May 31, 1976 Washington, D.C.

We the people of the United States began our history through pioneering in freedom. In spite of alleged foot­dragging and setbacks through wars and confiscation of Indian lands in the interest of freedom, America' s revolutionary efforts against tyranny in all forms led to pioneering in many instances throughout nations to promote freedom for everyone. Emerging peoples have found hope in the evolution of our national concepts. While the emergence of diverse groups granted liberty to many individuals and minorities, it also caused oppression to others.

Refining our present concepts of freedom and responding to governmental corruption and under-representation calls for interest in community action. In addition to spiraling inflation and poverty, there is a noticeable laxity in family morals. Women's liberation and space probings are a couple of indicators that the struggle for freedom still flows warmly within our veins.

The celebration of the nation's 200th birthday is the moment in history which can give a new vision for the new generation. It is clear that the future demands accountable representation of everyman through responsible government and care structures. The rise of the little man from the grassroots will lead this nation into the next 200 years of history as a sign to the whole world.



May 31, 1975 Washington, D.C.


(Tune: Beautiful Dreamer)

Our revolution is two centuries gone,

S'posed to give freedom, but still we fight on.

Our country's gone through many a trial,

So come with us then and we'll walk the mile.

Engaging in laughter, planning and work,

Bring all our families and build a new earth.

Work through the problems, build our dream's plan,

Sing of a nation remaking its land,

Sing of a nation, united we stand.


Guild A & D Challenges

May 31, 1975 Washington, D.C.

  1. SYSTEMS 0F VALUES In the arena of technology, our systems of values have changed.

The underlying challenge is educating our "system" in living + social

values which has to do with closer community organization needed, and

greater social awareness by all organizations, greater outreach by all

organizations to social needs and better human and social relationships.

  1. 2. BASIC QUALITY OF In the arena of basic quality of life to recreate a shared sense

LIFE of values between family and community members which has to do with

our divorce rate, "we" vs. "they" mentality, crime and dishonesty.

3. EFFECTIVE UTILI- In the arena of practical distribution the underlying challenge is the

ZATION OF WORLD readjustment for the effective utilization of the world's resources

RESOURCES which has to do with the elimination of filth and wanton destruction of

goods, the restoration of usable properties for the needy, the need for

community solidarity to effectively use resources.

4. BETTER USE OF In the arena of better use of resources the underlying challenges of our

RESOURCES educationa1 emphasis not being placed on the use of birth control,

careless use of abundant resources, women not being used in their fullest

capacity, and immigration of foreigners which leads to our country's

unemployment situation. The manifestations deal with our educational

system as a whole. We deal with these problems in the home life, church

life, school life, and community life. Better education and understanding

of our goods, services, resources, people, etc., is imperative.

  1. 5. POWER OF BUREAU- In the arena of bureaucracy vs. individual rights the underlying challenge

CRACY VS. is to awaken and to mobilize community to effective and positive political

INDIVIDUAL and economic action, which has to do with too much power in the hands

RIGHTS of a few, not enough power to the people, manifested in landlord profits at

tenants expenses, utility prices, medical services, control of food

distribution and over­surveillance by power bases.

6. RESPONSIVE In the arena of responsive leadership the underlying challenge is

LEADERSHIP AND enforcement of law and equality of enforcement which has to do with

ACCOUNTABILITY regaining the power of local "grassroots" people, reestablish

accountability channels, by having regular group meetings to include

police and neighborhood people and the idea that leadership is service to

people not self.


Guild B & C Challenges

May 31, 1975 Washington, D.C.

1.POLITICAL PARTICIPATION The underlying challenge is responsible participation in local

political processes which has to do with promoting community

involvement through such practical training as Town Meeting '76

and Neighborhood Advisory Councils.

2. DISTRIBUTION OF GOODS, The underlying challenge is to provide for more equitable

SERVICES AND MONEY distribution of resources to all which has to do with total tax

reform and long range economic Planning.

  1. SOCIAL DEGREDATION The underlying challenge is engaging people meaningfully. This

will promote community and individual involvement.




May 31, 1975 Washington, D.C.

  1. COMMUNITY We, the citizens of Midcity, in order to reduce consumer costs and

COOPERATION increase the quality of goods and services propose to develop service

cooperatives at the local level through providing leadership training

and developing means of financing

  1. 2. TAX REF'ORM We, the citizens of Midcity, in order to better equalize taxes, propose

legislation for a tax bill that would regulate taxes based on all personal

valuable assets and removal of taxes for essential items through appealing

to local congressmen and politicians, tax education, tax reduction on basic

needs, and creating unity among those who agree with such reform.

  1. 3. PROVIDING BASIC We, the citizens of Midcity, to insure that each citizen is guaranteed his

NEEDS basic needs, propose to bring services to people through: 1) forming an

agency made up of local citizens with regulatory powers 2) setting up

mobile clinics (health) and home nursing services, 3) setting up a

committee to develop guidelines to determine the basic needs and a sliding

scale to pay for the basic needs.

4. GOVERNMENT We, the citizens of Midcity, in order to promote general welfare, propose

REGULATION government regulation through standardization, medical services, quality

control of air, water, and sanitation.




May 31, 1975 Washington, D.C.

  1. MAKE COMMUNITY We the citizens of Midcity in order to make community needs known to

NEEDS KNOWN leaders propose individual participation in community affairs through

TO LEADERS house­to­house contact in block meetings, quarterly citizen reports to

leaders, and frequent contact between organizations, leaders, and citizens.

  1. 2. WATCHING AND We the citizens of order to stimulate participation in open

PARTICIPATING sessions of government purpose to require open sessions and

IN OPEN promote citizen involvement and input through local groups as well as

SESSIONS individuals

  1. 3. RESPONSIVE We the citizens of Midcity, in order to promote responsive leadership,

LEADERSHIP propose that our leaders become better informed through regular meetings

and contacts with their constituents to hear their concerns about issues.

  1. 4. POLITICAL We the citizens of Midcity, in order to regulate bureaucratic

PARTICIPATION representation, propose voter accountability of leadership through

watching platform issues develop, listing leadership accomplishments, and

calling for replacement mandates leading toward limited electoral terms.

  1. 5. EDUCATE GENERAL We the citizens of Midcity, in order to educate the general public and

PUBLIC AND stimulate it to action, propose to use all community resources through

STIMULATE IT contact with leaders' legislators, community organizations, and the public

TO ACTION media.




May 31, 1975 Washington, D.C.

1. GRASSROOTS We, the citizens of Midcity, in order to establish a grassroots information

INFORMATION network to release information and ideas into the local community propose

NETWORK the following: 1) biweekly newsletter, 2) town meetings; 3)

establish current news-line, and 4) establish research team to update

community on what's happening.

2. SIGNS OF COMMUNITY We, the citizens of Midcity, in order to create interest, care and pride in

ACTION the home and community, propose to implement projects of

beautification of the community by providing garbage cans creating

gardening spots, clean­up Projects and community art projects.

  1. 3. ENABLE CIVIC We, the citizens of Midcity, in order to enable meaningful participation of

RESPONSIBILITY all citizens in civic responsibilities, propose to use the lawful channels to

enable flow of information between the leaders and the people through

maintaining liaison between leaders and people making it possible for all

eligible persons to vote and informing the public impartially a9 to the


  1. 4. ORGANIZING LOCAL We, the citizens of Midcity, in order to meet basic needs of all age groups,

COMMUNITY propose to organize local community forums through: 1 ) gridding the

FORUMS area of activity, 2) organization of block groups, 3) seminar for local

church coordination.