


12:30 As people gather and the Celebrative Interlude begins the ICA

INTERLUDE Staff will again need to check that things are flowing smoothly.

Listed here are the crucial check points.

LINE ­The buffet lines are moving quickly 80 people do not have

to wait for their food.

FOOD ­The food is being replenished.

ENTERTAINMENT ­The entertainment is off to a good start and everyone can

see and hear.

As preparation for the afternoon workshop, which is soon to begin,

the worksheets with the final challenge statements from the morn-

ing's work need to be distributed to Guilds A, B, and C This

should have been carried out by the workshop leaders, but a check

WORKSHOP here before the afternoon talk begins would not be unhelpful.

Check also to see that the workshop leaders have their new work

sheets posted for the afternoon and they have a clear picture of

the task and procedures for the afternoon, including sending their

finished work as soon as possible to the reproduction area to

be typed.

1:30 During the talk, check on the readiness of the workshop rooms for

TALK the afternoon session. The rooms should be straightened and tidied.

WORKSHOP Chairs may have to be added or removed as needed for significant

ROOM CHECK increases or decreases in attendance. Ashtrays should be emptied

and new wallsheets hung. Fresh air will help to eliminate smoke

and any bad odors.

Check also with the food enablement staff to see that the distribu-

tion of the afternoon snack to the workshop rooms is taking place.

2:00 As the afternoon workshop begins a typist can be directed to begin

WORKSHOP typing the list of participant names from the registration blanks

and the fiat of contributors to the Town Meeting. These form

the final pages of the Town Meeting Report to be printed for parti-

cipants to take home. After checking to see that the afternoon

workshop is launched and going well, instructions can be given

for the typing of the morning's work and the preparation of page

headings for the work of the afternoon. Check with the emcee

relative to the closing plenary.

4:00 Check to make sure that the afternoon'a work is coming in on time

PLENARY and is being expeditiously moved from the typing to the redupli

cating stage.

The closing act of the Town Meeting is now in the hand a of the local

emcee. The crucial task of the ICA staff at this point is to see

that the Town Meeting report is printed, collated, bound, and in

the hands of the Town Meeting participants as they leave.


Please brine or send immediately to Centrum the following:

1. Evaluation form 2. Check for 9600 3. Ten or more products 4. Four Scribes books 5. Registration forms 6. Newspaper articles about the Town '1eeting 7. Pictures


The task of Saturday morning is to perform the final gestures that will make~this Town Meeting a happening. Final touches need to be made on the set up and decor of the facility. Roles need to be rehearsed and finessed. By the time the doors open for registration everyone and everything needs to be in place.


Check these spaces for adequate set up:

1. Town Meeting Hall

2. Workshop rooms

3. Registration area

4. Coffee and donut area

5. Ashtrays located in all areas

6. Bathrooms are well­supplied and tidy

= ,


Check these spaces for decor:

1. Outside the building

2. Entryway

3. Hallways

4. Any lounges or setting are as used by the Town Meeting

5. Bathrooms

6. Food service area

7. Production area


Check with the following personnel to make sure that their role is clear and things will flow smoothly:

1. Emcee 4. Registration leader

2. Hosts Mostess 5. Food service leader

3. Workshop leaders 6. Person who will be doing

the first talk


There are 6 printed wallsheet pieces which are desiRned to be assembled according to the needs of the workshops. The pieces are as follows:

1 =~Z 1

The diagrams show the worlcsh~p movements for which wallsheets are needed, the total number of assembled wallsheets required for the 4 guilds and the pieces which are used to construct each finished wallsheet. The labe]s included on the diagrams should be included in small print in the upl~er left hand corner of the wallsheets for easy identification.



l _ _ _ _ rc l., s'C f s ~ ­ ~ ­' ,ru' ,L\' 1

~ ~ 1 ~ r~ I

3 sheets x 4 guilds = 12 5 statements x 4 guilds ­ 20 total

_ ~

linRKsTlop II: TTIF. PRACTICAT. pRnposAT~s

_ ­_.



. ~r~ ,.' .. .;. _

, r ^,: ~ ! ~ .r; ~r,,~, L A! ARE^|

. :: 1. ~3 . f2

2~ tc~t­~l sheets ~ sheets ~ stntements x ~ q'~il.1s ­ Ir,


lioRKsJ1np: T IT NF,W STnRY

.= .~

I. Tell ing II. Singinp, III. Creating TV. Producing

The The The he

| 'it or. ~ | 'onl, ~ | 'iymbol | Drama ~ l




The Town Meeting has two workshops: Morning (I) and Afternoon (II). The task

of Workshop I is to articulate the basic economic, political and cultural challenges

facing the nation. The task of Workshop II is to create the basic proposals for

effectively meeting and dealing with the challenges.

Both morning and afternoon worshops have a prelude, four movements and a post

lude ­­ a total of 110 minutes. The basic dynamics are as follows:

(1) The two workshops begin with singing, a brief context and reflective

conversation that begins to focus the group's mind on the task.

(2) The first basic step in each is an individual and corporate brainstorm

designed to get out the basic data with which the group will be dealing.

(3) The second step is the key one in each workshop. In the morning, the

second step is the plotting and clustering of issues on the social process

triangles. In the afternoon the second step is the cross­gestalting of prac

tical responses to the challenges.

(4) The­third step in both workshops is individual work (guided by the work

shop leader) in which basic data for the challenges (morning) and proposals

(afternoon) is created.

(5) The fourth step in the workshops is the writing of the final challenges

and proposals in small groups.

(6) Both workshops end with a guild reporting and reflecting session.

All four guilds articulate economic, political and cultural challenges in the morn

ing. During the noontime interlude these challenges are distributed so that during

the afternoon Guilds A, B, and C write proposals for the economic, political, and

cultural challenges respectively. Guild D creates a story, song, symbol and slogan

of the nation and its people.




The Town Meeting Report ("take home" document) of any

Town Meeting, will consist of these pages in sequence:

1. The Cover (with the Symbol and the Slogan)

2. The New Story

3. The Economic Challenges

4. The Political Challenges

5. The Cultural Challenges

6. The Proposals for fleeting the Economic Challenges

7. The Proposals for Meeting the Political Challen~es

8. The Proposals for Meetinp the Cultural Challeng~s

9. The ,Tew Song

10. The Town Meeting Particlpant Tist]

11. The Town Meeting Participant ~ nllml~er of

12. The Town Meeting Participant ~ pP>'eS ~nav vary


1. Set up a production area somewhere near the meetinp, hall, preferably in a place visible to participants and easi]y accessible.

2. .\ssi~n . production coordinator who could devote his f~lll time from 1:00 p.m. to the close of the Town Meeting to the pro(lucinp, of the report.

3. Coordinate the process so that typinp and procluction of the challenges from the morning's workshop as well as the participant and contrThutors lists are typed and printed during the afternoon workshop. Typing of the proposals, story, song, slogan and clrawing of the symhol are to be done as snon as each of these products are completed cluring the afternoon workshop.

4. Make sure a scribe is assigned for each guild. The scrlhe is responsible for getting the finished product in clearly written anll lahe]ed form to the production coordinator as soon as possihle ancl nefore the close of both morning and afternoon workshops.

5. Arrange for 2­4 peoPle from the enahlement team to he typists Jurinp, the afternoon session. In any case, it is hest to ask the guilds to plan to type their own products, and so to send a tynist with their work to do that.

6. Check ~ll prodlletion m~terials 1lr­l~lr to thl event. l.oolc at p.1~,,f' (~9 for the complete list.


At this point in the evening, the shift is made to task forces. There are two arenas of work that have been dependent on the arrival of ICA staff in order to be completed. These become, therefore, the basic work of the evening and early morning. (While the local sponsor may have additional task forces assigned to other arenas such as food prep or publicity, these are not the direct concern of the ICA staff.)

The two arenas are:


The setup and decor of the main Town Meeting Hall, 3 or 4 guild workshop rooms and other public and enablement areas as well as orchestration of all details and practice including talking through the script with the local emcee.


The training of four local workshop leaders to lead four guilds in the morning and afternoon workshops.

While one member of the ICA staff trains the workshop leaders, the other guns the facilities setup and decor and talks through with the local emcee his role in the Town Meeting.


1. Menu _


2. The setup of the buffet (is the setup adequate to feed

200 people in 10 minutes?)

3. Coffee and donuts during registration

Snacks during workshops

4. The schedule for serving food

5. Trash disposal model


1. Is sound equipment ready for music during informal timesS

2. What is planned for the Interlude?

How long will it last? (it should last approximately 20­25 minutes.)

4. Is it all set to go? (i.e., Have all the necessary props and equipment, including sound, been obtained?


Begin the practice check by finding out who's who in terms

of the leadership roles and the particular enablement guns.

Next, receive a brief statement of progress and plans on each area to familiarize the group with the practicular details of the event.

Note: At this point depending on the time workshop leaders

may pull aside to hegin their training session.


Upon arrival, the ICA staff will be met by the local sponsor. Before settling in, it would be helpful if these three things could go on:

1. A Tour of the Community, during which the ICA staff court be briefed on the overall geo­social and demographic make­up of the community, including the relationship of the Movement to the community, if pertinent.

2. A Tour of the Town Meeting Facility, to get a general feel after the space, accoustics and layout of the building, in order to plan the setup.

3. Preliminary Checking on Enablement Models, materials and equipment for implementing the evening's work and the next day's activity.


_ _ ,

1. Any questions from preparation sheets. |

2. Sufficient decor mounted to fill the Town |

Meeting space. I

3. Enough Town Meeting materials on site to |

cover anticipated attendance.

4. Workable enablement models and backup models.

5. Sufficient troops ready to implement the evening and the next day's enablement tasks.

6. Local emcee selected and notified to be at briefing tonight.

7. Local workshop leaders notified to be at btleflng and training tonight.

8. All enablement leaders notified to be at briefing tonight.

9. Keep in mind that the last chance to purchase ~upplle~ befor~ the morning is probably bewteen now and when th' ~toree close In `~ few houre.


Friday Mornlng

Take with you:

2 Black baga containing:

_ Workbooks

_ Songbooks

_ Songsheets

1 Decor Packet (unless previously sent) containing: 5 sets of Town Meeting quotes 16 Blank Trianglea



15 Town Meeting Logo Posters

1 Leadera Pack containing:

10 Leaderahip Manuala


Before the on­site preparation and setup for Town MeetinR '76 begins, a final check on basic arrangements is done over the phone. Listed below are the specific checkpoints~and basic data that the assigned ICA staff will need to know before arrival:

ppi~ :ACr~

One principle responsIhilitv of TCA st~ff is the overnil orchestration of the Town ,feetinp event. The m~nv nr.nctical details nnd arrangements which must he coordinated nre more smoothly done with the wisdom nnd experience of mllltinle Town Meetings. This involves fncilitntinp the set up, traininp nnd contextinp th~ various lenders of the Town '!eetinp.

This manual outlines procedures for the two T~A st~ff for the entire 44 hours or more ns they work with mown veeting sponsorin~ ~roups.




FrTrlav eveninp begin.s tilr~ intense, harr1 work of settinP un the Town Meetin~ faci]itv, traininf ]nenl nennlr tn learl the workshops, anrl arl~iinr, finer ssn anr1 nrer isinn to thr~ carrying out of learlership anr? nnaFtement roles. Tt is also the time when raponrt Is eestahl isher? with the core of loca1 personnel that wi 1 I hrin? nff this Tnwn Meetinrr.

In the mirlst of the har~l work of preparing for a Town Meeting that has r~onP on ovrr th'~ last few week.s or months local neonl n have prohahiv asker1 thems~1vn`; a numbr r of tir~es what thi.s Town Mfetinp is all a~r !t ~ .'erv often, they have ma~ire their contril~ut.nn ul~lf­~;~.­ ;~­' li­ r very little ahout the Town `~neting pro ject hi~yonrl their co~­ munity. To a variable cle?ree they are dependent on the ICA staff to communicate the hrf adth aurl r1enth of the prolect in its entirety anrl thn nartirular :4etaiTs of the (perhaps very long­awaiterl) ·?ay that stan~s hefore thf?rr .

Following is a sample 4x4 that will nrovir1e images for the brief orientation to the Town Meetin~ project ancl the rlay ahear1 that, together with thf' ~ ocal (:rounrling Conversation will prope1 neonle into the evn­nin"

The purpose of this conver.s.ntion is to prounr1 the Town Meetinr staff in the particular local situation ancl to create a staff

that will operate o~lt of a common context.

1. Ilhat peon] e am' cominr'? Descrthe them.

2. 1lhat are their expentntions in 1ife?

3. Why err thry rnming to tl,f l~own Meetinr?

4. 1~1h.,t err thr issurs a1~o''t whIc11 they are concerurrl? (national, loca1)

S. l~hat are thr qfnsitivf arr~as?

fi. I hat ~ln we net `1 to ~uarr1 apainst?

7. 1.lhat nre the r~ossibir nitfa11s?

R. l~hat is tl~e stvif that nereriq to he portrayr cl?



250 Nametaga 2 dozen ret or blue

marking pens ~ broad tip

Pencils or pens

5 rolls meaking tape

250 Reglatration Forma

200 pencila


4 to 5 typewritera (with the aame face)

Duplicating equipment and suppli es to print 1500 impresaiona in 15 minutes

10 reama of paper

Duplicating fluid

1 dozen atencila

4 rulers

2­3 ataplera and staples


Central to the task of setting up and decorlng ~. ~e T own Meeting facility is an accurate image of the dynamics and rlow of the Town Meeting event. The common corporate space that holds the focus of the day is the To~n ~,s­~­ing Hall or main room. In that space the Town Meeting be­, ~ ~s >~ds. There also the Interlude, very much like a r:c~u,~.~; ~ y ~.crlic, ta7~`es place. It is the gathering place for the otal Town ';.eetlng and the place where the great event that t..e lay is is _~learsed. The space needs to be dramatically exciting.

The workshop space, nearby or adjacent to the Town Meeting Hall, is the place of toil, of the hard work of building a practical vision and plan over agalns~ ' ­­~­~ 1rhese rooms need to be spacious, well­lighted, aii~ to work.

The entrance and registration a~e;~ are h~ participants' first encounter with Town Meeting '76 and need to be attractive and invite interest. ~

Don't forget to check in the setup and decor of the Town Meeting, a plan for the ha Ll~­~y~ ­~brr:o~Ds and enablement areas as well


1. Gather in a relatively private space with workshop lee dera

INITIAL for all Town Meeting Workshops and sing a song. Talk

GATHERING through flow of the Town Meeting event. Paaa out materiala

and lay out training ~e~ ion format.

2. Broadly describe the workahops in terms of their intent and

the general flow, (challengea ­ morning, propocala ­ after

noon, including story, 4 guilds). Explain the rational con

BROAD struct of the three workahopa in terms of the prelude,

OON$EXT postlude, 4 movementa and times. Context the parallel con

struction of the workbook and the leaders manual, allowing

time for individual atudy and use of charta.

3. Talk through prelude, 4 movementa, and postlude deacribing

time and troop organization, focusing on the plotting and

CHALLENGES clustering procedurea. Anawer any queationa and make any

WORKSHOP general suggeations as to ahort Courses ~ contexta, ainging,

~ etc.

4. Talk through prelude, 4 movementa and poatlude deacribing

time and troop organization, focuaing on the crosa

PROPO&ALS gestalting procedures. (Suggest that story leader study

WORKSHOP individually.) Answer any questions and give any general

hints and suggest group could prepare individually while

you talk with Story Workshop leader.

5. Meet with Story Workahop leader and talk through procedures

focusing on the orchestration of the workshop in terms of

STORY group flow and timing. Talk through apecial role of story

WORKSHOP workshop participants in the final Town Meeting Plenary and

give any general hints. (poetry reading, production, etc.)

6. Explain the role of scribes, production procedures, and work

ahop materials, giving any necesaary practical hints and

CENERAL guidelinea. Talk through the bealc image and atyle of work

CUIDELINES ahop leadera. End with a aonR and send out to lndlvldual





9:00 Final checking and briefing can continue while registration

REGISTRATION is going on. Make sure that the registration setup and

CHECK troops are adequate to handle the actual flow of people


9:30 If poasible, it is helpful for the ICA staff to be present

PRELUDE at the opening preliminaries in order to get a feel after

who's present and the mood of the group as a whole.

10:00 This is the time to do a final check on the workshop rooms

TALK and to see that the setup is adJusted to the actual number

WORKSHOP ROOM of people who are registered. This may entail pulling out

CHECK or adding tables and chairs.

MORNING SNACK Check with the food enablement staff to see that the distri

CHECK button of the morning snack to the workshop rooms is taking


10:30 After the morning workshop has begun and all seemsto be going

WORKSHOP well, The ICA staff needs next to put his (their) attention

CHECK on seeing that the Luncheon Interlude preparation is underway

and is progressing in the desired direction at an adequate

rate of speed. Specific checking would need to go on relative


­ the food preparation

­the setting up of the buffet

­the tidying and the setup of the room

­the specific time the workshops will break

­the emcee, relative to the arrival of additonal local dignitaries

­the setup of props or equipment for the entertainment

­the arrival of entertainment personnel


- lA-

CETPnRATI Trr. Pn~TT.t,0~

It has heen a s~rent day, a day to remember. Fveryone is tired and vet it seems that there are words to he said,; deeds to he celebrated and some ~esture toward ushering the dav into the ranks of s?reat days in history to be made. Tf this is the experience of the TCA staff and the sponsors, then some k.ind of a celehration, formal or informal is called for. At anv rate, a general dehriefinp of all those who narticinated directly in hringing off the Town Heeting (i.e., local sponsors, enahlement staff, TCA staff) nnd nnv others who were rurlolls enouph to linger on is in order.

For this activity, it would he helDful if the snace were discontinl~ous from the space that wns occupied all day. The particular setting and rnhrics are left un to the local sponsor. The IrA staff will want to condllct a reflective conversation with the grotlpl Singing and the claiming of promises would he appropriate activities as a nart of the evening's agenda. Following is a sample conversation that could he aclapted or used as is:

­llhat scenes from the day to you remember?

­I'hat did VOTI overhear people saying?

­llhat surprised you ahout the day?

­[that most excited VOTI ahout the day?

­TThat hannened to people today?

­'1hat most excited you ahout the day?

­Tlhat is the significance of thiR day?

­TIow will (the local community) he altered as a result of this day?

­Tlow will the nation he altered as a re.sult of tnis day?

­l~at do VOII see in the ftltnre out of this haDpening?

­T]hat is the next step?




Clean­up can be accomplished very quickly and with a celebrative air. The relaxed, yet intentional style which hen set the tone for the day needs to continue. These are the critical checkpoints:

1. Facility reset (Per previous arrangement with the management to the facility)

2. Kitchen restored

3. Decor carefully removed and handed over to the local sponsor


Town Meeting materials need to be gathered up, sorted and packed for several destinations.

1. Local equipment and supplies

2. Regional materials

3. ICA packet (to be p mmptly forwarded to Chicago)

4. Scribe's notebook for each guild with morning and afternoon work carefully recorded

5. 10 printed Town Meeting Reports

6. Registration triplicates (one for each participant)

By the end of the day Saturday, the ICA staff will need to have these additional items to forward to Chicago in hand:

1. Local news clippings about the Town Meeting

2. Information on how to obtain copies of photographs or their negativea

3. Quotes by participants written or on tape

4. Advocacy/endoraement letters

5. Check for $600.00




Orchestration Guicie


Requesting Participation in

The American National Committee in Support of Town Meeting '76

The American National Committee in Support of Town Meeting '76 is a group now forming to advise and oversee Town Meeting '76, a national project involving one million Americans in delineating challenges and devising proposals for the nation's future through a series of five thousand one­day meetings throughout the country.

Those invited to participate in the Committee will be asked to advise and oversee the administration of this unique project which is designed to enable Americans in all walks of life to create a practical vision for the future of the United States.

Committee membership entails:

­­Willingness to lend your name and that of your organization in the form of a letter of recognition of the significance of the project.

­­Discretionary aid and any practical help that might be considered appropriate.

­­Delegation of a liaison person with whom the Town Meeting staff may be in contact from time to time.

­­Advice and particular expertise in the administration of this project in its actualization through the Bicentennial Era.

­­Suggestions of other persons of broad social concern who would help the project in the various locations where programs are held.

This proposal is to request participation in any or all of these ways as deemed appropriate to your work, organization and concern for an authentic way to effectively implement a celebration of the Bicentennial that would be a worthy legacy for future generations of American citizens.

Town Meeting '76 is a program officially recognized by the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration. It was conceived and developed By the Institute of Cultural Affairs, 4750 North Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60640.




1. Four National Sponsors

2. Ten Million Brochures

3. Inclusive Funding Scheme

4. Three Million Dollars

5. Signal Project Endorsements

6. New Marketing Brochure

7. Commemorative Program Workbook

8. National Promotional Campaign

9. Extra Staff Enlistment

10. Project Credit Scheme

11. Extended Actuation System

12. Sponsor Support Networks

13. Comprehensive Marketing Strategy

14. Automated Mailing System

15. Project Control Office

16. Materials Distribution System

17. Project Ticketing Agency

18. Regularized Project Support

19. Leadership Training Institute

20. Weekly Newsletter Interchange

21. Computerized Retrieval System

22. 76 Committee Meeting

23. Meeting Followup Scheme

24. Project Publicity Office

25. Promotional Materials System

26. Executive Office Space

27. ARBA Presentation Ceremony



National Promotion Campaign: making it possible for every ­American to know that Town Meeting '76 is happening, and to generate grass­roots support for the entire project and its individual Town Meetings.

Project Publicity Office: setting up and running a fully equipped Town Meeting '76 publicity office in order to respond effectively to the developing promotional needs of the project.

Promotional Materials System: developing a system by means of which appropriate promotional materials are created and distributed as required by the project.

Weekly Newsletter Interchange: providing reports of the various Town Meetings, new directions in the project and emerging practical insights to all those who have had contact with the Town Meeting '76 project or individual Town Meetings.

Project Control Office: tracking the project's progress across the country, scheduling individual Town Meetings, and insuring that a broad cross­section of the population ParticiDates.

Computerized Retrieval System: programming and access for a system to hold and retrieve all data from all Town Meetings in a form suitable for pulling them together at the end of the project.

Automated Mailing System: computerizing the list of all those who have had direct contact with the Town Meeting '76 project so that they may receive whatever mailin~s are available.

Materials Distribution System: providing the means to assure that each local Town Meeting has all the insession materials needed, as well as providing for an adequate re­order system for promotional materials.

Project Ticketing Agency: planning, implementing and coordinating the travel arrangements and ticketing for all Town Meeting '76 requirements.



Inclusive Funding Scheme: setting a project budget and raising the necessary administrative and research funds to meet the Town Meeting '76 project demands.

Extra Staff Enlistment: acquiring the services of clerical, executive and administrative personnel for various planning, record­keeping and other functions necessarY to the Drodect.

Three Milllon Dollars: raising $3 million for support and administration of the Town Meeting '76 project, especially for "front­end" monies necessary to launch the next phase of the project.

Regularized Project Support: establishing means of procuring sustained support from firms willing to offer product and services backing to the Town Meeting '76 project on a regular basis.

Project Credit Scheme: evolving the credit potential of the project for its long­term financing, and implementing appropriate deferred payment schemes for ~oods and services needed immediatelY.

Sponsor Support Networks: engaging support from existing networks already equipped to offer various services, funds or goods to particular Town Meetings on a national or regional basis.

Commemorative Program Workbook: arranging for the design and production of a Town Meeting '76 workbook which would serve as a long­lasting memento of the Bicentennial era, as well as a practical workbook for a particular Town Meeting.

Ten Million Brochures: providing for the printing of 10 million copies of the existing Town Meeting '76 brochure at minimal or no oost.

New Marketing Brochure: creating, producing and prlnting an appropriate booklet describing the Town Meeting '76 project imaginatively and in depth.

F ,




Fnlln~ ~ ARENA

Comprehensive Marketing Strategy: devising and implementing a comprehensive strategy for marketing the Town Meeting '76 project throughout the nation.

Four National Sponsors: firming up the commitments of four broadly­based national networks to assume primary responsibility for the engagement of local sponsors in holdinR Town Meetin~s.

Extended Actuation System: enabling local sponsors to hold Town Meetings effectively through local consultations and appropriate contractual agreements for each Town Meeting.

Signal Project Endorsements: procuring the endorsements of those prominent individuals or groups which would enhance the significance of the project for those viewing it from a local perspective.

76 Committee Meeting: setting the time and place and making all arrangements for an appropriate first meeting of the National Committee of 76.

ARBA Presentation Ceremony: planning an appropriate national event for the presentation of the Certificate of Official Recognition to Town Meeting '76 by the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration.

Executive Office Space: establishing Town Meeting '76 national and regional offices appropriate to the magnitude and needs of the project.

Leadership Training Institute: preparing interested individuals for Town Meeting '76 leadership roles by developing and offering appropriate training constructs.

Meeting Followup Scheme: developing means to provide interested Town Meeting '76 participants and sponsors with practical ways for capitalizing on the enthusiasm generated by individual Town Meetings and by the project as a whole.