; 2) the "congregation" as it is related to the cultic force in human society, is a body of persons who preserve the Word of Jesus Christ out of a particular heritage of Historical Christianity and thrust themselves into the missional task of forging the overlay of love which is the Parish; and 3) the "cadre" concretizes the shaman force in human society by serving as a training ground for developing committed spirit leadership in the congregation while at the same time it acts corporately as a pastorale which intensely embodies the Word in order to sustain the congregation in mission. The intent of this project is the practical reconstruction of the comprehensive Local Church dynamic: parish, congregation. and cadre.
9. Certain master strategies will initiate the refurbishing
of the total Local Church dynamic of parish, congregation, and
cadre. The corresponding master strategies are contextual reeducation,
structural reformulation, and spiritual remotivation.
Contextual reeducation points to the need to alter the prevailing
narrow, parochial views of life which have impoverished human
living. Their preference, even among the most educated, for abstract
ideas has caused a major problem in most communities in renewing
the social organism. Concrete, human images must replace abstractions
as a way to reveal the deepest issues and make significant decisions
that will affect personal community and global destiny. Structural
reformulation is the strategy for reshaping the social form
which sustains the bipolar dynamic of missional task and
historical nurture of the men of faith. No one dares call forth
new wine without building new wineskins to hold it. In order to
accomplish such restructuring, two key steps must be taken in
the congregation: renewal of its symbolic life and theological
reeducation. Rites, ceremonies, and visual symbols have
been a key to human selfunderstanding. The Church has used
its corporate worship as a way to hold itself selfconsciously
before the Word and its mission. While maintaining the gifts of
the historical traditions of the Church, renewal of symbolic life
will come as fresh ways of celebration are tried. The reeducative
task in the congregation will develop theological understanding
that will enable the churchman to interpret everyday experience
in light of the gospel so that he can be an effective person in
mission. Spiritual remotivation is a means to train the
spirit leadership of the congregation in the intellectual and
religious deeps so that they may stand as a spiritual resource
and catalytic agent. Only as modern man touches the mystery and
awe of life will he be able to break from apathy and take up the
crusade of creating human life across the globe. The spirit man
captures anew the profound methodologies meditation, contemplation,
and prayer as ways of forming his religious life. Nothing less
than total reconstruction of the Local Church is required.
10. Strategies for renewal become obvious to the
awakened person today, but the key to reconstruction lies in what
concrete steps are taken to accomplish the strategies and goals.
The basic attention of this project, therefore, focuses on specific,
practical tactics. The research and modelbuilding that has
comprised the work of the past four years is called Phase I. A
comprehensive system of tactical steps will center the energies
of concerned persons towards moving from present contradictions
to unrealized human possibilities. Broad vision and practical
action have been used in creating a system of thirtysix
overall tactical units, each with 256 supplementary tactics. Twelve
of these units will effect programmatic change in the congregation
bent on releasing adults for missional study and action. In the
first year this will be accomplished through a major emphasis
in the congregation on broadening and deepening the children's
programming to include weekday, weeknight, and weekend programs.
Of critical importance will be recapturing the youth through relevant
and vocationdemanding structures. The work with adults will
center upon creating a new context, both structurally and imaginally,
for their relations to both the Church and the world. A strong
second beat in the first year will be placed on twelve training
units for the cadre, the spirit leadership of the congregation.
There will be extensive training in theology and culture, as well
as in the leadershipskills of modelbuilding and teaching.
The twelve units of firstyear activity in the parish will
be mere signals of the overlay of love that the congregation will
eventually bring into being. Work will begin on parish analysis
and laying the groundwork for community reformulation, while initial
moves are made in changing the mindset of the community through
reeducation. The sheer practicality of the tactical system
is demonstrated in that each unit is comprised of sixtyfour
specific subtactics each with four supplementary steps resulting
in a total of 9,216 very practical channels of action. Completion
of the full tactical system will involve four years of progression
through congregation, cadre, and parish. Accompanying manuals
will enable a welltrained person to move with flexibility
and practical power in the particular local situation.
11. The sixyear experiment, called Phase II,
is designed as three operations of two years each. The first operation
is two years of activating the model (19701972) in which
the tactical system is put in full motion in selected congregations
across the North American continent. The second operation of the
experiment (19721974) is the stage when the first congregations
complete the fouryear development of the tactical model.
At the same time the original eighty congregations in preparation
or development will be activating the tactical model, with additional
churches beginning the process. The third operation (19741976)
will see full operation of the experiment in which there will
be 552 congregations involved in some stage or level of participation.
12. The four years of reconstruction in the Local
Church will have deep implications and byproducts in the
Historical Church at large. The great Councils of the Church have
established a vision of ecumenism that has summoned the whole
Church to attend to the one mission and has demonstrated the universality
of the Word in Jesus Christ. The futuric gaze of the Councils
will find a practical focus in this project of Local Church reconstruction.
Only as the Church renews its diverse expression and traditions
at the local level will the whole Church be able to coordinate
its common mission to the world. A program of Local Church reconstruction
must hold the memory and multiple historical forms that have honored
life's diversity. Denominational programs of care for the Church
will breathe new relevance as they work in concert with renewed
local congregations. This project assumes the need to use the
great resources that the Church has had in the persons of laymen
who are immersed weekly in the secular structures of society.
These laymen are key to the Church's impact upon the decaying
and unjust structures of civilization. Laymen across the globe
will provide a commonness of human understanding that will bring
fresh insights into the Church's mission. The global collegial
network of the Church has never had depth and sustained power
without dramatic forces surging in the Local Church. The project
in reconstruction will birth a new spirit in the Church's universal
13. The Local Church experiment is for any Local
Church and every Local Church. This universal applicability must
be demonstrated through congregations with widely varying social
forms, historical traditions, and socioeconomic levels.
The Church as mission has particular relevance for our day only
as it has universal relevance. The initial experiment must span
the whole of the North American continent and must touch denominational
streams in order to provide adequate universal testing. Only the
kind of refinement of the model for reconstruction that can come
from broad, indepth testing will make it flexible and applicable
to each unique local situation. The universal adaptability of
the reconstruction model will provide a new sense of direction
and motivation for the Historical Church that would never be possible
if it were applied only to isolated, highly experimental situations.
Hopefully, some eighty selected congregations would begin operation
of the tactical model in varying intensity in 1971. These congregations
would be selected across the continent out of sixteen regional
areas. Building then on the insights and suggestions of the first
sixyear experiment, additional congregations would be added
over the next eight years through 1984 to provide a significant
base of testing so that the plan for reconstruction can be reproduced
in any and every Local Church.
14. Many imaginal models and manuals will provide
basic resources for carrying on an experiment in Local Church
reconstruction. A fourweek research assembly of over five
hundred persons working together in the summer of 1970 developed
model details for the task of the tactical operations and participated
in basic training for activating the model. The following training
resources will be available: 1) Basic training in the whole experiment
for those pastors and members of local congregations who will
be providing the crucial leadership for the experiment. 2) A consultation
system which schedules a regular program of further training and
objective evaluation throughout the year. 3) The Academy is an
intensive program in the theoretical and practical disciplines
of cultural and religious life. The program also develops skills
in teaching, community reformulation and the new religious exercises.
4) Special schools provide courses and training in specific areas
of the tactics as they are implemented in a local situation. Training
constructs and a comprehensive curriculum have been developed
over the past sixteen years, and a trained body of concerned churchmen
is equipped to provide faculty competence and consultation for
implementation of the necessary training for the experiment in
the Local Church.
15. The practical working out of the reconstruction
model in local congregations will generate many new ideas and
tactical procedures. Therefore, the research and evaluation process
will play an important role in the reconstruction experiment.
Plans will be initiated to collect data from the local situations
through common reporting by means of occasional area and continental
meetings throughout the year. Frequent contact with auxiliary
units and local leadership will enable a continual exchange of
information on every facet of the model so that updating can take
place in each location as the year progresses. Such research and
coordination will be provided by the Regulation Centrum, a Chicagolocated
team of skilled persons who can be of maximum assistance to the
experiment. This kind of crossreference communication will
provide the data for comprehensive evaluation and ensure the universal
practicability of the reconstruction model.
16. The Local Church has provided the basic motivation
and resources for work of the Ecumenical Institute since its inception.
The development of the model for the reconstruction of the Local
Church through the resources of the Ecumenical Institute has been
in intimate colleagueship with the Historical Church. Renewal
forces within the church can now assume that the Historical Church
is awake to the great call of the Local Church; that the Historical
Church is ready to forge into the unknown future. The Ecumenical
Institute seeks to work within this general consent and with the
specific stated support of the congregations where the experiment
is to be carried out. A further prerequisite to engagement in
a particular local congregation is the permission and support
of national and regional denominational offices and boards. Such
approval of both the local and national levels of the Historical
Church is needed to provide a solid foundation for the future
of the Church. Success in the reconstruction of the Local Church
promises a new birth for the whole Church and thus demands broad
17. The process of selecting local congregations
for the initial phase of the reconstruction project is informed
by certain criteria. I) There must be an awakened clergyman and
his wife who are committed to the local congregation and see the
necessity of being engaged in a comprehensive plan of renewal.
The clergyman's wife is important in completing the family involvement
and standing as a sign of future missional family participation
in the congregation. 2) An enabling body of leadership that is
also committed to the renewal of the local congregation and sees
itself as a signal, catalytic force needs to be present in the
congregation. 3) The congregation must demonstrate that it sees
its mission in the world by indicating its readiness to participate
in the reconstruction process. In addition to these criteria the
selection process will also focus on suburban and exurban situations.
While it is important that innercity congregations engage
in the reconstructive process, the focus is on the outer rings
of the urban area because it is here that the greatest contradictions
lie in trying to establish structures of justice and humanity
in our society. Finally, the basic plan for reconstruction creates
a clustering of four congregations in reasonable proximity to
allow the enabling forces (auxiliary unit) to function as a team
with a minimum of travel.
18. The probable cost of the initial demonstration
project in Local Church reconstruction for one year will be $6,000
per congregation. This amount will be budgeted as follows: the
stipend of the local coordinators (auxiliary couple) 30%;
a centrallybased research and national coordination team-15%;
materials and consultant teams sent to the project areas on a
regular and special basis-20%; and the evaluation process crucial
to continuing effectiveness-15%. In order that no congregation
be faced with an inordinate program budget increase, it is suggested
that a broad base of support be provided through the resources
of the Historical Church. Responsive individual churchmen throughout
the nation may well be prepared to establish a fund that would
defray up to 10% of the total national project cost as an investment
to enable the Historical Church to recover its catalytic role
in the reformulation of social structures. In addition, 30% of
the support can come from national Church boards or participating
agencies, 20% from regional Church funds, 20% from the resources
of the local congregation, and another 20% from the spirit leadership
of the congregations, including 5% from the pastor's family itself.
Such a spread of financial participation also insures the kind
of spirit support on the part of the entire Historical Church
that is necessary to the success of this project in Local Church
reconstruction. It is intended that within five years each congregation
in its renewed life would support its own parish without the necessity
of national or regional aid.