Summer '72


Spirit Methods

Art Form
Words of Jesus

Rational Objective
Appreciate art form as medium for significant address Reveal transparency of an ontological reality Out to recover the humanity of Jesus, that his divinity can impinge on your life Enable each person's grasp of his/her spirit journey by visit thru psalmist See eschatological hero as objective primal sign Posits one in the midst of the world to appreciate the word

Existential Aim
Experience one's own experience through art form (Being flooded with images To experience that means to be authentically human is to live over against that one and only final reality Experience being humanness itself before the final mystery Experience of echo or call from the other world Experience yourself watching yourself waliing around in the experience
1. Spin master context getting in first question so they can brood on it before it's really asked.

2. 1st series of questions from same arena

Address: give

group a gimmick, then read scripture dramatically Locate the

address: Find out where trip occurred, where felt



  1. Conversation context
  2. Coliseum setting
  3. Psalm context
Intro No context (presume an instant context - not after awe) Intro
  1. Trek arena spin
  2. Disconnected story
  3. Invitatory spin
QU 1. Objective 3. Turning context to get around curve into another arena heat, shuddered, and where went off into new universe
Psalm Reading
Read enough words for all to hear
EST 2. Reflective

3. Interpretive

4. 2nd series of questions

5. Context

Intensifying Address: Takes only one person to break thru into the awe - & everybody is in it. Take Tangential homily - shifts attention from words to questions Ques
  1. Poetic images
  2. State of awareness
  3. External event for objective occasion)
  4. Practical manifestation

IONS 4. Theological

(or decisional)

6. 3rd series of questions

7. Pearl is dropped

8. A few underscoring questions

one person & push, cajole

The transparency: You see thru - beyond seeing your journey which is the journey of all people, that your life at the bottom becomes objectively the life of all people

  1. Images
  2. Accompanying reflections
  3. Decisional deeps
  4. Novel writing
QUEST What did you hear Jesus beholding in the other world out of which he said these words being read?
From the center out Journey of the preacher reconstructed Taken by the hand to the center and out

Trialogue between teacher, artist and participant Going downstream on a river in a canoe - suddenly hit


  1. Startled
  2. Apprehended
  3. Exposed
  4. Universalized
from his preaching (Camera ready copy, of your interior)

(Scraping a copper-tooling) (Dream)

(Burning off land) (Tornado) (Excursion)

Existential Image
(Art Object)
The Anchor

Up Front Stance
  1. Indirect pedagogue
  2. Enticing
  3. Fun
  1. Guru-less detached here than in visit
  2. Tell stories from own experience to get montages spinning
  3. Direct eye contact important
1. Key is to create frame with the dramatic, which will then focus and shove it through to the transparency
  1. Psalm reading should be practiced and experienced
  2. Never suckled into the awe
  3. Hostess at a party
  1. Guru objective, nonchalant
  2. Conversation has rational emphasis
  3. Do not pin responses down to a particular word in a passage
  1. Avoid dichotomizing space and time
  2. On the visit with the crowd
  3. Nonchalant - never ministering
  4. Not after clarity
  5. Leader guides attention