Order Council for 800 members for six weeks; New Paradigm Safari experiments in meditation and visualization
The global community of OE represented 37 nations on eight continents in 108 locations
24 Primary Units created globally
Training Inc. opens in Boston
Flextime experiment
The Machakos Game
Kenya: 1000 villages partipate in replication
Research into New Myths and Exercises
| Research events
"The Planetary Connection in Chicago & Brussels, Jean Houston, Barbara Hubbard, Larry Dossey and many others present and hold seminars
Staff support businesses operating in Bombay, Hong Kong, LA, Chicago, NY, Houston, Toronto & Brussels
Transition from being pedagogues to being facilitators
Phase II of IERD births 100s of events round the globe
Leadership and facilitator training round the globe
| Planetary Vision Quest in Chicago: Marilyn Ferguson, Fritjof Capra, and Jean Houston as presenters: "The Hero's Journey" and individual vision quests
The Atlanta Adventure 5-week imaginal education for children
Training Inc. opens in Newark, NJ
Toronto creates Effective Leadership Training
Order Council in Bilbao, Spain
Creation of three Breakthrough Teams Research Synergism Node in Toronto
| ICA Contingent attends Jean Houston's Mystery School in NY and begin the journey of the Human Capacities School
New Horizons in Learning Conference in Guatemala brings learning revolution to
400 educators and professionals
Research Colloquy held in Swarthswood NJ with Jean Houston, Wills Harman, Dee Dickinson and others
Training Inc. network receives "Best Social Invention" award
Edges Magazine launched in Toronto