Research paperResearch Assembly

Summer '72





The Global Impactment Design is the movement's basic Encounter Design for the world. Its component forms enable the communication of spirit to the masses.

Impactment has always been present in the social process: that is, men have always sought to persuade others to their belief and style. Such evangelistic activity can be seen in Mao's cultural revolution and the advertising industry's promotional schemes. Operating out of the common cultural wisdom, in order to address the spirit issues, the Movement's basic philosophical presuppositions of the Impactment Design are: man is a symbolic animal; man lives by structures he invents to order his life man is a self­consciously reflective being, and man has the possibility of recreating the world.



In the history or the church, there have always been methods of impactment. One needs only look at the Western Missionary Movement across the world in the past. The social philosophy of the Movement relative to the church is an awakening of the church's consciousness through the creation and embodiment of new forms of evangelism. The Movement's understanding is that these forms are gifts to the church by which the church can recapture evangelism.



The Movement has always had impactment design, such as the Franciscan Movement. One of the forms of the Franciscan movement was the inclusion or a third order which established a covenantal relationship between the church and the laity in the 11th Century, by incorporating secular man within the existing religious matrix. As an example of this form of motivity enabled Columbus to reach Queen Isabella through her spiritual adviser. Contemporary resurgence of spiritual motivity would be brought about by new forms of corporateness which would awaken and build man's conscious engagement in sociality. This spiritual resurgence would enable man to symbolize his authentic engagement.

The Movement capacity, through Impactment Design, to operate in the freedom of the spirit makes possible a spirit resurgence for the reunification of the globe.


The Global Impactment Design operates in the general social arena of the world. The Historical Contradictions which the Global Impactment Design impacts are seen by examining its relationship to grounding the Word in the social Process.

The need for the Impactment Design is dramatized in the trend toward intentional isolationism of man from society at both the local and global levels; the common expression of the meaning and significance of life solely in economic terms and an impractical story, a fantasy, of what it means to be human, cast in terms o. youth, beauty, and immediate gratification.

Separation of the church from society is due to the failure to ground ­the Word's life­releasing power in the present social milieu. Therefore, the church can neither build nor elicit effective engagement models for global mission. The church, like the world, either relates to tradition as an infallible doctrine, or totally abandons the wisdom of previous teaching. Common 20th Century man's life style is unrelated to the dynamic content of the church's symbols. These contradictions in the church demonstrate the need for a new form of evangelism in our time.

There are no movements commonly known in society that continue to play the trans­establishment role in terms of communication. This makes if difficult to relate the history of movemental dynamic to the masses. Because of the loss of man's self-conscious reflective experience, he attempts to obtain his significance and purpose within the social status. The Movement has not developed mass media secular methods to release the traditional ontological wisdom of the Gospel into man's daily life.

Therefore, the principal Historical Contradiction over against which the Global Impactment Design operates is that the Word has not been grounded in the social process.




The Global Impactment Design is created to effect the communication of spirit to the masses.

The four Strategic Objectives of our basic Impactment Design. are: to create symbols that will enable man to engage practically in sociality; to intensify man's awareness of himself and .his creative role, to engage in corporate forms of sociality. such as primal communities, and to awaken local man to his universal responsibility .

The objective of evangelism in the church is to re-motivate man 's spirit. Man's authentic daily secular life would be grounded in the traditional Gospel story. Intensification of grounding the story enables the recovery of the self­reflective dynamic which gives objectivity to man's daily existence before the unknown. The church has the possibility of recovering the missional thrust; she relates awakened conscious individuals to their global existing situations and provides them with new engagement in models of sociality. This corporate form of engagement can demonstrate once again that man fulfills his universal destiny through expenditure.



The Movement needs to create adequate symbols to hold before man stories that inform him of his destinal role. The provision of forms to awaken man and demonstrate the experience of life as a gift is of equal importance. Pioneers in global corporate forms who can establish primal communities are demanded. Provision such tools and methods will enable local man to act responsibly for the whole globe.

The Strategic Objectives, therefore, of the Global Impactment Design is to create symbols to communicate the Word. in secular language for the common people. This will ensure that man can become aware of life's possibilities to free him to authentically engage in structures and be responsible for the globe.


The Popular Preaching Complex is composed of three forms: Individual and Society Course, Mass Rallies and Minute Visits. The course contexts humanness in the post­modern social dynamic. Mass Rallies form projects the possibility of engaged humanness. Minute Visits create receptivity through informal curriculum. The Popular Preaching Complex operates in the general social arena of Global Impactment Design and the historical contradiction which it impacts is seen by examining its relationship to the social structures. It is designed to accomplish the push to the spirit depths of every man in all levels of society.

Every human being is aware of the profound shift in consciousness issuing forth in our time. To be a self is to invent a style which embodies the depths of humanness and thereby creates the future. The depths of humanness rest on the four pillars of sociality, sexuality, phaseology and transparency. From birth to death, man lives in some form of community in the context of which he understands his interdependent relationships to globe' society. Maleness and femaleness are essential life dynamics around which man forms basic social roles. Every man experiences a temporal journey through four conscious life times with corresponding social roles. Finally, man has the capacity to transcend his givenness to create meaning in every situation in response to the impingement of mystery.

The contradictions in man's present grasp of his essential humanness include a collapse of social relatedness in which he seems himself as an uncreative participant in society, a victim of uncontrolled change. Man is paralyzed in sexual roles which were adapted to his previous conquest of nature; failing to create roles which deal with the challenges of urban society. The gifts of the four chronological phases of human life have been obscured by the overemphasis on youth, novelty and economic productivity. The naturalistic image of man has eroded man's capacity to struggle authentically with the final meaning of life.

The Individual and Society Course serves as a way of grappling with humanness in our time. The course grounds participants in the social process through the study of the social process triangles and thereby explodes new possibilities for male/female and life phase roles in society. Participants gain a context for living the style of a missionally­covenanted family as a sign to all. Through better understanding of their roles, participants will be helped to see possibilities of history­making transparent life style.

Mass Impactment Rallies are large intentional gatherings which prepare unformulated masses for missional engagement by demonstrating radical sociality, holding accountability and celebrating being. The intentional use of structure, style and symbol in these gatherings creates sociological awe and welds the group into a purposive body which transcends mundane reality.

The collapse of corporate mythology in the 20th Century has denied man self­conscious participation in his corporate existence. Corporate gatherings today are prone to heighten his feelings of anxiety and dread rather than provide the story and context which allow him to engage in the life he has. Focusing either on sentimental communitism, liberal idealism, or encouraging individualistic expression, gatherings tend to generate a distrust of intentional objective structures. This distrust impels man to deny the possibility of his serious participation in structures.

Mass Rallies are used to create the corporate encounters which prepare people for the appropriation of the significance in a global historical context. Intentionally­structured public displays of corporate global relatedness serve to trigger the spirit depths of the participants and occasion an experience of sociological awe. These experiences place mundane routine in perspective with global, historical humanness, thereby revealing the destinal possibilities for every man.

Life is a dynamic of encounter and dialogue. Man's response to life can be reshaped by radical intentionality at the point of human encounter in Minute Visits. The fast­paced world necessitates brevity and suddenness of encounter to expand self­conscious life. Intentional curriculum and radical style shove spirit into every encounter. The awe released in such an encounter provides man with unlimited possibility for taking a new stance toward his situation.

Conversational style in today's society is tyrannized by rationality which erodes man's sense of awe. This results in an absence of structure and causes unintentional dialogue, thus escaping the creation of significant encounters. The contemporary style of conversation reflects a stoical pharisaism which deals with the immediate and superficial. The two­story mythology which seeks absolute answers in a relative universe also hampers serious conversation.

The new style of conversation will become the vehicle for one­to­one instant communication that will thrust local man up against the awe of his life, creating an opportunity for a new decision about himself. Methodologies are to enable intentional dialogue allowing significant encounters to occur. Spirit is released for the man on the street through the style of intentional nonchalance of the popular preacher. Life issue encounters speak to the paralysis experienced by man in the face of a two­story mythology and pietistic moralism.

In conclusion, the social philosophy undergirding popular preaching presupposes that man is sociality. As man self-consciously finds himself within this sociality, he encounters his total freedom to create style, stories and structures which reflect his images of humanness. The principal historical contradiction over against which the Global Impactment Design operates is that of depth spirit paralysis. The strategic objective of the Popular Preaching Complex is to reach the spirit deeps in every man, showing him the possibility that his life is.


The new Individual and Society Course consists of five component groups: Faculty, Recruitment Centrum, Equipment Crew, Research Division and Ennoblement Practicum. The first component grouping, Faculty, ensures the effective teaching of the new Individual and Society course; the Recruitment Centrum brings in participants; the Equipment Crew facilitates the availability of materials to be used in the course: the research division provides in­depth evaluation and research into course content and methods; the Enablement Practicum is responsible for the smooth flow of maintenance and support activities of the course. The new Individual and Society course itself impacts local man with an understanding of his sociological givenness and with a vision of his ability to freely decide how he will use that givenness within the context of his life situation.

The faculty of the Individual and Society Course is responsible for excellence of pedagogy in teaching the curriculum and directing the care of the community. The uniqueness of the course demands male, female and youth pedagogues with skills in imaginal education and work­shopping techniques, as well as a thorough understanding of sex ontology, the life phasing dynamic of human growth and the social process triangles. Pedagogues will teach a group in its entirety, as well as divided into separate classes of men, women and youth. The First Teacher is responsible for his colleagues, students and the enablement troops. All other faculty are responsible for their assigned tasks and should be consistent in discerning where their tangential support is crucial. Faculty nurture is sustained through participation in the Faculty Training Guild and Visionary Collegium, which include the symbolic life, planning, solitary discipline and corporate sharing for the common mission. During the course, the Evaluation Session meets daily to share common wisdom, determine needs of the community, emphasize strengths and weaknesses of curriculum and assign teaching tasks.


Basic operating principles support the Individual and Society course as a unique family experience in this century. The effectiveness of the course depends on a common structural approach and a comprehensive context for every topic in the curriculum. It is imperative that secular images be used to impact the secular life style of the participants and that the students' life experiences be integrated into the course material. The effectiveness of the pedagogues depends on their ability to teach with emphasis on their style, holding this as a priority over mastery of content or technique

The Recruitment Centrum is responsible for coordinating and performing all those activities which locate and recruit participants for the New Individual and Society Course. This involves extensive permeation into local communities to make contacts and to disseminate information on the course itself. Other supporting groups within the centrum are responsible for mailing circulars, registering participants and coordinating information flow on all levels of the recruitment operation.



Publicity pre­directs the community to global awareness. Local people are enlisted to carry out permeation and local cadres recruit within their particular geographic re.... using common procedures. Recruitment teams work in pairs and according to an up­to­date prospect list.

The Equipment Crew is particularly responsible for locating and coordinating all course materials. They are specially charged with ensuring that all materials arrive at the course location in good time. This coordinating function encompasses materials such as decor, study papers, charts and any mechanical: equipment necessary to course operation.

The Equipment Crew maintains a comprehensive approach while enabling the course. Decoring is used to create intentional images. Effective impact is more important than efficiency. Organizing and enabling tasks are imaged in their symbolic significance, as well as their practical value. Through all its operations, the Equipment Crew understands that there is no global effectiveness without commonality Or method, technique and format.

The Research Division of the Individual and Society Course is responsible for constant evaluation of current course content. materials and structures, as well as for continual research into new and more effective forms of course operation. This process is enabled by a group of cross­cultural adapters who relate the course content and structure to the various cultural or orientations of the localities in which the course is to be taught. To assist in evaluation, special non­teaching personnel observe the course in action and their observations provide a basis from which to examine course impact. Professionals are also used on both the global and local levels to assess effectiveness of courses. All information drawn from these various groups is used to revise and sharpen course constructs. materials and structures.

The Research Division of the Individual and Society Course operates out of the common vision of the reconstruction of society by local man. This means that in developing course content, structures and methods, researchers not only affirm the sociological givenness of the course participants, but also seek to incorporate the local cultural wisdom of all localities into a global context. The use of local input in course development and planning is of key importance in this weaving of local understandings into a globa1 unity. Firm reliance on comprehensive planning, is instrumental in determining how effectively local participation in a global cultural context can be impacted through the Individual and Society course.

The effectiveness of the Individual and Society course depends not only on its content, structure and faculty. but on the very practical activities of enablement as well. These enablement activities include all pre­arranging and planning for transportation, housing, finances and any other aspect of background work to facilitate a smooth operation. Also included is the planning for coordination of those troops actually engaged in performing the backup activities which sustain the course while it is in operation.

The key to effective enablement is to be found within the scope of planning itself. Planning for the global penetration of the Individual and Society course demands a comprehensive approach. This means that to ensure adequate flow of resources, teachers and supplies, planning must be thorough and globally oriented. Comprehensive planning, also indicates that actual enablement operations must flow smoothly and invisible so that the course itself is able to most effectively impact the participants. On the local operating level, all enablement procedures are grounded in the understanding that local people are the center of course enablement. They are actively involved in enablement and local cadres take responsibility for financing the course, as well as for aiding in the coordination of all facilities used in the course.

The Individual and Society Course is a popular preaching tool for impacting local man with an understanding of his givenness and a vision of his ability to freely decide how he will use that givenness. Thus, the Individual and Society course grounds it content in the life experience of the participants. This personal grounding, along with the influence of teaching style, are the most important areas of impact within the course itself. It is also important that the course support structures reflect the image of responsible local man by directly eliciting local participation. The effectiveness of the total image of the course depends on the use of comprehensive planning and .approaches in all operation, Common structural tactical approaches are also demanded in every course operation to ensure a smooth flow of all activities.


The Mass Rallies Form consists of four component groupings: Committee to Develop Rallies to Impact Existing Social Structures, Committee for Recovery of the Meaning and Vitality of Cultural Ur Celebrations, Creative Arts Rally Development Group, and Global Rally Coordination Committee. The first of these brings the Word into existing community assembly structures, the second aims to aid local man through research and imaginal education to develop rallies celebrating his primordial deeps; the Creative Arts Rally Development Group thrusts social arts and methods of the Art Studio into public view; the Global Rally Coordination. Committee develops rallies which hold global context before local man. Functionally, the mass rally designers look very much is the enablement necessary for a traveling circus. In depth research into cultural forms and intentional planning spell the difference.





This organization brings the Word into existing community assembly structures. Only through careful research into the social structures operating in a community can adequate decisions be made concerning most effective impact by a movemental mass rally. A team to focus on the depth spirit problems within existing structures will provide the context for the rally. From the context, teams write, produce and art­form the rally. Public relations work enables local people to decide to participate and training of necessary troops begins. Public relations also begins advance world and development of itinerary. Transportation management and maintenance functions are carefully planned to enable successful impact. Evaluation is necessary at every point, but most particularly to study the effects of the rally relative to the depth spirit problem context developed initially.

The spirit resurgence and information assembly functions of the Committee to Develop Rallies to Impact Existing Social Structures operate on the principle that a comprehensive global context precedes planning. Production and writing does not begin until the necessary research is completed and the key to success is its symbolic impact. All of the practical aspects of the rally development and enablement must enhance its symbolic function. The sociality of the local man for whom the production is developed is of prime concern. Training for the rally will take many forms, depending on the scope of the production. Understanding every corporate situation as a training situation is helpful. Careful tactical models at all levels should be prepared.





This committee aims to aid the local man through research and imagina1 education to develop rallies celebrating his primordial deeps. The components of this committee are the local sociological sub­group and the penetration group, or the researchers and enablers. The penetration group does depth objective research into the ancient roots that will catalyze local man. The enablement group develops techniques to spark loca1 man into a new awareness.

The operating principles which guide this group are based in the realized necessity for a world­wide context, understanding of local symbolic life, Ur research, corporate situations for training and tactical operations.



The primary concern of the Committee to develop a creative arts rally is to thrust the social arts and methods of the Arts Studio into public view. Within this group, the Global Arts Team researches the dynamics of the particular cultural body of concern and decides what art forms would most readily impact that culture. This information is used by tile art form and training personnel to produce and write the program, thus enabl1ng the public relations man to involve local man, promote local advertising and plan the rally's itinerary. To enable the rally to run smoothly, the transportation and also a maintenance team assume the responsibility of all the details. The evaluation team makes certain periodic checks on the rally itself and concludes with a comprehensive statement of the effectiveness of it as related to the wisdom of the global arts team.

The team operates out of the understanding that in the last instance, local man's sociality limits his decision making Periodic evaluation is needed to retain a global context. Symbolic life takes precedence over practice and corporate situations are training situations.



This committee is designed to develop rallies holding the global context before local man. Basic to success in this area the Coordination of all mass rally activities which are held in various sectors of the world so that an interchange of awareness brings up across the globe. This team will do a broad survey \5ich is directed toward the depth spirit problems in every culture and will pass the resulting information on to the G1oba1 Rally Team which will endeavor to shape the researching insights into a clear form for the Production, writing and Art Form Committees. They will create the necessary imaginal programming to hold the wisdom of the research. The transportation group provides the means to bring materials and participants and from the rally. The management and maintenance team will: handle mechanics and finances. Evaluation will continue throughout the process of .developing the rally with special emphasis on how it holds the wisdom and insights of the cultural research team and the Global: Rally Team.

It will be necessary for the Production, Writing and .Art Form Committees to emphasize symbols and style in the performance of the global .rallies. The style and symbols must be continually re-evaluated to ensure its global comprehensiveness. The cultural research and Global Rally Teams must not lose themselves in the mass of cultural data that flows in, but must develop methods or releasing ancient cultural wisdom and engaging the local man in the tactical methods and corporate situations.

Planning for a mass rally must begin with a comprehensive global context and a system for evaluating its effectiveness. The symbolic message of the rally must be considered in both the context and the system of evaluation. It must speak to the sociality of the particular local man for whom the rally is designed. Every step of mass rally development, enablement, production and evaluation. is a corporate learning situation which enables colleagues to improve effectiveness in mass rally impactment.



The Minute Visit form consists of three component groupings: Informal Curriculum Group, Minute Visits Tactics Centrum and Daily Human Encounters Group. The first of these is responsible for researching societal trends and designing varying forms of Minute Visits. Minute Visits Tactics Centrum is a steering, coordinating and recruiting machine which regulates the entire Minute Visits structure. Daily Human Encounters Group will work at speaking the Word to any human situation or encounter. The inclusive form, that of Minute Visits, is the methodology dealing with inserting a word or a sentence into daily life situations to address the spirit lives of men around the globe.
This group is the main creative aim or Minute Visits Design and responsible for devising multiple methods, approaches and talking points to provide the conversational grist to be used by the human encounters group. The methodology creators draw on the stored­up wisdom of the Tactics Centrum to create methods based on hard­core philosophical presuppositions for the effective conversational encounter. It keeps clear the various types of methodologies and develops a wide diversity of methods to deal with many different themes, human dynamics and social groupings. The curriculum composers deal with content and select the themes, topics, current events, questions, sequences and talking points and relate them to the level and style of people to be impacted. The Experiment Division rehearses and tests new methods and curricula on themselves and in the field and feeds in recommendations for improvement. Contextors provide a continual check on the operations of these groups by supplying the needed social context and keeping the philosophy and operating principles clear.

The operating principles which guide the work of the Informal Curriculum Group are to keep in mind that every life situation is a potential teaching situation in which a person can use the ordinary, every­day life occurrences as a basis for a minute visit. Since the human mind grasps concrete images much more readily than abstractions of thought, the principle that poetic images communicate more readily and immediately than rational statements is held in mind when designing an informal curriculum. A comprehensive context ensures that effective planning is carried cut at the grassroots level, producing a meaningful and applicable curriculum guideline. In designing this comprehensive curriculum, it is very important to take into account that secular man is overwhelmed by theological jargon and should be addressed in a style familiar to him. Finally, the style in which an Informal Curriculum Group conducts itself and puts forth its plans carries a great weight in impacting the world.


This group steers and coordinates the whole Minute Visits Form and keeps it geared into the social impact edge. It recruits local people to participate in spirit spinning and then sends them out to spin in particular arenas. The Research Division abstracts from the methods and contexts of the Informal Curriculum Group and stores common wisdom. It continually weaves a comprehensive philosophy and theology of Minute Visits. The Impact Points Discovery Group scans newspapers, news reviews, magazines, and the world of art and the mass media to discover what is turning on and addressing particular societal components. They will analyze particular fads, moods, malaises and positive/ negative trends in the world and in particular peoples and places. Through this data, the necessary topics and themes for visits will be evolved, whistle points will be localized and eventually, it will become clear how to bring to consciousness the spirit deeps c. a large sociological group. The Coordination Group gathers all methods, curricula, contexts, and continually draws up comprehensive practical operating models. It also acts as Control Centrum for the whole operation, providing technical advice and receiving reports.
The Tactics Centrum is guided by several operating principles, the first being that the real address on life is ontological, not philosophical, psychological or moralistic. Second, Visit Conversations always rely on iron clad rational methodologies, well thought through with a solid philosophical rationale. Nevertheless, the address comes through appealing to the irrational intuitive level of consciousness where awe is experienced. This awe is disclosed, not created. It is imminent and latent in every situation. The address is always particular, since a life is addressed at the point of present struggle and the language is always secular. Finally, it must be remembered that style always communicates more effectively than content.


This group is composed of two components: The Group, which is responsible for resourcing and training the iron man of faith to stand as the witness of awe in every situation. Research results, wisdom and practice from the other forms of the complex of Popular Preaching provide the training resource. The second component is the Daily Human Encounters Team whose task it is to implode the spirit and break open the possibility of a new life stance. This team embodies the Word, which in turn, enables everyman to see his life as significant. Professional permeational spinners address peoples' lives through stories and create conversations. For example, using the public transport system, the chance encounter planner when asked for the correct fare, or the time of day, could give his answer through a secular expression of the Word. Coffee break spinners would leave the message of possibility with neighborhood women gathered in homes, or steel workers perched on their skeletons. A speaker could inspire awe in a large gathering through an impact address dealing with a mundane situation. Worldwide and local events spinners push current events through to their final meaning or to their transparent humanness.
The overall operating principles which apply to the entire form of Minute Visits are first, tangential spinning precedes direct pedagogy, since releasing human spirit is a necessary pre­requisite to global impactment. Secondly, awe is imminent is every situation, or every situation is one that can be pushed to the depths of its transparency. In order to solidly impact the world, it is necessary to make use of imaginal poetry, rather than abstract ideas, since through imagery, messages are most readily assimilated. As a result of the secular revolution, visitational language also needs to be secular, in order to influence a secular age.
Minute visits, as a component of Popular Preaching, carry the power to articulate in secular expression the archaic language of religion. Secular man is thereby confronted in his own terms with the mystery that stands him against life and calls him from an image of life preservation to that of life expenditure.
CONCLUSIONPopular preaching uses certain operating principles common throughout all its forms. First, every situation is potentially awe­inspiring. In Popular Preaching, the social drama involved has priority over any intellectual construct. At the same time, common structures and tactical models demand rationally based graduated procedures. Fourth, course structure and the use of secular language elicit participation and every course construct is cited in an inclusive design of all wisdom

The Propagation Impact Complex is composed of three forms Media Syndicate, Publishing House and Arts Studio. The Media Syndicate enables creative use of mass media; the Publishing House creates, edits, and prints for mass distribution; and the Arts Studio creates docile arts and utilization methods. The Complex operates in the general social arena of communicating spirit to the masses. The historical contradiction which the Propagation Impact Complex impacts is seen by examining its relationship to contradiction in the formulation of human consciousness through the Media Syndicate, Publishing House, and Arts Studio. It is designed to accomplish a significant self­conscious re­imaging of persons through the impact of various media.


The images that man has of himself determine his behavior. He lives out of a societal gestalt of the images that he receives, many of which come to him through mass media, the most powerful global image creator. Man's behavior can be changed by projecting new images. Structural revolutionaries, through the intentional use of mass media effect change in man's self­image, thereby altering the dynamics of the social processes.
The historical contradiction blocking the propagation impact of the masses through present mass media lies in the unself­conscious formulation of society through the images projected. Mass media images are developed from an economic tyranny in the social processes, resulting in distorted images of life which influence society. Everything is oriented to the profit motive and attracting the attention of the public through sensationalism, especially in the arenas of violence and sex. The media portrays the naturalistic man who has lost the authentic story of his humanness. This encourages man not to deal in depth with his life, but to continue living out of his immediate feelings and wishdreams.
Constantly reminding man of life's meaning by infiltrating media with secular rites and symbols is one strategic objective of the Media Syndicate. Also, it is out to recover significant life symbols by media permeation with global cultural awareness. Media Syndicate is also seeking to rapidly communicate global social contradictions through creative programming. Finally, journalists and broadcasters are introduced to methods which would enable them to embody and communicate a global context.
PUBLISHING HOUSEThe emerging consciousness of the world requires particular stylized forms of printed material for its sustained growth. Intentionally created materials push man to new frontiers and to a deeper awareness of himself and the world. Private publication allows distribution for comprehensive, strategic impact. An independent Publishing House insures the common appropriate form, content and style of the impactment thrust.
A Publishing House is needed in response to several contradictions that are found in society today. Man in the Twentieth Century finds himself with a highly expanded consciousness, but does not have the printed material necessary to enable him to hold that awareness. In man's search for authenticity, he looks almost exclusively to society's perverted image of the past and thereby poses reductionistic answers for dealing with the present. The popular press assumes a simplistic posture appealing to isolated groups. Answers to the future are popularly portrayed in abstract forms which are highly reactionary or idealistic visions of the future.

The strategic objectives of the Publishing House create and release several forms of publication. To allow for the secular articulation of the Word, it is necessary to create a tractarian movement to reach all cultures. Imaginal popular publications are utilized to release humanness. Papers are published to provide models which hold a catalytic practical vision. A secular periodical is issued to enable the spirit dimension and corporateness of man.



Social art is the precursor of social change which gives imaginal form to the emerging collective consciousness of man, and thus is a necessary component of revolutionary impactment. Social arts include dance, drama, music, plastic arts, and poetry. Art is the primary means whereby man projects images and dramatizes events that recreate and bring consciousness to his interior awareness, allowing him to universalize his experience, and link his experience to history. Through art man can express and experience his deepest awareness of the realities of this world and the fear and fascination of the Other World.

The current contradiction in the field of art is the superficial life story from which art is created. Artists have reinforced man's victim image by depicting the fragmentation of society and romanticizing the rural past, thus abdicating their role of grounding the historical journey and the commonality of man. The appreciation of art often remains at a level of critical analysis rather than at the level of internalization of the experience art produces, or is reduced to a mode of sense stimulation.

The strategic objective of the Arts Studio is the employment of humanness releasing methods which would enable man to freely participate in creating socially visionary art. Pursuant to this is global distribution of secular art forms which communicate the Word.. A further objective lays out methods, such as community time­lines and story­telling formats, which would allow man to rearticulate his tradition. Finally, it is necessary to foster intentional art which deal with specific social contradictions.

Man's images of the world can be altered by the intentional use of available Twentieth Century media. A serious move toward global impactment of secular man requires a coordinated thrust utilizing key media for formulating human consciousness. The principal historical contradiction over against which the Propagation Impact Complex operates is man's pattern of using propaganda toward dehumanizing ends. The strategic objective, therefore, of the Propagation Impact Complex is to permeate existing mass media structures with movement vision and mythology and to create structures to nurture the emerging new global consciousness.

The Media Syndicate consists or four component groupings, which are Style Formation Shows, Educational Program Unit, News Analysis Croup, and Advertising Impact Force. Style Formation Shows provide local man with new stylistic images of authentic humanness relative to the 20th century through Mass Media. The Educational Program Unit infiltrates the media with secular mythology to recontext the human Journey. News Analysis Group is to provide imaginal impact in news reporting in order to provide local man with new images of possibility. Advertising Impact Force provides the media with methods to enable humanness through advertising.




Style Formation Shows provide entertainment program groups, including teams of writers who enable the use of humanizing symbols in soap operas and variety shows, age and sex writers who address special interest groups using ontological images of male/female and the four chronological life phases; heritage reclamation group who records and recontexts our ethnic heritages and recovers the "melting pot image" in the 10th century, ghost writing groups introduces the image of humanness into the mass media by providing new formats and constructs for existing popular shows or personalities. Movie program group introduces art form conversation on important movies to radio and TV audiences.

Giving precedent to selective catalytic programming, ontological address and re-contextualizing existing myths allows man to re-image himself and re-context himself within existing models. Massive programming, popular programming, and creating new myths are useful but less effective means.



he Educational Program Unit has within it a social vision unit for presenting documentaries drawing on movement experience, retelling the journey of the 20th century. The 5th City program, the global Urs through the Global Odyssey, and the New Social Vehicle analysis and proposals are examples of movement experience which could be used in this manner. The imaginal education unit creates programs for adults on talk shows featuring subjects such as age and sex and other 20th century re­imaging programs and for children use such formats as Sesame Street. The radio series group is to create lecture series dealing with the meaning of the 20th century to impact the public with the possibilities of life.
In the Educational Program Unit, selective catalytic programming takes precedence over massive programming; ontological address takes precedence over popular programming; and re-contextualizing existing myths takes precedence ever the creation of new myths. New models are grounded in existing wisdom and go beyond just exposing chaos by pointing to the possibility of creating order.



The News Analysis Group is composed of several components. The movement relations group collects and disseminates global news items of the movements and presents the thrust of the movement to the public The problem solving group uses brainstorming and workshop techniques to deal with world problems on TV and radio. A feature writing unit writes non­fiction articles for popular magazines, introducing the possibility for radical humanness. A group of news commentary producers uses the media of TV, radio and newspapers to make available the products of their creations dealing authentically with current economic, political, and cultural events. News format designers refoimula1e news reporting by designing a comprehensive for it that gives a global context to the news. Newspaper column writers create essay. on current issues, putting them in the context of mission.
Concerning the News Analysis Group, news priority is based on its relevance to social contradictions. That is, does it point to a vision of new possibility in the social contradiction. A global context is given for everything, thus helping local man to see his life in a new perspective. Style takes precedence over content when impacting the global man. Using, visual images to present information will penetrate the depth of consciousness with a permanence not to be achieved otherwise. It is important to hold the tension between values of establishes formats and novelty.


Within the Advertising Impact Forces, the commercial advertising units work with receptive advertisers to enable them to participate in the reformulation of humanness through new forms of product advertising. The public affairs advertising unit influences the public through programming and advertising. An outdoor advertising unit creates new ways of utilizing billboards, marquees, public transportation ads, etc., to enable local man to respond in a positive manner. A symbol infiltration camp will influence all media with meaningful symbols and rituals, thus impacting visually and intentionally the general public.
When dealing with Advertising Impact Force, style and language are accommodated to the arena of operations. Since the impact is vital, visual image takes precedence over verbal content. It is effective to focus in areas where there is already manifest a responsible trend. Poetry takes precedence over prose. For more effective impact. use secular metaphors.
In conclusion, within the Media Syndicate programs are focused in areas where there are positive trends already established and play the role of catalyst. The style and language of the address are adapted to the arena of operations and its imaginal impact takes precedence over the informational content.

The Publishing House consists of four components: Publications Editorial Staff, Movement Supply Unit, Print Shop, and Impact Book Store. The first component grouping, the Publications Editorial Staff, is concerned with coordination, design and production of popular productions, movement edge publications, visual symbols, recordings, movies, and movemental wisdom tracts. The second component grouping, the Movemental Supply Unit, coordinates the printing and reprinting of materials required by internal use. The third component, the Print Shop, maintains facilities to reproduce necessary printed materials for distribution. The fourth component, the Movement Impact Bookstore, retails to secular customers and movement workers all publications and additional materials such as records, movies, and decor or impact items. The Publishing House creates written and printed materials, records and movies for mass distribution.


A Publication Editorial Staff is responsible for projection, coordination, design and production of popular productions, movement edge publications, visual symbols, recordings, movies, and movemental wisdom tracts. Trend discerners assess current and future demands and enable these to be met by long range planning. An assignment coordination unit takes responsibility for the whole publication operation and controls flow of materials from the source and within the print shop and publishing house. The editing board receives materials for publication, decides on appropriate style, and prepares copy for print shop. Layout artists decide on format for material and design illustrative materials. A supple mental writing team writes additional minor copy as necessary.
Publications Editorial Staff policy is operated through sensitivity to public responses. The editoria1 staff operates out of futuric timelines as well as immediate demands. Methodological tools, such as flow charts are used to give coherence to the production process. All copy is prepared with attention to detail, e. g. accurate proof reading. Visual images enhance and intensify the impact of writing material.
MOVEMENT SUPPLY UNIT A Movement Supply Clerk catalogues masters, printed matter on hand, records, movies, etc. for instant availability. An incoming order clerk records and organizes orders for the printer. The distributor packs and ships orders. The bookkeeper files financial and inventory records. The catalog unit publicizes available materials.
The movement is continually informed of available material. Orders for printed or other materials are filled immediately. Files and records are updated continuously to enable prompt and accurate filling of all orders. Financial data is recorded accurately.


A Print Shop maintains facilities to assure reproduction of necessary printed materials for distribution. The printer supervises operations of the press. The distribution team designs and carries out models for distribution. The supply clerk is in charge of supplies needed for publishing materials. The collator collates materials and designs models for heavy demand collation. The maintenance engineer supervises maintenance of press and other equipment. The catalog unit stores and files materials for efficient accessibility.
Sufficient printing and collating materials are to be available at all times. Materials are stored for easy accessibility. Sufficient personnel always is available. The press is kept in working order constantly and can operate on call.



A Movement Impact Bookstore retails all publications and additional materials such as records, movies, and decor for impact teams both to secular customers and to movement workers. The manager supervises all functions and is responsible for assigning the store layout and selecting stock that will attract secular customers. The clerk sells and does whatever other work is needed. The buyer maintains in stock all necessary items at all times. The displayer arranges layout of stock. The bookkeeper keeps financial and inventory records.
The bookstore is designed to impact the localis in which it is located. It storks supplies in response to popular demand. The bookstore maintains a balanced stock for movement and for popular consumption. It consciously presents the movement image by items stocked and displayed. The bookstore is self­sustaining economically.

The Publishing House must be an economically self­sustaining unit. It presents the movement image while being conscious of secular demands and holds a tension between futuric time lines and immediate demands in production. To maintain smooth flow in production, flow charts and other methodological tools are used.

The Arts Studio consists of four component groupings: Community Arts Catalyst, Arts Tour Troupe, Popular Arts Lab, and Movement Symbol Makers. The first component grouping, Community Arts Catalyst, provides primal communities with information and methods necessary for comprehensively impacting the community with impactment art. Arts Tour Troupe provides an impact resource in the form of traveling art: exhibitions and shows produced by skilled performers as they provide catalytic community arts happenings. The Popular Arts Lab supplies the Movement with finished impactment art forms and catalyzes within society a resurgence of intentional art. Movement Symbol makers create and reproduce the symbols that hold the Movement to its impactment mission. The Arts Studio pioneers in the mass creation of intentional art for release in society, and enables the Movement in its utilization of art as a tool for global impactment.




The Community Arts Catalyst consists of movement personnel who have been prepared to serve as local consultants for community art groups and to supply needed materials. Revolutionary image makers supply contextua1 material on the use of art in expanding community consciousness, and serve as consultants in designing community art impact programs. Community story formulators enable the creation of imaginal historical timelines that capture a community's past and point the community toward the future. This component also provides formats for the creation of destinal community myths and reflective methodologies for the self-conscious appropriation of these myths. Futuric community designers equip communities with imaginal methods for visioning social dynamics and for drawing futuric community time­space designs, including architecture. Household decor enablers give insight into revolutionary domestic decor formats. Community heritage committees enable the representation of a cross-section of the community's history, highlighting its special gifts and needs. Community festival planners give procedures for planning community celebrational events. Arts methods workshops disseminate contemporary and traditional, practical wisdom in creative arts. Community exchange programmers plan for cross­community happenings. Arts administrators enable planning for a continuing community arts program, including management, finances, resources procurement, and worker training.
In the effective operation of the Community Arts Catalyst, maximum participation of local man is secured in conducting the arts program. Cultural concerns take priority over economic concerns and imaginal impact takes priority over aesthetic interests in deciding needed art. Sociological images take priority over psychologistic images in arts planning. Methods training takes priority over content training in equipping local man in the use of art.



The Arts Tour Troupe consists of components which provide local communities with signal arts exhibits and performances. The touring music group includes singers and instrumentalists presenting music of the Other World. Folk operas in this component present intentionalized stories of community. The drama group presents poetry and plays that address contradictions in area mindsets. The plastic arts exhibitors arrange museum shows and art fairs. The dance troupe presents revolutionary life styles through dance and recovers inherited dance forms. The production force includes the writers, choreographers, artists, etc. necessary for designing, rehearsing and presenting the arts exhibits and shows. The promotion and coordination unit cares for the publicity, transportation, housing, supplies, and finances of tours.

In the effective operation of the Arts Tour Troupe, style is emphasized as the most important factor of design. Emphasis is kept on interpretive art rather than entertainment. Artistic presentations are always in the secular mode and are followed by art reflections. Comprehensive strategy governs presentation, not opportunity for profit.




The Popular Arts Lab pioneers in the creation of contemporary intentional art. Artists recover classical ur symbology. Corporate art workshops create the methods and style of corporate missional art. Film makers introduce new images of humanness into movies. Song writers produce songs and experimental poets create poetry based on a secular statement of the Christ Word. The dance committee creates the dances that express primal humanness and missional corporateness. A record production group releases movement songs on mass­produced records. A poster production unit creates images to impact communities with mystery. Cartoon creators impact people with dynamic imaginal stories. Architects design spare for human sociality. Clothes designers create intentional apparel for missional thrust. Toy­makers design toys for appropriating the New Social Vehicle. The new art impulsion group catalyzes established artists to create intentional art.
In the Popular Arts Lab, priority is given to what is needed rather than the economic factor. Intentional use is made of existing and familiar art modes. Intentional art takes precedence over impressionistic or expressionistic art. Secular language and symbols are used. All activities are focused on man's spirit deeps.


Movement Symbol Makers consists of a series of components that hold the Movement before its impactment mission. Global symbol makers develop symbols to expand parochial mindsets. A poster unit produces posters to remind the Movement of its impactment task. The movement arts workshop disseminates methods for creating movement art. A movement music group writes and reviews movement songs. The style research assembly explores possibilities for effective imaginal style projection.
Movement Symbol Makers use global symbols to expand parochial mindset. Emphasis is on what art is needed, not what it costs. Movement symbols are made with maximum participation of local man. Resources immediately at hand are utilized. Methods take priority over content in movement art training.

The Arts Studio requires the use of the secular mode. Intentional art takes priority over expressionistic and impressionistic art. Cultural concerns take priority over economic concerns in deciding needed art. Maximum participation of local man is secured. Artistic Presentations are followed by art reflections.

CONCLUSIONIn its effective operation the propagation impact complex demands that missional needs dictate production. All forms of the complex are economically self­supporting. Imaginal impact takes precedence over informational content. Impact requires the secular mode. Selective catalytic thrust takes precedence over massive production.

The Means Application Complex is composed of three forms: Instruments Library, Promotion Coordinate and Impactment Guild. The Instruments Library collects, creates and distributes resources; the Promotion Coordinate orchestrates and coordinates impactment thrust; and the Impactment Guild sustains and engages corps of secular impactors., This Complex addresses itself to the historical contradiction of choked information and media systems, leading to parochialism and to limited contextual horizons. It is designed to supply the support dynamic to provide supplies, forces, and reinforcement for front line impactment.


Global wisdom for developing man's life possibility depends upon a mobile depository of instruments for impactment. The logistical center for supporting these instruments is an Instruments Library. This library globally collects and disseminates from all cultures wisdom embodied in mythologies, models, decor, and other materials. A common global memory for man is created and sustained by this repository of wisdom.
The historical contradictions that are impacted by Instruments Library are provincialism, intentiona1 paralysis in the face of organizational complexity, and parochia1 isolation leading to volitional defeatism. Provincialism is manifested in isolationist cultural enclaves. These result from a paralysis of communication flow caused by the sheer complexity of global organization. This in turn victimizes communications media which leads to a narrow operating context which creates a fatalistic outlook on the status quo.

The Instruments Library functions as a material interchange for the entire globe and creates a comprehensive pool of wisdom and resources. A strategic design for rapid dissemination allows immediate access to these materials and resources. The Instruments Library sustains the common memory of man and holds the wisdom of every age and culture. Dispersal of this wisdom serves to address men trapped in parochial and provincial life styles.



Strategic deployment of instruments and forces demands an exact knowledge of the coefficient or need in the field so that a sustained, coordinated corporate thrust can be maintained; and so that the latest methodologies can immediately reach the troops in the field. This is always the task of the Promotion Coordinate. Commonality of impactment methodologies, operating images, and forces is lost without such coordination.
Promotion Coordinate will impact the historical contradiction or narrow fragmented societal vision and rigidity of vocation and missional responsibility. In the Twentieth Century, the static concept of society means a prevalence of rigid compartmentalized primal roles. Narrowness of missional vision and a parochia1 operating context reduces responsibility for the present situation. Male and female roles and age phases merge imperceptibility and lose their sociological power.

The strategic focus of bringing the Word to every man through dynamic movemental structures will enable a resurgence of humanness. The Promotion Coordinate will focus its efforts within a comprehensive strategy to maintain clarity on the global impactment mission. The aim is to revitalize the spirit deeps so that men reintegrate poetry with life. Dynamic movemental structures, which are always temporal, will create as a sign depth consciousness which will result in a global resurgence of humanness.

IMPACTMENT GUILDThe survival and rebirth of the world in the Twentieth Century requires an Impactment Guild structure. This structure dynamic fulfills the need of man to have theological tools to screen his secular experiences. In times of social collapse, man is sustained by corporate discipline and intentional structures which give him tools and methods and enable him to stand in disbursement. Within these corporate structures, symbolic life rehearses for man the story about the way . Life is and calls him to stand before that reality.

Twentieth Century man shows up operating out of a reduced sense of mission and vocation manifested in a perverted individualism. Fear and misappropriation of the spirit dimension of life and denial of his traditional past has paralyzed him in a hollow puritanism. He is overwhelmed by the complexity of life but fears building the necessary structures to free all men. He has lost his sense of the indicative givenness of his life and clings to a hypocritical moralism and an ironclad integrity that cuts him off from the real issues of the Twentieth Century. His sense of responsibility knows that more is required, but he has no way to break out of his legalistic chains. Bound to principles, laws, virtues and all kinds of categorical imperatives, he is lost in the bewildering complexities of his social world and capitulates to the piety of this world.

The Impactment Guild embodies corporate discipline and corporate structures to intensify the penetration of society. It theologically grounds man, awakening him to the presence of awe in his being, and enabling him to become the Awe­­ the inspiring one. The symbolic life of the Impactment Guild holds man accountable to the task of renewal of mankind whereas the corporate structures enable absolution on man's work in the world. Man will move in a rhythm into and out of the Impactment Guild Dynamic thus enabling him to be mission to all mankind.

World Impactment depends on structures for cyberneticized wisdom, a coordinate design, and the nurture of disciplined impactors. A corporate context and the coordination of all wisdom insures global data accessibility.1he Twentieth Century's terrifying organizational complexity produces an intentional paralysis in information flow resulting in an insulated parochial isolation from Twentieth Century reality. It is this contradiction that Means Application Complex impacts. The Complex provides a network of enabling liaison, nurtures an exchange as the backup system for global impactment.

The Instruments Library Form consists of three component groupings: the Resource Gestalting and Holding Unit, the Resource Acquisition Unit, and the Resource Distribution Unit. The first component grouping, the Resource Gestalting and Holding Unit, ensures that all the wisdom of the movement is held and made available for distribution; the second component grouping, the Resource Acquisition Unit, ensures that materials and data are collected; and the third component grouping, the Resource Distribution Unit, ensures effective distribution of all wisdom and materials. The nature or the Instruments Library form is a dynamic which enables effective collecting, holding, cataloging, and distribution of all movemental resources.




The Resource Gestalting and Holding Unit sifts and organizes the resources of the Instruments Library in order to enable the effective dissemination of the instruments through the Resource Distribution Unit. The dynamic interaction among components is enabled by models and methodologies formulated by the Organizing Function Unit. Resources are organized, catalogued and listed by the Catalogue Organization Team. Their function is made more effective through the gestalts of wisdom furnished by the Wisdom Gestalt Team. The Resource Inventory Team monitors all instruments available through the library including their current status and location. The models and methodologies of the movement are made available by the Demonstration Publication Team.

The dynamics of the interaction among the components are grounded in five operating principles. A smooth flowing organizatioifa1 model enables the effective functioning of all components. Every Unit needs to know what data is available to make their task more effective All resources are valuable for the Impactment Design The gestalting method is the best way to hold all the wisdom that is available. Existing models are shared to enable all groups to create comprehensive models for their own functions.




The Resource Acquisition Unit is that component grouping responsible for the collection of materials and data for the instruments Library. Four teams with specific functions will carry out this responsibility. Collecting wisdom from all geographic areas and all Urs is the responsibility of one unit. the acquisition of wisdom on man's spirit deeps is necessary as it enables efficioi1t impact. A team will be responsible for collecting and compiling movement needs and relate these to determine what further resources need to be collected.
The operating principles of the Resource Acquisition Unit need to be stated. Awareness of movement needs determines what resources are to be gathered The materials and data collected must represent wisdom from a comprehensive sociological level and a global context. Common memory is held by compiling all resources including past documents and papers.



The Resource Distribution Unit is responsible for the dissemination of data and materials in order to communicate spirit to the masses. The distribution process includes the building of models to enable effective distribution. Decor and art forms would also be included in the distribution models. As requests come in for particular documents, papers or wisdom in specific arenas, the Distribution Unit would be responsible for sending back the materials and wisdom requested. A listing of what materials are available is sent out periodically.

The Distribution Unit works out of some basic operating principles. In order for effective use, resources are readily available and a listing of resources is kept. The dissemination of wisdom helps avoid needless redundancy, that is, the dissemination of data prevents the rebuilding of models needlessly. In building the distribution models, a key value to hold is effectiveness. The effective distribution is crucial to the ongoing process of creating and building the common memory of the movement.

The acquisition, holding and distribution of resources within the Instruments Library dynamic are governed by five operating principles. All resources are valuable and are maintained in the gestalting of wisdom. Awareness of human deeps enables collection of resources that will make for more effective impact. The common memory is held by compiling past documents and papers. Awareness of movement needs determines what resources need to be gathered. Models for acquisition, gestalting, and distributing resources enable a more effective dynamic within the Instruments Library.

The Promotion Coordinate consists of three component groupings: Comprehensive Orchestration Team, Multi­level Movement Coordinators. and Evaluation­Research Units. The first component grouping, Comprehensive Orchestration Team, ensures comprehensive~effective, integrated flow of time, resources, and events; the Multi­level Movement Coordinators ensure harmonious orchestration aimed primarily at the geographic level; Evaluation Research Units ensure use of effective and comprehensive orchestration models. The nature of the Promotion Coordination form maximizes comprehensive missional effectiveness of all interrelated units and resources.




The Comprehensive Orchestration Team bears the main responsibility to ensure the total and comprehensive integration of the Global Impactment Design. This team fulfills its responsibility by being involved strategically with planning, organizing and orchestrating impactment activities. It orchestrates end­synchronizes all courses and special events. It deals with time and form factors checking both for overlapping and vacuums. It utilizes and conserves resources involved. This can only be accomplished with the use of a total information communication system which is both accurate and up to date.

The operating principles by which the Comprehensive Orchestration Team operate point to the essential executive functions of the team. All available and applicable secular resources are to be effectively utilized. Every impact activity is contexted comprehensively. All immediacies are dealt with in light of the comprehensive model. Task assignments maintain responsible use of time. Also comprehensive planning maximizes effectiveness of troops and other resources. These principles point to the integration and optimum utilization of all available resources.




Multilevel Movement Coordination encompasses all levels from polls through globalis. It coordinates the impactment activities of one level in relation to another as well as the activities of a given geographical area. Coordination within a level consists of regional and area enablers, localis level coordinators and task assignment teams. Since the effectiveness of the impact at every level is interrelated)there are local­global relations to coordinate across levels.

Multilevel Movement Coordination moves upon the basic operating principle that all levels move simultaneously. In coordination, especially at the localis level, being the catalyst enabling grassroots leadership is more effective than doing the whole task by oneself. Grassroots leadership development, therefore, takes precedence over efficiency systems. As the coordination is carried out, the local power structures must be considered as they play a crucial role in impacting the world with myths and life styles. On all levels working in teams takes priority over individual action.

EVALUATION RESEARCH UNITSEvaluation Research Units evaluate and build the models which orchestrate the various forms of the impact design and which coordinate resources, time, and events at different geo­social levels. Evaluation is the function of the Model Evaluation Team. Analyzers of the Past hold the wisdom of past plans of orchestration and coordination to maintain effectiveness and to avoid reduplication and past mistakes of utilizing all available resources the future model builders have planned for based on projected needs.
Evaluation of plans is done periodically to gain clarity on the models and to determine their effectiveness or ineffectiveness. The endurance of the models is tested in the practical situation and is not changed until a more comprehensive model is available or until the practical situation demands a change. Each plan, tested by the endurance of time and the practical situation, is build out of the "long march" image, which pushes beyond the static models of immediacy and thrusts the plan into the future.

Promotion Coordinate has several invaluable operating principles. Massive numbers of people will be reached only by people who take up the responsibility of leadership over a broad geo­social base. Impacting numbers of grassroots leaders takes precedence over efficiency systems. In addition, all geo­social levels, from parish through regionalis, are to move simultaneously to effect mass movement. Comprehensive planning maximizes the effectiveness of troops and other resources such as courses, task assignments, and events. All immediacies are dealt with in the light of the comprehensive view. No new thrusts such as models are implemented without evaluating previous thrusts in light of the comprehensive view or unless the practical situation demands the change.


The Impactment Guild consists of three component groupings: Spirit Nurture Teams, an Impact Tutorial Group and the Initial Recruitment Unit. The Spirit Nurture Teams take responsibility for the spirit life of the guild, the Impact Tutorial Group demonstrates methods for secular impactment, and the Initial Recruitment Unit both develops the methods and carries on the process of recruiting. The Impactment Guild is a means of training and sustaining those who translate the Word into secular terms, and impact the world by enabling humanness to permeate its structures.



In the Impactment Guild, Spirit Nurture Teams are the "glue" for the guild. They set up care structures, so that individuals are sustained during spirit struggles. At the regular meetings, gurus give spirit talks, and rituals are used so as to equip the guild for interior discipline. One group analyzes and evaluates the methods and skills being used in impacting encounters; another sees to the room decor, reinterpreting symbols to strengthen the symbolic life of the guild. An enabling corps prepares the physical necessities, sees that supplies are on hand, and notifies participants when necessary. These teams are probably not permanent ones, but are assignments made according to need.

The major operating principles behind the Spirit Nurture Teams grow out of the image of servanthood as conductive to team and guild relationships. Individual spirit struggles are corporate responsibility. In order to sustain the covenantal bond, regular meetings are essential, and room decor at the meeting demonstrates intentionality. Common missional vision is the basis for the corporate discipline which the Spirit Nurture Team builds.




The Impact Tutorial Group is the self­conscious structuring of training for enabling humanness in all situations. Structured training is to equip secular impactors with the understanding of impactment as enabling humanness in every life situation and provide the methods and skills for self­consciously relating the Word authentically to the lives of persons or groups. A faculty of pedagogues decides the curriculum for such training. They are indigenous to the ethnic group or groups in the area and include youth and various occupational representatives. Imaginal methods and skills are demonstrated to equip the secular impactors to perceive the depth spirit blocks and contradictions that paralyze a person. impactment is recontexted as enabling humanness, and the impactor is to address himself to the depth spirit problem and mediate the struggle with the basic decision of vocation. This re­mythologizing of another's self­story is to be done in secular language quickly end effectively. Special consultants are called on when needed.

The operating principles are that the training is to give priority to missional engagement within a comprehensive context rather than particular social action. A sound context releases man's ability to deal with his situation. They key to enabling another is to accurately perceive the basic spirit block at the center of his life. The impact tutorial group clearly demonstrates the methods and skills for performing the miracles of impactment in secular language that avoids the ambiguities of religious terminology and to facilitate understanding.




Initial Recruitment is undertaken by a group of people who are flexible in style and confirmed in methodologies. RS­I grads are an obvious choice for this task. They could be recruited, at the end of each course, to attend training sessions for recruitment methodology and the basics of "Minute Visits." Primary to their purpose will be a common conviction that individual struggles are corporate responsibility. Speech is better couched in secular terms in order to capture interest but more to avoid communication that smacks of overt proselytizing or an air of condescension which may be a peripheral manifestation of dedication.

The operating principles are that comprehensive impactment can best be attained by intentionally seeking out prospective unit members in both the pro­ and dis­establishment of a particular geographical area. It should be borne in mind that the use of existing structures is the best framework on which to build and that there are primary fields of society which need permeation.

Operating principles of the Impactment Guild are that comprehensive planning and evaluation maximizes effectiveness of the total geo­social impact. Models are build from grass­roots wisdom. Impacting of grass­roots leadership takes precedence over efficiency systems. Sound context and intentional self­story releases authentic humanness. Secular language reaches the masses.

CONCLUSIONThe Means Application Complex operates with the understanding that comprehensive planning and evaluation maximizes effectiveness. Comprehensive missional planning uses grass­roots wisdom to build models. Since the grass­roots level is where all things are finally tested and either succeed or fail, the impaction of grass­roots leadership takes precedence over efficient systems. Releasing authentic humanness of the masses is enabled by sound contextualizing short courses and intentional self­stories cast in secular language.