

Faith and Life Community and Campus Ministry
Christian Faith and Life Community Austin, Texas



Visit to Iona Community in Scotland

Visit to Taize


in France

Researching models

for corporate life

and mission
Community of

male students

formed at the

University of Texas
Women students

added to the


Evanston World

Council of Churches

establilshes the Evanston

Institute for Ecumenical Studies as a lay adademy

for world churchmen
Research on

culture and


Research and Development

Theology, Community and Church
Research and development of worship and the development of the Daily Office

Experimentation with the use of contemporary poetry in worship:

e.e. cummings and T.S. Eliot


with secular

language in


Institute for

Ecumenical Studies

launched in

Evanston under

Dr. Walter Leibrecht
Research on

existential theology

Development of

Religious Studies curriculum
Research and

development on

the practice of

discipline and


operating structures

for intentional

Research on the

concept of mission

in the local church

"The Church is

mission" concept

Christian Faith &

Life Community

begins to focus work outside itself

16 theological studies

combined into the

Religious Studies One


RS-I: "The

20th Century



Curriculum Development, Course Teaching

and the Move into Fifth City, Chicago
Image of 3 tasks created:

1. Contextual


2. Community


3. Spirit


Practical research on how a community of people could live together missionally

Basic images of model building formed through the study of "Ethics" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and "Images of Man" by C. Wright Mills

RS-I taught on a regular basis

CS-I: Cultural

Studies I - The 20th Century Cultural Revolution course created & taught

Development of the Corporate Study Method

Development of the Charting Method
Joseph Wesley

Mathews (JWM)

called to be Dean of the Evanston Institute for Ecumenical Studies

Seven families of the Faith and Life Community accepted the directorship of the Institute
Decision to move to the West Side of Chicago

7 families buy Bethany Seminary and move in

The 5th City Project launched

Geneva Offices created to fit the RS-I format

Trips to Europe and Africa for geo-social analyses

Fifth City, Training the Spirit Movement and

the Initiation of the Order: Ecumenical
June 65 - June 66
Jul 66 - June 67
Jun 67 - Jul 68
5th City Grid created of 16 square blocks with 500 people divided into stakes which handled neighborhood issues

Formation of the Institute of Cultural Affairs as a program division of the Ecumenical Institute
Creation of the Summer Research Assembly program for training and research

First training summer for teachers and students. Focus: education

Created Community Reformulation Methods and the five Presuppositions of Community Reformulation

Creation of the Global Grid & GS Carmp, MP system

Creation of the Nation & World course

Creation of the Order: Ecumenical and adoption of the Congolese Cross
Summer Research Assembly: RS-I and Imaginal education pedagogy. Creation of 5th City Preschool Curriculum

Opening 5th City Preschool to deal with victim image



Council I: created Prolegomena to the Rule of the Order

Metro Cadre


5th City Problemat

RS-I taught across USA

5th City Jets

First Student House
Summer Research Assembly on training the Spirit Movement

Ur Course created

and taught

Iron Man statue

unveiled in 5th City


Firth 5th City


North America Grid

14,000 through RS-I

Council II creation:

"Declaration of the Spirit Movement'

Trips to Latin America, Middle East and South East Asia

Development of the New Religious Mode

Going Global: The Expansion and Intensification

of Research, Training and Reformulation
July 68 - June 69
Jul 69 - June 70
July 70 - June 71
Jul 71 - June 72
Summer Research

Assembly on the New Religious Mode

Established the Global Academy

Launched the Urban Academy for ghetto leaders

First E.G. Summer Program

Houses set up in Boston, Atlanta, S. Chicago, LA & KL

Development of the Odyssey

Study of John of the Cross and "Warriors of God"

First ecclesiolas

US gridded to Metros
Summer Research Assembly teaches the Academy in five locations

7 more religious houses established

[Overseas: in Sydney, Apia, Singapore and Osaka]

First ITI: International Training Institute in Singapore

Intensified training and core course teaching

Global Academy and Urban Academy

taught each quarter

5th City Health Outpost


75 courses taught

across Australia
Summer Research Assembly creates tactical system for local church renewal. Research on historical orders and "the new secular-religious"

Local Church Galaxy experiment launched in 200 churches

First houses set up in Canada: Montreal and Winnipeg

First Global Odyssey

5th City Consult

Teaching Trek to Australian Aboriginals

ITI in India and HK

Corporate Reading Research Project on 500 key books in preparation for Summer '71
Summer Research Assembly on Social Process and New Social Vehicle. Developed Social Process Triangles, Global Vision,

Contradictions and Proposals

"Convoy Course"

(later: LENS course)

8 buildings rehabbed in Fifth City

5th City Experiment in Mowanjum (Aust.) & Marshall Islands

51 houses in existence

(15 outside N. Amer.)

Creation of New Women's Forum

ITIs in Far East, India and Addis Ababa

The Turn to the World

Community Awakenment and Demonstration
Jul 72 - June 73
Jul 73 - June 74
Jul 74 - June 75
Jul 75 - June 76
Summer 72 Research Assembly on NSV Pressure Points and Whistle Points

The Other World

chart & exercises

The Waltz, The Fast, The Watch and The Great Ball

The Turn to the World and The Turn Symbol

First Global Priors' Council

54 Areas named

Asian ITIs

Weekend Courses proliferate

Area Troika Experiment

5th City Flip
Summer Research Assembly on the Form and Tactics of the Guild

The Uptown Project

The Cabaret and John of the Cross; Dr Lao; Sophistication

ICA incorporated as a separate entity in USA Canada 1976

LENS Course in Majuro

Fifth City celebrates "Decade of Miracles"

Priorship Training School

Religious Houses in most major cities of North America

Proliferation of ITIs round the globe
Summer Research Assembly on mass awakenment and local development

Dark Night exercises Transparent Xty: Hunter Warrior; The Man of La Mancha

1st Global Council

Global Language School

Local Community Convocations

24 Demonstration Projects selected

More global houses initiated

University 13 curriculum developed

Global Centrums

Summer Research Assembly created Town Meeting Program

Profound Consciousness and Faith, Hope and Love, Starets Prayer and Taking Care of Yourself

Launching of Town Meeting 76 as a US Bicentennial Program

8 Social Demonstrations launched (HDPs)

Training, Inc. starts

Global Women's Forum launched

Nava Gram Prayas launched

HDTIs launched

Town Meetings take off

Community Forums, Social Demonstrations and

Leadership Training
Jul 76 - June 77
Jul 77 - June 78
July 78 - June 79
July 79 - June 80
Launched Global Social Demonstration Projects: "The Band of 24". Created the Consult Handbook Created Town Mtg strategy: created the Human Development Training School

Studied Sun Tzu, The Art of War and Musashi: The Five Rings; Created the Tagore Ritual

Global Community Forums, Global Youth Forums and Global Women's Forum held round the world

ITIs held in Caracas, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Zambia and Kenya
Summer Research Assembly on Global Servant Force:

Maneuver Method developed

Gospel According to St. Matthew - Qualities of Profound Humanness "The Four Cs": the Exemplars

ICAI (Brussels) founded

Band of 24 Social Demonstrations completed

Order Polity Docum't

5000 Town Meetings campaign launched

First publication of the Journal (Redbook)

Death of JWM

at noon, October 17
Summer Research Assembly: The 7 Revolutions; the Framing Method: Primal Community; The New Reality "Our Town"

The Global Panchayat commissioned

The Economic Community Forum

Proliferation of 3-week HDTI's

Town Meeting campaign in 32 nations

26 new HDP's


LENS conducted with Fortune 500 corporations

Urban Summit Mtgs
Summer Research Assembly: The Global Symposium: The Way exercises: The Tagore Ritual

HDTI's taught in Kenya, Philippines, Indonesia, Korea

4,130 Town Meetings held in 1979

Nava Gram Prayas in India completes replication in 232 villages

ICA has offices in 107 locations in 40 nations

Cluster village consults held

Kenya replication launched

LENS International formed

Global Programmatic Diversification
July 80 - June 81
July 81 - June 82
July 82 - June 83
July 83 - June 84
Summer Research Global Symposium on Human Development in the 80s

14 Human Development Training Schools held

Regional Consults held in India, the UK, Peru, Zambia, US and Indonesia

Project Docuementation Labs held in 43 communities with HDPs

Research on "The New Paradigm"

LENS seminars in 93 locations

Community Forums held in 2261 locations round the globe
Training, Inc. starts in Indianapolis

Publication of

"The Image"

Regional consults in 62 locations round the world: e.g., "The Alberta Potential"

"Atlantic Potential" in Canada

Formation Fortnight

in Brussels

Block Consults in


HDTI's continue in most continents

The New Village Movement in Kenya flowers

European volunteer movement
Global Research Assembly in multiple locations

Global Thinktanks

in multiple locations

Brussels develops Service Ventures as business

Testing the IERD and building steering committee

Creating the Global Advisory Board

Lamego Project in Portugal launched

Research Assembly in the Role of Technology in the Release of Human Potential - Spring 83
Summer Research plans the 16-month Year of the Order Council

Loisaida Employment Task Force in NY

LENS Design Conference created

Project Document's Labs across globe

International Exposition of Rural Development in Delhi for 850 people

Order Council in Jaipur, Inida

Films: "The Courage to Care"

"The Global Brain"

The Pilgrimage

200 Kenyan villages

New Paradigm Research & Practice

and Stepping into the Role of Facilitator
July 84 - June 85
July 85 - June 86
July 86 - June 87
July 87 - June 88
Order Council for 800 members for six weeks; New Paradigm Safari experiments in meditation and visualization

The global community of OE represented 37 nations on eight continents in 108 locations

24 Primary Units created globally

Training Inc. opens in Boston

Flextime experiment

The Machakos Game

Kenya: 1000 villages partipate in replication

Research into New Myths and Exercises
Research events

"The Planetary Connection in Chicago & Brussels, Jean Houston, Barbara Hubbard, Larry Dossey and many others present and hold seminars

Staff support businesses operating in Bombay, Hong Kong, LA, Chicago, NY, Houston, Toronto & Brussels

Transition from being pedagogues to being facilitators

Phase II of IERD births 100s of events round the globe

Leadership and facilitator training round the globe
Planetary Vision Quest in Chicago: Marilyn Ferguson, Fritjof Capra, and Jean Houston as presenters: "The Hero's Journey" and individual vision quests

The Atlanta Adventure 5-week imaginal education for children

Training Inc. opens in Newark, NJ

Toronto creates Effective Leadership Training

Order Council in Bilbao, Spain

Creation of three Breakthrough Teams Research Synergism Node in Toronto
ICA Contingent attends Jean Houston's Mystery School in NY and begin the journey of the Human Capacities School

New Horizons in Learning Conference in Guatemala brings learning revolution to

400 educators and professionals

Research Colloquy held in Swarthswood NJ with Jean Houston, Wills Harman, Dee Dickinson and others

Training Inc. network receives "Best Social Invention" award

Edges Magazine launched in Toronto

The Age of Facilitation, Publication and Training
Jul 88 - June 89
July 89 - June 91
July 90 - June 91
July 91 - Dec 92
Assignment Struc- ture phased out

Order Council 88 in Oaxtepec, Mexico brings in global presenters, creates marketplaces of approaches and projects and destructures the Order Ecumenical

Research launched in four networks

Earthwise Learning Series conceived in Phoenix

IERD Book Series published in three volumes

Panvel Block Education Reformulation Project commences

Training Inc.
First ICA Network Meeting held in Dallas, Texas

Development of facilitation and professional services as income ventures

Popularization of facilitation training

Laura Spencer's "Winning Through Participation" published in ToP Methods

ICA Network Meeting in Pittsburg

APCs Econet/Web electronic networks link many ICA offices and colleagues

ICAI Directory publihsed
ICA receives consultative status with various UN bodies

Launch Southern Africa Grassroots Training Program

Community Development programs in 18 nations

Training, Inc. goes global in Guatemala with others planned in sundry nations

Organizational development programs round globe

Launched International Development Practitioners School

(6 months) in Brussels

The Space Between program launched

HDTIs in Peru and Belgium
31 ICA affiliate offices

Training Inc. opens in New Orleans

ICA Network Mtg in Minnesota

"Life Options 2000"

program in Chicago launches introduction to Earthwise curriculum

ICA Conference in Prague "Exploring the Great Transition"

Facilitation courses in Spanish

ICA West works with over 20 tribes in Arizona

Geometric increase in ICA Canada's facilitation program