Research Paper

Not for Publication

Research Assembly

Summer '72



Introduction to Design

C4. Formal Curriculum Complex

­New Social Vehicle Course

-Vocation Courses

­Methods Courses


C5: Social Engineering Complex

­ Permeation Institutes

­Apprenticeship Programs

­Social Consultations


C6: Inclusive Steering Complex

­Research Post

­Equipment Co­ordinate

­Social Faculty


Conclusion to Design




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The Global Equipment Design is the Movement's basic reeducation design for the world. Its component forms enable the re-styling of the secular form.

The world has always had equipment designs. Undergirding various social forms in the twentieth century is the general presupposition that man must be equipped with tools for dealing with his situation in order to survive economically. For example, vocational schools are set up so that local man is equipped with the tools which will enable him to succeed financially. The movemental equipment design relative to the world pushes beyond the realm of the economic. It presupposes that man needs a way to put form to his self-consciousness; therefore he needs a comprehensive context in order to create a life­style of active engagement in the task of social reconstruction. The movemental global equipment design also presupposes that man needs practical tools and methods in a comprehensive common context to release him to engage in shaping history.



The church's presupposition that man needs to be provided with tools to survive and to operate responsibly in his human community has led it to create equipment designs. These designs were a result of the fact that the church saw the inadequacy of the world's equipment designs. Today tutoring programs and vocationally oriented training are manifestations of the church's equipment design. At times the church presupposed that the equipping of the world's forces would also ready the secular masses for evangelism and penetration. Beyond this, more specific assumptions are operative, man needs to be equipped with methods primarily for self care, self development and economic survival rather than that man must be given comprehensive methods in order to release his power and uniqueness to serve not himself, but the world.

Movements in history have had equipment designs in order to restyle secular man that he might engage in history in a particular way to accomplish a particular task. The presence of such equipment designs is evidenced in social forms such as voter registration classes of the Civil Rights movement which equipped the disenfranchised with tools for creative participation in the world by participation in the movement but to a larger degree directly through the church in her task of equipping the world.

In every age, old transestablishment styles recrystallize into establishment styles. The Movement's role is to equip secular forces so that new transestablishment styles are always being birthed.






The Global Equipment Design operates in the general social arena of the world. The historical contradictions that this design impacts are seen by examining its relationship to man's inability to release his creativity in the task of social reconstruction .

There are certain key historical contradictions that the movemental global equipment designs will impact relative to the world. The reduced vocational context out of which local man operates perpetuates his inability to see the significance of his occupation in relation to global need. The story local man lives out of reduces his missional vision and perpetuates individualism, production imbalance, and vocational crisis. His inadequate story also perpetuates a victim image which blocks his significant engagement in shaping history. For example, the teacher who sees himself as no more than a pawn of the administrative hierarchy finally lives out of the story that teaching is merely a good way to support his family. Also impacted by this design will be uncoordinated research efforts which perpetuate fragmented strategies as currently exemplified in the "free school" experiment.



These contradictions are manifested in several ways in the church. A definitive parochialism hinders both local and global mission. The clergyman's truncated image of his role often results in merely keeping the local congregation operating and in ignorance of their concrete engagement in global mission. These blocks prevent the church from fully realizing its role as servant to the world.



The cruciality of the movement equipment design is finally understood by looking at the historical contradictions manifest within the movement itself. The movement has not yet provided the church with methods and tools sufficient to equip secular forces with an adequate vocational context for significant engagement in social reconstruction. Underlying this is the fact that the methods - even when available in other than unrefined forms and applicable to other than reduced vocational arenas ­­ have been blocked from reaching the world due to inadequate equipment coordination within the movement. This is at least in part explained by the fact that the movement has not created the steering complex methods by which the churches themselves can be missionally engaged in the task of equipping the world.

Therefore, the principle historical contradiction overagainst which the global equipment design operates is that of the reduced vocational context that does not allow local man to see himself as significantly engaged in history.






The Global Equipment Design is created to effect a corporate framework in which man can see himself vocated to the global task

There are four ways that the strategic objectives of the movemental global equipment design will impact the world. This design will develop a corporate framework for engaging local man in the global task. Through this framework an inclusive myth for global engagement will be birthed thereby recovering t}.e significance of vocation. This will demand that common comprehensive methods for administering care are provided. Finally a new style of engagement in common corporate mission to the whole globe will be demonstrated. It then becomes clear that reconstruction of the earth will take place only when there are troops of re-stylized secular forces that are equipped to communicate spirit to the masses, thereby building the social design.




The equipment design enables the creation of social signs that beckon the church on to acquire comprehensive methods and tools that arouse, equip, and involve church troops in the world. This provides the rationale and spirit for cooperative venture. The realizing of an ecumenical framework would strengthen the church's effort in global mission together. These strategic objectives would demonstrate a renewed sense of vocation on the part of the church.




Finally, global equipment design is a supportive­ mechanism for realizing the movement's third strategic objective of bringing about a resurgence in human motivity. Once the equipment design re-stylizes the secular forces, inclusive missional planning will be reordered to insure that methodological prowess becomes an ongoing reality. As the disciplined secular forces that are equipped through this design increase, the demand that the movement create more comprehensive spirit care structures will increase.

The strategic objective of the global equipment design is the creation of a corporate framework for the task of global reconstruction. This will insure that man will re­image his life vocation in relation to global reconstruction.





The Formal Curriculum Complex is composed of three forms: New Social Vehicle Course, Vocational Courses, and Methods Courses. The New Social Vehicle Course is to provide prowess in dynamic sociology; Vocational Courses re­image vocational life­style; Methods Courses supply tools for social effectiveness. The Formal Curriculum Complex operates in the general social arena of formal academic training. The historical contradiction which the Formal Curriculum Complex impacts is seen by examining its relationship to contemporary education forms and methods around the globe. The Formal Curriculum Complex is designed to equip every man with the necessary tools to participate self-consciously in the humanizing activities of society.

The fundamental presupposition of New Social Vehicle Course is that the old social vehicle is dying, and therefore a new social vehicle must be created out of those collapsing forms. When local man becomes self­conscious of this, it is necessary for him to understand the dynamics of the social process so that he can see the possibility of participation in the re-balancing of its imbalances. This is only possible when he sees himself as ~ part of a corporate missional thrust. The secular­religious style is that which communicates this new possibility.

Major historical contradictions which point to the need for the New Social Vehicle Course begin with society's loss of vision for its own future in caring for all mankind, and its failure to see emerging signs of renewal. Man experiences himself cut off from significant engagement in the social processes of our time. Those who are still engaged have compartmentalized the processes, so that they work under the illusion that correcting one manifestation of imbalance will cure all ills. A further contradiction is seen in the woefully scattered and ineffective methods being used to bring into being the necessary structures.

The New Social Vehicle Course will, in the first instance, expose man to the social realities of our times and allow him to see that basic social realities are common to all cultures and social groupings. It will also ground for him the fact that it is necessary to care for all the people and deal with all the problems, and will enable him to see how that is possible over a given period of time. The NSV Course will further enable man to see the interdependency of the various social processes and the positive aspects of those relationships. Most important, out of such a course local man will be clear that he has the possibility of creatively participating in building a new social order.



The social philosophy undergirding Vocational Courses is that every man's vocation contributes significantly to history. This vocation is his basic life thrust which transcends all particular aspects of his life including his job or occupation. Furthermore, man has the possibility of self­consciously and intentionally deciding his vocation. The man who chooses to live his life fully and responsibly always decides his vocation in relation to the manifest needs of the world.

Local man is experiencing the intense pain created out of the awareness that his vocation does not freight the meaning of his life. Yet, he is still locked into old criteria for choosing his vocation. One of the contradictions that Vocational Courses overcomes is the image of vocation as a nine­to­five job during one's prime years. Another is that society imposes a standard of human worth based on one's situation in life. Vocation is reduced to "doing something," and is imaged as an individual endeavor which emasculates spirit involvement and missional context.

Vocational Courses hold a unique promise for the future by addressing the crying need for vocational relevance. Local man will find genuine meaning in his vocation, no matter how basic it is, as his vocation is seen within the perspective of global need. Local man will once again authentically determine the nature of his thrust and expenditure within any occupation. Then out of a deeper understanding of vocation, a secular­religious life­style emerges which enables taking a revitalized relationship to work.





In Methods Courses, the basic presupposition is that authentic methodology is grounded in life experience. Methods are the translation of human consciousness into models of action. The self-conscious use of contentless methods enables full humanness to be manifest in social forms. Local man is literally bombarded by large volumes of data. Methods Courses allow him to bring self-conscious order to his data by imparting to local man contentless methodologies which can be adapted to any situation.

The lack of people "rained' in methodologies for social change illustrates the need for Methods Courses. Those now available do not provide the tools for comprehensive futuric visioning to enable long­range planning, and goals are reduced to that of solving isolated problems without considering their interrelationships. Also evident in our society is the belief that only the experts are capable of social problem­solving, and thus the reservoirs of human creativity of the local man are left untapped.

The basic objective of Methods Courses is to enable corporate creativity by providing the common methodologies that will free up the presently paralyzed masses. Methodologies provided through the construct of Methods Courses will aim at releasing corporate passion for significant social engagement, and will bring methodological tools within the reach of every man. Persons will thus be enabled to know that the emergence and functioning of society is totally dependent on man's solitary decision to create.

With the Formal Curriculum Complex, practical tools will be offered to society, which will enable every human being to grasp his vocation as giving humanizing form to the common social processes. It must be internally consistent so that every method used reflects the underlying ideology. Therefore, the principle historical contradiction overagainst which the Formal Curriculum Complex operates is the self story of common man that says he is incapable of significant life work, ill equipped, and faces an unchangeable world. The strategic objective, therefore, of the Formal Curriculum Complex is to enable a vision of society and its potential, motivate decision for significant life engagement, and provide practical methodologies for enacting those decisions in the creation of life­giving social structures.




The New Social Vehicle Course consists of three component groupings: Global Teaching Staff, Local Recruitment Regiment, and Local Practics Team. The first component grouping, Global Teaching Staff, plans the course focus, assigns teaching roles and teaches the course; the second, Local Recruitment Regiment, trains recruiters and recruits strategically; and the Local Practics Team, the third component grouping, arranges New Social Vehicle decor, sets up child care structures and curriculum, and handles registration and finances. A global/local faculty will teach the New Social Vehicle Course to ground local man in the social processes. Recruiting will take place particularly among people presently consciously involved in the social process.

The Global Teaching Staff will be thoroughly grounded in the social process triangles and in the demonstration models of the movement such as 5th City. In each teaching team the first and second teachers will be global, while the third and fourth may be local. As well as actually teaching the course, the Global Teaching Staff will plan the focus of each course to correspond with the local sociological situation and assign appropriate teaching roles.

When considering the teaching staff, a point must be made for global teachers enabling a global dynamic at every course. They are clear that the deeps of humanness can be secularly articulated. When we operate this way, we will remember that a transparent style will bring to fruition a life decision. Well worked out teacher images maintain newly learned operating images. Finally, structures will enable the comprehensive care manifested by the attention to the last detail.




The Local Recruitment Regiment is the operation designed to deal with the New Social Vehicle Course recruitment so that it is strategically directed towards those who are lucid about the social process and who carry key positions in the local area. The local task of this group involves training recruiters and keeping orderly and up­to­date records of recruitment contacts. Once a prospect agrees to attend the course, the regiment is then responsible for enabling that decision by checking back with the registrant to be sure he is coming and to remind him of the practical details.

Strategic recruitment for the New Social Vehicle Course is the key to eventually reaching all men. It is therefore done in teams for the sake of effectiveness as well as ongoing training of recruiters. Context is as important as content in motivating the recruiters and in giving the pitch. The decision to be comprehensive is acted out in the particular, such as the task of recruiting. That task is carried out through structures if it is to care for the situation comprehensively.




The Local Practics Team is the component of the New Social Vehicle Course that takes responsibility for the practical arrangements that permit the course to take place. Selection of course sites, in­residence housing arrangements, and menu planning are vital functions of the Practics Team; transportation and child care models are also handled by this component. In assuring that all necessary materials and supplies are secured for the course, the Practics Team maintains a detailed, continually updated checklist that may include such items as paper, pencils, chalk, erasers and bedding for the pedagogues. The Practics Team keeps records of registration and finances at the course, and transmits the faculty honorarium to the first teacher. All decor to be used in the course is provided by Practics under the guidance of the first teacher. As the component name implies, the Local Practics Team acts as the practical "glue" that enables the course effectively to take place.

The Local Practics Team is headed by one person who symbolically and actually takes full responsibility for enabling the course. Courses are most effective when pertinent data on the course participants and necessary arrangements are held in easily accessible data forms. The decor used in a course is an essential tool for impacting local man, and in connection with this and all other matters concerning the actual course, the first teacher makes the final decisions. In going about their work, the Practics Team assumes an unobtrusive style that in no way distracts from the course.

The major operating principle underlying the New Social Vehicle Course is that comprehensive care is provided through structurally enabled attention to the last detail. To further ensure that care is comprehensive, the global dynamic is represented on every course faculty. Strategic recruitment is the key to eventually reaching all men, and, for the sake of ongoing training as well as effectiveness, recruitment is done in teams. In terms of practice, intentional decor and contexting are essential in effectively impacting local man.









Vocational Courses consists of four component groupings: Local Projection Centrum, Course Recruitment Troops, Course Teaching Faculty, and Practics Enablement Team. The Local Projection Centrum insures that comprehensive models are built and initiated and that all other components operate in coordination with one another; the Course Recruitment Troops enable courses to happen by recruiting the participants; the Course Teaching Faculty conducts the courses; and the Practics Enablement Team enables the practical operation during the course.

The Local Projection Centrum is the catalytic enablement component of Vocations Courses. Its primary task is to scan and then decide, by priorities, the target groups in the community which are to be recruited for the courses, using the global movement strategies as a screen. Local Projection Centrum then is responsible for the creation and initiation of a comprehensive and detailed recruitment rationale. The Centrum handles and distributes any necessary mailings and publications in relation to any aspect of the course. It coordinates the various operational components needed to pull off a vocations course. It also is given the task of maintaining the files of data that come out of the various components of vocational courses. Finally, it uses its available resources to brief and debrief the teaching faculty so as to assure that the local wisdom is interwoven with the contentless course methodology in preparation for the course.

The initial operating principle of the Local Projection Centrum comes from living out of the image that the method whereby the masses are educated is the systematic scheduling of courses. This component always decides its local priorities, in recruitment, for example, overagainst the needs of the globe. As a working body, the Local Projection Centrum understands that only corporate model­building will enable them to make a concrete decision about their common life expenditure. In order to enable an ongoing forward thrust, the Local Projection Centrum realizes that they operate out of present models on hand until better ones are built to replace them. Finally, it understands that current data is the necessary basis for building inclusive and futuric models of recruitment and projection.

The Course Recruitment Troops build the necessary models and timelines that will enable their operation in the context as set by the Local Projection Centrum. Their function is to develop and train the personnel necessary to accomplish the corporate goals. Individual assignments need to be made and records kept about the result of visits to enable adequate follow­up. It is necessary that the recruitment troops work in constant contact with the Projection Centrum in order to insure coordination with total area operation.

Since recruitment deals with human beings, spirit analysis of the prospect is crucial to uncover the depth issues that need to be dealt with in a call. The particular style of the prospect needs to be honored so that nothing unnecessary blocks his making a positive decision. Practical blocks which the prospect raises can always be dealt with either by himself or the recruitment team. Money is stored up life energy; the offered course is visualized as the best opportunity to expend it. The current visit must be imaged as the only one needed, to enable intentionality in recruitment.




The third component structure necessary to bring off a vocational course is the Course Teaching Faculty. Functions of the teachers will be to assign themselves to the specific parts of the course each will teach and the roles that each will fill. Structures are needed which will enable the teaching faculty to evaluate each session of the course as it comes off insofar as this is necessary for effecting following sessions. Faculty must be aware of individuals' reactions to the course since individual attention to a participant may be necessary to enable him to relate to the content of the course.

The teaching faculty realizes that the participants' lives are changed through changing the images out of which they operate. The teaching must address each participant from whatever point in his life journey he stands at the time. The teaching style must be transparent so that the address to the participant is through the content rather than the teachers' individual presentations of the content. The context of the course is global so that the participants' vocational decisions will be globally relevant. Finally, the presentation enables participants to embody the transestablishment role.




The Practics Enablement Team does the physical preparation of the facility in which the course will be held. It prepares and serves the meals that go on during the course. Any necessary decor is set up and taken care of. The registration of course participants which includes housing assignments for the duration of the course is handled by this group.

The initial operating principle of the Practics Enablement Team is that care for the participants is demonstrated through intentionality in every detail of the enablement. The enablement component realizes that for the course to be pulled off adequately, every function is carried out. The given situation is imaged as a challenge for creative engagement. They know that they enable the context of the course by embodying the kind of transparent doing that points beyond themselves to new possibilities for radical vocational engagement. Finally, the Practics Enablement Team deals only with practice enablement and leaves the pedagogical care of the participants to the course teaching faculty.

Vocations courses primarily operate out of the value that a transparent style is the key to enabling the course to catalyze life decisions in the participants. Particular decisions are imaged as being made only out of a comprehensive context. Success in the comprehensive is to be achieved through great intentionality to details. Obedience to the corporate model ensures this kind of comprehensive operation. Finally, vocations courses decide to operate out of present models until better ones are built.





The Methods Courses consist of four component groupings: Local Continuity Centrum, Course Enablement Teams, Global/Local Staff, and Course Recruitment Teams. The first component grouping, Local Continuity Centrum, has overall responsibility for course coordination; the Course Enablement Teams ensure effective and smooth course operation; Global/Local Staff provide an objective viewpoint and corporately proven methodologies; and Course Recruitment Teams recruit participants, keep records of recruitment and keep the course registrar constantly informed.

The Local Continuity Centrum is that body which assumes overall responsibility for the Methods Course and any necessary follow­up. Their job is to plan the recruitment rationale and see that it is carried out. If the need arises for scholarship funds it would be this body's task to raise the money. Another function of this group is to provide the teaching staff with all relevant information concerning the local situation and the course participants. They will participate in the evaluation so that they will know where to move in relation to their task of designing follow­up structures.

The following operating principles will guide the Local Continuity Centrum as it does its planning and carries out its task. In relation to its overall responsibility, a guideline is that the effectiveness of the comprehensive lies in its grounding in the particular. In making decisions relative to the course the long­range values have priority over immediate values. In planning strategies they are aware that the course context is as important as the content. Furthermore, comprehensive evaluation takes place through a predetermined framework, and finally the follow­up model is determined by what you are out to have happen to the course participants.




Course Enablement Teams are in charge of bringing off the tasks that need to be done for the course to run smoothly. People assigned to do this will find the location for the course to be held, provide bedding and other necessary materials, and provide needed transportation. A registrar and host are assigned and their functions contexted. A decor rationale is followed and materials for it gathered. A smaller team is assigned to buy the food and do the cooking for the course. Child care structures are also arranged when needed.

Clear contexting of course enablement teams on the operating principles of the movement will enable them to function effectively. The basic operating guideline for effective enablement is that the teams embody the style of transparent servanthood. Enablers should be seen and not heard during the course. Intentionality sets the mood of seriousness for course participants and is demonstrated through minute attention to detail. Course enablement is most effectively done by movement colleagues.




The Global/Local Staff is that group of pedagogues which is present to teach at the course. Having both the global and the local represented on the faculty enables a perspective which is both objective and comprehensive and one which is grounded in the local situation. The function of the faculty is to teach imaginal techniques to the participants and to train local teachers in movement pedagogy. A common model is used as the basis for course presentation so that the effectiveness of operating out of corporate methodologies will be dramatized.

The fundamental operating principle for this component is that man's behavior can be altered through the imaginal education process. In order that this might best be enabled, every course faculty must operate out of a common model and hold within it the global/local tension. It is crucial that the methodologies in the course be presented as life methods which are grounded in the group's common experience. Having local representation on the course faculty is key in grounding the contentless methods in the local situation. In order to ensure that newly learned operating images are maintained beyond the course, the use of teaching images by pedagogues is most helpful.




The recruitment team for the course has the job of pulling together a list of prospects and making contacts with these people through visits and calls. They receive registrations and money previous to the course and get them to the registrar. Last minute confirmations are made through letters and telephone calls. This team is also responsible for keeping comprehensive recruitment files and for evaluating the recruitment

With regard to recruitment teams it is essential that strategic recruitment take place in order to ensure the systematic education of all. Recruitment is done in teams for the sake of effectiveness and ongoing training. It is crucial for teams to recognize that authentic care takes place in the course structure and not in the recruitment call. Therefore, the objective of a call is a paid registration as this is the only evidence of a serious decision. The final key to effective recruitment is the systematic ordering of data.

Methods courses are one of the most powerful tools of the movement, therefore it is crucial that they be strategically and responsibly scheduled and carried out. Methodologies are presented as life methods based on common experience; therefore, every course has a global/local faculty operating out of a corporate model. Such representation on the course faculty is key to grounding the contentless methodologies in the local situation. The faculty is responsible for leaving images in the memory of participants which are crucial in maintaining newly learned operating images. Finally, the effectiveness of a course depends on excellent enablement, demonstrated through attention to minute detail


A primary operating principle held in the Formal Curriculum Complex is that both local and global representation on the course faculty is essential in grounding contentless methods in the local situation. These methods and particular operating images are most effectively generated and maintained through imaginal teaching techniques. In this setting comprehensive care for the participants is provided through structurally enabled attention to the last detail. Maintaining the comprehensive and the particular in the Formal Curriculum Complex is insured by operating out of a common corporate model. A transparent style relative to all phases of the course's operation is a key factor in enabing life decisions.



The Social Engineering Complex is composed of three forms: Permeation Institutes, Apprenticeship Programs, and Social Consultations. Permeation Institutes equip evangelists, reformulators and consultants. Apprenticeship Programs guide field training in secular structures, and Social Consultations provide new vision and analytical means. The Social Engineering Complex operates in the general social arena of Global Equipment Designs. The historical contradictions which Social Engineering impacts are seen by comparing them with contemporary training programs which do not prepare people to deal in depth with basic social needs. The Social Engineering Complex is designed to release local man's creativity so that it might be brought to bear against the contradictions of world society.

The world is ready to see the long­awaited new social forms take shape. All the practical sociological skills and methods belong to all the people. It has been demonstrated that permeators can be trained in practical images, tools and skills to enable them to be signs of possibility. Being grounded in social methods, Permeation Institutes grads are able to be assigned strategically to work in key social structures.

The image of responsible action in the world has been obscured, thereby creating the need for the Permeation Institutes' dynamic. Social structures have turned inward and have become self­perpetuating. Since local man does not understand that he has any expertise, he cannot make use of existing structures to release and channel his wisdom into the historical process. Furthermore, experiments in social reconstruction tend to relate only to their immediate community. Practical wisdom and methods gained in their work are not applied universally and are lost to the world.

Permeation Institutes will train local man to be highly equipped, detached social engineers who can raise up signs of possibility for everyone's participation in concrete social change. These troops will secularly demonstrate detachment from one's job while presenting concrete images of engagement in responsible care for the globe within local settings. Simultaneously, such a training dynamic will build a common global context as articulated in the particular situation of key social structures where these persons are working.

The underlying social philosophies of Apprenticeship Programs are based on the conviction that local man has the wisdom necessary for building the secular structures: every man learns by practical engagement in the task that he is learning. Signal local man as a social engineer provides the signs of possibility needed to re}ease the world from its paralysis.

Apprenticeship Programs moves against the contradiction that training methods are provided only by institutions that require degrees, or by locally­oriented programs, which result in limited vision and uncoordinated efforts. Many programs require costly formal training and thus keep the economically disadvantaged from getting their gifts into history. Because the context for training programs is set by the very structures which they attempt to change, the training tends to perpetuate those structures. Finally, the programs are severely limited because they do not produce a financial profit. Thus, social engineers are few, and those few are often inadequately trained.

Apprenticeship Programs will be about the task of training specialists to deal directly with social dysfunctions. Models for practical social engineering will be created out of procedurally detailed, intentionality directed corporate planning. These intensive but low cost training programs will provide broad participation in the arenas in which reconstruction is needed. Most importantly, the training process itself will be the dynamic of social reformulation as the apprentice embodies a style and works to build the earth.





Social Consultations presuppose that futuric visioning breaks one loose from attachment to the past. Furthermore, it is clear that with an objective viewpoint it is possible to both honor any situation encountered and use it as the basis on which the future is built. Social Consultations allow problems to be seen in relation to all of society, thereby focusing the need for authentic vocational responsibility.

Social Consultations are designed to correct the contradiction of crisis­oriented problem­solving which deals with immediacies rather than planning for the future in a creative manner. Static and individualized problem­solving methods used in a bureaucratic context fail to utilize the wisdom of all men relative to global equipment needs. Production orientation is also a contradiction in that it limits missional thrust to economic concerns.

The Social Consultations works to build a common vision by supplying common analytical means to a project arena. They also allow for purposeful participation of local mar by drawing all the wisdom out of any situation and applying it to the planning process of building global equipment designs. In. this process, new styles of vocational responsibility are modeled by the consultant and the learning situation. Finally, Social Consultations demonstrates unfettered mobility through their assignments which are based on social need.

The Social Engineering Complex employs the dynamics of Permeation Institutes, Apprenticeship Programs and Social Consultations. Local man has always performed functions of the social engineer. If his power is released in the context of all society and all of history, form will be put on the new emerging society. Therefore, the principle historical contradiction over against which the Social Engineering Complex operates is the failure of present structures to ensure that the creativity of local man is levered against the dysfunctions of the social process. The strategic objective, therefore, of the Social Engineering Complex is to enable the signal local man to assume his responsibility for the task of comprehensive care for society. This will ensure that the social imbalances of our time will be dealt with by the comprehensively trained local man, who is in the best position to give necessary leadership.

The Permeation Institutes consists of six component groupings: Permeation Symbolic Centrum, Permeation Recruitment and Advertising, Permeation Facility Planning, Permeation Institute Faculty, Permeation Institute Enablement, Curriculum Evaluation and Adaptation. The first component grouping, Permeation Symbolic Centrum, serves as a unifying agent and coordinator for all Permeation Institute activities. Permeation Recruitment and Advertising draws together participants for the Institute. Permeation Facility Planning ensures that the proper facilities are available for particular groups or groupings of participants. Permeation Institute Enablement handles the very practical, nitty­gritty activities. Curriculum Evaluation and Adaptation ensures that the teaching constructs are grounded in the life experiences of the participants. The overall design of the Permeation Institutes is something like the Academy or ITI constructs.

The Permeation Symbolic Centrum creates the common symbols which communicate the depth human wisdom that the, Institute has to offer. It coordinates all activities of the Institute and may from time to time create outposts for local programs. It also holds accountability for Institute staff. Another important function is that the Centrum be a symbol of unity and that they control intensification and focus of the Permeation thrust.

Some guidelines to be used while playing a role within Symbolic Centrum are: symbols are the key tc effective permeation; global coordination of permeation activities ensures comprehensiveness in relation to global movement priorities; sharply focused permeation in one key arena is more effective than a diffused permeation into many non­key areas; a corporate body ensures a unified thrust; and, finally, that the new global reality is actuated only in very particular, well­defined arenas.




Permeation Recruitment and Advertising contacts key reformers, consultants and other people interested in catalyzing a new awareness in specific social arenas. One example of possible recruits would be lawyers who are working for the restructuring of the judicial system. This process would include advertising and public relations work, record keeping and follow­up on recruits or graduates.

There are five useful principles to keep in mind when recruiting. First, each recruitment assignment is taken one at a time. Second, strategic recruitment is the key to permeation effectiveness. Third, existing structures are used as much as possible. Fourth, individual situations are never a block to successful recruitment. Fifth, record keeping allows effective recruitment and follow­up.




Permeation Facility Planning locates, secures and arranges facilities for the Permeation Institutes. It's task would include obtaining funds for buildings and materials, arranging decor, and designing space utilization.

The facilities of the Permeation Institutes are self­contained cities. That is, the physical layout provides for a variety of life activities. Walls are decored with symbols so that participants are always reminded of the global context and abundance of life to be had by all. The physical layout is never restrictive in this arena since the emphasis is on humanness, not materials. Along with this guide is a similar one: the economic aspect of life never becomes the one controlling factor. Finally, the participants' interior life is directly affected by exterior space arrangement, hence a great deal of intentionality is brought to bear in designing the physical layout.




The faculty of the Permeation Institutes is responsible for making teaching assignments, evaluating its own teaching and training new teachers. Another function is maintaining its level of proficiency by continually studying edge methodologies and research.

The faculty operates on the presumption that participants in the Institutes have all the wisdom that is needed. Therefore the emphasis is not so much on teaching new material or content as it is on demonstrations of authentic style that impact the participants beyond the Institutes. Teachers are accountable to the course construct in the area of style as well as content. Teaching assignments are varied to prevent the formation of static, unquestioned imagery. One of the most important guides is to give participants the opportunity for practicing or acting out what they have learned. The emphasis is on the practical rather than the theoretical.




The enablement team takes responsibility for any of the practical, nitty­gritty activities without which the Permeation Institutes cannot happen. Their job includes preparing meals, providing health care, child care and materials. They also clean up the facilities and print and distribute teaching materials.

The enablement team always has a model (and in some cases, a back­up model) for any activity. A smooth and practical operation is essential to the participants and staff. Participants take part in the enablement whenever possible to help maintain a life context. The enablement team plays the role of behind­the-scene servant and, to fulfill that role, a style of detachment from the immediate situation is needed.




The Curriculum Evaluation and Adaptation team researches the participants' special area so that the curriculum can be adapted to their style and life experience. Another function is evaluating the effect of the Institutes on the participants and making needed changes. Their job would involve interviewing participants at the end of the Institutes so that the experience gained by the participants is not lost.

Every major teaching point is grounded in at least three images that are part of the life experience of the participants. A knowledge of the gifts and perversions of the vocational area in which the participants are involved is needed in order to fit the curriculum to that area. The curriculum is periodically evaluated for effectiveness, and the participants' wisdom about that is crucial. Finally, the original curriculum is honored by always rethinking the original intent wherever changes are made.

Permeation Institutes comprise a major thrust of the movement and a great deal of care is needed to guard the operation of this structure. One guideline is that teaching is molded around the gifts of the participants. The faculty also transmits a style of detached engagement, and encourages the participants toward the practical operations of permeation. Another policy is to use existing structures and groups wherever possible Finally, symbols are the key to communicating the Permeation Institutes' wisdom.

Apprenticeship Programs consist of four component groupings: Apprenticeship Orientation Committee; Construct Evaluation Team; Assignment Rationale, and Apprenticeship Counseling Staff. The first component grouping, Apprenticeship Orientation Committee, orients the apprentice to a particular program. The Construct Evaluation Team evaluates the programs' effectiveness. The Assignment Rationale assures a well­balanced program and informs participants of their schedules. Finally, the Apprenticeship Counseling Staff continually presents a comprehensive context to apprentices. The Apprenticeship Programs would be used to introduce interested persons to experimental new social forms and methodologies.

This committee has the task of orienting the apprentice to the particular program in which he will be trained, using a comprehensive context which will relate the significance of this training to the global mission. New forms of orientation models will be regularly experimented with, keeping in mind the value that the models must be ones that can be reduplicated for use in any apprenticeship program around the world.

The operating principles of the Apprenticeship Orientation Committee begin with the decision that every participant is to be given a global context that releases him to image his training as participating in the civilizing process. The trainee is also to be grounded comprehensively in the particular in order to help him appropriate the significance of his own life task. Adults and youth of all ages are in need of this training, and the program has no age restriction. The openness of the program to all serious applicants will in itself lift up the honoring of every human life.

The basic task of the Construct Evaluation Team is to evaluate whether the apprentice training construct is functioning as planned. The team adds relevant new data to the construct, and makes the changes necessary to improve its function. This evaluation also ensures that experimentation is done to meet the needs of those beyond the immediate situation, as well as those in the particular program.

The operating principles of the Construct Evaluation Team point to the particular concern that evaluation be done practically in relation to the apprentices involved in the program. Evaluations will thus be done at regular intervals. They will follow a common model for this procedure, which will be changed only when a superior model is built. New evaluation forms and techniques that are discovered are to be shared with colleagues universally.

Assignment Rationale is brought about to assure a well­balanced program. They will hold the tension and keep the balance between the two poles of the theoretical and practical. They will also distribute the information of the Participants' schedules.

Operating principles of Assignment Rationale will, first of all, make assignments considering experience in all of life. Practical and intellectual training will have equal value in assignment rationale. The stance of obedience to assignments is crucial to the shaping of humanness. The development of corporateness will be promoted by participation in the assignment rationale. Finally, methods and knowledge are grounded within the structures of practical laboratory experience.




Apprentice Counseling Staff continually offers to the apprentice a comprehensive context that can be appropriated to the given situation. They are concerned in stimulating the apprentices to fulfill their individual potential. Unique gifts of apprentices are reaffirmed to allow for further motivation and to allow them to express their unrepeatable creativity. On the other side of advantages for the apprentices, this structure also allows for the staff to evaluate their own life experience.

Operating principles for an Apprentice Counseling Staff follow certain guidelines. The primary concern of the consultant to the apprentice is to motivate his creativity. Uniquenesses of apprentices are honored. The consultant should always be prepared to context any local situation with three global images. An intentional life­style is used to communicate seriousness and a responsible image is embodied.

The operational principles for Apprenticeship Programs are as follows: experimental methods are universal and contentless; responsible style embodies corporateness and discipline; the Apprenticeship Programs are for all ages and all stations of life; the practical and intellectual training both have equal value in enabling the civilizing process. The construct is flexible enough to allow the creativity of the apprentice to emerge in numbers of ways. It does not delineate its procedures to just "right and wrong" or "good and bad" but allows and evokes personal uniqueness.





The Social Consultations form consists of three component groupings: Local Consultant Guild; Area Social Surveyor; and Local Cultivation Contact. The first component grouping, Local Consultant Guild, ensures a corporate effort at the local level; the Area Social Surveyor coordinates the data of the local situation with the globa1 assignment rationale; and the Local Cultivation Contact enables the consultant by handling the details with the secular structure to be consulted. Trained consultants in the humanizing process expand the reduced contexts out of which most social structures operate and impact the secular world with a spirit dimension.

The group of people on a local level that are doing the actual consulting meet together on a frequent and regular basis as a guild in order to sustain themselves in their individual journey in the context of their common missional task. Sharing experiences and exchanging data helps not only to sustain each other but also to develop a common consultant style. They evaluate their individual and corporate common consultant style. They evaluate their individual and corporate effectiveness and plan changes and future techniques.

In order to stay within movement guidelines the Local Consultant Guild holds itself accountable to the assignment structure. The practical working group is also a care structure. They keep abreast of edge research as a corporate body. They are intentional about their common style, and symbolize that the consultations are made to humanize the social process.




This group on the area level keeps on top of the particular local situations occurring in its area so that it can seek out key structures or "whistle points". It then makes the initial contact with these structures to gather further pertinent data. It reports its findings and receives assignments from the Equipment Coordinate.

An operating principle for the Area Social Surveyor is to receive all data objectively. This data is received in its initial form to hold the wisdom of the original brainstorm. Intentionality is structured into the data­gathering process. Area level operations ensure a comprehensive picture and hold the tension between the local and global situation.







In the more particular situation on the polls level this group receives their assignment from the Equipment Coordinate to establish official contact with the structure to be consulted. Acting as the middle man or public relations man for the consultant he sets the context and then sells the service. They keep in close contact with the consultant by attending guild meetings and also maintain the working relationship between the consultant and the secular structure.

An affirmative style evoking a "yes" is one operating principle of the Local Cultivation Contact. Intentionality and seriousness promote the trust of the consultee. Obedience to his task will free the local consultant to do his job effectively. The Local Cultivation Contact is out to use the wisdom of local man in making secular contacts.

Social Consultations operates out of a comprehensive areawide picture and is obedient to the global model. Preparing the way through field research and cultivation, and corporately appropriating edge research increases the effectiveness of the impact on the secular structures. Finally, Social Consultations operate within a care structure that sustains them in their missional task

The Social Engineering Complex has several guidelines. One is that a transestablish-ment stance is embodied in order to concretely demonstrate the style of the authentic social engineer. The emphasis in this area is on transmitting to key social areas imaginal methodologies and practical experience. Furthermore, it is crucial that social engineers, as a corporate group of people, stand obedient to the global movement priorities. Social Engineering structures incorporate spirit care for participants and staff alike. Finally, Social Engineering is active only for the sake of local man, to release his wisdom and corporate power. The social engineer is a social artist, catalyzing new life for all social structures.

The Inclusive Steering Complex is composed of three forma: the Research Post, the Equipment Coordinate, and the Social Faculty. The Research Post evaluates and creates curriculum and methods; the Equipment Coordinate initiates and schedules consults &~. courses, and the Social Faculty develops leadership for the equipment program. The Inclusive Steering Complex operates in the general social arena of World Reeducation. The historical contradiction which the Inclusive Steering Complex impacts is seen by explaining its relationships to present obsolete steering systems. The Inclusive Steering Complex is designed to accomplish comprehensive channeling and ordering of past and current wisdom.



Undergirding the Research Post is the social philosophy that the post operates out of a common context which is created by the 8ath ring of comprehensive data. It is presupposed that this data [o a geatalt of the wisdom of local man. This data enable. the prodectz0 of intentional research, because it is done in the light of previously consensed goals. Finally it is possible to create contentless forms and models which allow local man to stand before tbe ambiguity of the future and directly participate in the building of social structures.

Social research in our time is geared toward solving particular problems rather than assuming responsibility for the whole job . Similarly, such research does not operate out of a historical perspective and thus loses crucial objectivity in dealing with the present situation. Social methods used currently in research are designed to discover objective truths rather than engaging man in a decision to shape history. Moreover, such methods do not include the wisdom of all men but instead fall victim to the isolated decisions of a few.

The Research Post is designed to engage methods which will reflect the comprehen-siveness of the vision with which global responsibility is maintained. Depth research into the wisdom and trends of past ages will enable an objective perspective on the curriculum and methods that are created. A universal practica1 mode1 of humanness will be created to offer every man the possibility of the decision to shape history. Finally, the Research Post will create and evaluate methods for decision by local consensus.

The primary presupposition of an Equipment Coordinate is that coordination of man's wisdom is crucial to the shaping of his future. Consequently? the consensed wisdom of local man must be vitally utilized in giving direction to the future. Human resources gain effective thrust through assignment structures based on a comprehensive rational form. Finally, a basic presupposition is that research data and objectives can be transformed into globally applicable systems designed to restructure society.

Society has little vision of comprehensive social mission nor any criteria for scheduling re-contextualizing courses in key areas of the world. Where training needs arise, missional response is ill­timed, sluggish and sometimes duplicated because of a lack of coordinating systems. Because many people are still locked into the machinery of 19th century technological systems, operational methods fail to extrapolate into the future to meet anticipated educational needs. Resource inventory structures to hold and disseminate wisdom are virtually non­existent.

The first objective of the Equipment Coordinate is the dissemination, through consults and courses, of local man's creativity and wisdom. The Coordinate will make courses available that open new possibilities' in areas such as research techniques and spiritual sustenance. Another objective will be to enable course scheduling in strategic areas, so that available human resources may work within a common thrust. The courses and consults distributed by the Equipment Coordinate will structure available wisdom in a rational form for use by local man in reformulating society.



The Social Faculty emerges out of the necessity to develop globally grounded leadership for the equipment programs. It uses teaching methods that are practical and allow the corporate wisdom to emerge so that it may be given form. The style of the Social Faculty embodies the corporate global context while honoring the local uniqueness. Finally, it actualizes the sociological grounding of the Word by bringing concrete possibility to every situation that arises.

Vague obsolete training methods resulting in the scattering of human wisdom and energy are the first contradiction necessitating the creation of a Social Faculty. Another issue is a reductionistic leadership style which focuses primarily on public relations work while neglecting methodological content. The image that specialization of experts is the sole source of wisdom leads to the denial of common man's gifts. The operating image that responding to immediacies is more effective than comprehensive long range solutions results in the creation of a superficial curriculum which bypasses or falls short of the existential address.

One strategic objective of the Social Faculty is the coordination of training methodologies that honors the global educational vision and global corporate wisdom. Another objective is to give local man a comprehensive competence in global sociality by training him in the corporate mode of operation. Futuric systems will enable the perpetuation of universally appropriate techniques and skills; and the systematic updating of relevant constructs used in concrete sociological training will release indigenous cultural gifts and create solitary giants that embrace the ambiguity of creating new human forms.

The Inclusive Steering Complex provides world­wide structures for coordination of research, curriculum development, and global leadership. This kind of approach to the steering of Global Equipment ensures the continual up­dating and appropriation of past wisdom. Therefore, the principle historical contradiction over against which the Inclusive Steering Complex operates is that of obsolete methods for holding and utilizing data in its curricula and training leaders in life teaching methods. The strategic objective of the Inclusive Steering Complex is the coordination of efforts and the creation of comprehensive training constructs to equip global leadership. This will ensure that current and past wisdom will be compiled in order that the necessary channeling of data, designs, and skills may be maintained.



The Research Post consists of seven component groupings: Curriculum Initiators, Methods Masters, Research Coordinators, Cultural Conservers, Edge Visionaries, Geo­Social Wizards, and Spirit Guardians. The first component grouping, Curriculum Initiators, initiates new forms of curriculum in the whole complex; the second component grouping, Methods Masters, insures that expertise in methods is maintained; the third component grouping, Research Coordinators, coordinate and guide comprehensive research; the fourth component grouping, Cultural Conservers, ground the cultural dimensions of research; the fifth component grouping, Edge Visionaries, keep research on the edge of our times; the sixth component grouping, Geo­Social Wizards, see to it that the wisdom of geo­social analysis by means of the NSV triangles is not lost, but is acted upon; the seventh component grouping, Spirit Guardians, ground the spirit deeps and articulate the secular mythology of our time.



Curriculum Initiators function as those who sense after the spirit mood of the time in order to detect the shifts taking place in education. It is their responsibility to initiate and develop new courses for different groups in society by building methods and producing workshop manuals. When there are consultations needed, Curriculum Initiators are responsible to build comprehensive constructs for the consultations.

Curriculum Initiators see that all education when it is education, is imaginal education which is grounded in life experience. The imaginal curriculum they produce embodies experiences in such a way that every man can ground what he is being taught in his own life. New curriculum initiated by Curriculum Initiators is in English, understanding that it can be translated into many languages later by others. They understand that each course being taught now, or in the future, has its own unique strategic objective.



Methods Masters are responsible for developing new methods and refining metbods used by researchers. They initiate and develop new workshop techniques and use new updated media to accomplish this task. Much in the same way that Room E operates in a research assembly, Methods Masters explore and experiment with edge methodologies on behalf of research. They stay on top of what is going on in methodologies and designs from other disciplines such as Natural Science and develop applications of technological advances. They find workable ways to keep on top of non­Western problems by developing methods adaptable to other Urs.

Methods Masters understand that the form everything takes is the method, and communicates the content of the method they are developing. When a large quantity of work is called for, it is not at the expense of quality, nor does the insistence on quality work reduce the demand for large, immediate and rapid quantity of work being done. It is only comprehensive formats that hold all the data and honor all of it. Dynamical methods produce flexible, open­ended models. Methods Masters know that imaginal methods apply to life as it is, and life as it is experienced by every man.



Research Coordinates keep all research data using a cross-reference filing system and other informational storage techniques where applicable. They develop comprehensive models of the kinds of research necessary and stay on top of current research in all areas. They dispatch orders and procedures where helpful and hold research poles accountable for their assignments. They develop models and coordinate major research tasks involving other resources and they coordinate movement and church research.

By coordinating global research, Research Coordinates enable the church to relate to the world. Disseminating data enables the global movement. They know that constant evaluation updates data and that a comprehensive timeline builds corporateness. As the Research Coordinates gather and accumulate comprehensive data, they create the future.



Cultural Conservers design cultural studies, using the social process triangles to analyze the history and development of all geo­social areas in the world. They help to preserve pluriform humanness by researching male­female ontology, the life phases, and the cultural adaptation (Westernization) of all cultures. Preserving cultural gifts, they ensure that the secular mythology of the time is expressed in appropriate metaphors.

The operating principles basic to this component grouping are that analysis of the pro­, dis­ and trans establishment objectifies the culture being researched, that global cultural development i now built on the West's having conquered the world and that future humanness is created from the gifts of all Urs. Global researchers stand in the tension of conserving yet questioning the past, ever mindful that every action is teaching mythology and serves to maintain the culture.



Edge Visionaries apply and evaluate prediction methods for the future and plot current trends. They work in the context of a self­conscious futuristic stance and to maintain this stance they read and sift through advanced journals and are on top of

the future thinking and research of secular visionaries and consult with signal secular individuals (e.g. Buckminster Fuller).

Edge Visionaries are constantly aware that NOT YET is created out of the HAS BEEN and the IS NOW and thus understand that the total historical context provides objectivity on the present situation in order to see what its uniqueness is and where it is trending. They know that revolutionary social research is out to determine the whistle point. They are aware that maintaining self-conscious secularity allows the movement to dialogue with society's visionaries and that the future is created through dialogue with signal visionaries.



Geo­Social Wizards keep research accountable to the global movement strategies. They call the movement to have a stance or statement about world events. They also stay on top of global man's existentialism and evaluate social reformulation experiments.

Geo­Social Wizards are aware that societal contradictions are the attack points. This group takes a comprehensive stance that defines the approach and outlook of research. It recognizes that the resurgence of grassroots wisdom is the key to social change. They hold that specialists are society's handymen working with local man, rather than experts who solve society's problems. They understand that a global geo­social grid enables man to take responsibility for the world.



Spirit Guardians function to co:­serve the global spirit by naming the spirit mood of the times, 1rticulating secular mythology, and developing spirit analysis methods. They reflect on temporal spatial imagery and mythology, experiment with social art and corporate art­form creation methods, and create songs, plays and dramas. They research historical mythologies and world. religions. Maintaining the contentlessness of RS­I, they indigenize the Gospel through Ur images and they create and reflect similar spirit exercises.

The Spirit Guardians are constan4;ly aware that individual man is whole in society. They are aware that seeing and telling the way it is creates the way it will be, that time and space images externalize the interior story, and that the symbolic is a concrete fact of life. They know that the life story is the key to the spirit of a people. Finally, they see that fire is the tension of seeing the unseen.

The dynamics of the Research Post accumulate all available data about life on the globe and experiences of the global movement, and dispatch data to the people in the global movement; data is made available and used in initiating and developing new and creative ways of imaginally educating all the people of the world; timelines are developed through gathered knowledge and collegiality is built and nurtured throughout the global movement. In the initiation of new courses, emphasis is put on the form being more crucial than content. Through accumulated data, global secular mythology is revealed in on­going dialogue between West and non-West and between secular and religious. Finally, the Research Post understands that secular stories freight the ontological for every man.

The Equipment Coordinate Form consists of four component groupings: Resource and Instrument Coordinators; Schedule and Evaluation Team; Economic Enablement Operators; and Recruitment Models Coordinators. The first component grouping, Resources and Instrument Coordinators, ensures availability of facilities, printed materials and technical equipment; Schedule and Evaluation Team provides projection models, course objectives, and evaluation forms; Economic Enablement Operators maintain a roster of contributors, pioneer in sound missional bookkeeping methods and formulate fiscal spending guidelines; and Recruitment Models Coordinators organize and disseminate specific models and design recruitment accountability structures.

The coordinators are to make available constructs for studies and courses; catalogue all available resources; and maintain and make available the use of audiovisual aids equipment. Computers may be used for the selection and storage of information. A current list of all available facilities is drawn up.

The operating principles in this arena are that any space can be utilized for any purpose. Intentional efficiency expertise is best used in the dissemination of information. Communication through mass media builds and maintains commonality. Technological resources operating under common guidelines gather and tabulate information on a common basis, and coordination is maintained through all geo­social levels.

The Schedule and Evaluation Team sets priorities for projection models. It coordinates courses, studies and consults in strategic areas. It also incorporates and categorizes data from incoming reports and designs comprehensive evaluation forms.

The operating principles in this arena are that comprehensive organization is based upon clearly stated strategic objectives. All scheduling is done over against the movemental timeline. Comprehensive coordination is maintained through data feedback and through evaluation structures which hold data on a common format. Finally, future planning holds global, regional and local dynamical relationships.




The enablement forces are responsible for maintaining a current roster of firms and dealers for in­kind gifts. Through the formulation of fiscal spending guidelines, and their use of a missionally sound bookkeeping method, there is provided a common system of economic policy.

Enablement functions out of certain operating values, of which in­kind development is a necessary component. It is further stated that we always operate out of a missionally sound economic policy and that strategic spending calls for inclusive guidelines. It follows from the principle that all funds are missional funds that every region operates on an economically self­supporting system.



The coordinators are to make available recruitment models for specific tasks and audiences. They are to design accountability structures for other coordinators under their jurisdiction.

The operating principles for this arena are that recruitment is done in all geo­social areas; that people in all life­phases and occupations are recruited; that varied pitch models are used for different groups of people; and that accountability structures hold models in being.

Clear Strategic objectives, incorporation of data feedback, and the movemental timeline are the basis of comprehensive organization, which is effectively enabled by the intentional use of facilities, expertise, and technological resources. The economic policy is one of self­support. Recruitment models are comprehensive and incorporate accountability structures. Evaluation and futuric planning are integra1 to the Equipment Coordinate.

The Social Faculty Form consists of three component groupings: Global Engagement Faculty; Faculty Nurture Coordinate; and Recruitment and Training Centrum. The first component grouping, Global Engagement Faculty, is made up of persons trained and prepared to teach social process and reformulation courses and lead social consultations. The Faculty Nurture Coordinate is a complex of central and area offices of coordinators' administering and nurturing the global faculty. The Recruitment and Training Centrum is a staff of master teachers for the recruitment and training of persons to serve on the global faculty. This form provides the faculty to teach the social curriculum courses, and the back­up system to train and nurture that faculty.




The Global Engagement Faculty is a faculty trained and prepared for assignment to teach social process and reformulation courses, such as the New Social Vehicle Course, in local communities around the globe. They are also prepared and trained to lead social consultations such as conferences with telephone company executives, a city council committee or an elementary school teachers' conference. The faculty is trained in social process and reformulation methods, to teach these in a manner which addresses the human spirit deeps.

The Global Engagement Faculty is a secular faculty drawn from and engaged in life in the secular world. This is a global faculty in the sense that all Urs are honored and represented by the faculty. The corporate life style of the faculty creates a context which releases the individual gifts of every faculty member. The faculty is trained in spirit methodologies which address the life of every participant and release the gifts of His life. The transestablishment style of the faculty holds the wisdom of the past and a vision of the future, and thus honors the comprehensiveness of life.




The Faculty Nurture Coordinate is the administrative and nurturing framework of the Social Faculty. The coordinate is made up of a central coordinating office with area offices for the administration of the faculty. The major focus of the coordinate is to administer the spiritual and corporate nurture of the faculty. This would be done through the making of teaching assignments, through the regular scheduling of faculty seminars, councils and celebrative events, and through the creation and administration of spirit nurture models.

The Faculty Nurture Coordinate makes strategic course assignments which consider the professional expertise of the faculty members. Assignments are also made in consideration of the pedagogical journey of each faculty member. By the use of spirit analysis methods, each facuity member :is spiritually nurtured according to a faculty journey model The corporate style of the faculty is centered around the common obedience of members to a consensed corporate life model.




The Recruitment and Training Centrum is a staff of recruiters and master teachers for the recruitment and training of the social faculty. Faculty members are recruited by Centrum staff from various fields and professions of secular life and from the various Ur and cultural backgrounds. The Centrum would build and staff pedagogical training academies to train the social faculty in the teaching of social process and reformulation courses, the leading of consults, and in working with persons in government, education, business, and industry for planning and training in social process methodology and reformulation.

The Recruitment and Training Centrum recruits and trains a faculty which is grounded in secular life. The Social Faculty is global, drawing from all Urs. The faculty has at its disposal the gifts of the entire Inter- national Community. The use of a pedagogical journey model is an intentional means of maintaining each faculty member. The context of the life of the faculty is an intentional disciplined style.

A Social Faculty is that part of the Global Equipment Design which provides the teaching staff for social process courses and consultations. A Social Faculty is a secular global faculty. It is grounded in secular life and made up of personnel from the global Urs. The trans­establishment style of the faculty holds the wisdom of the past, the vision of the future, and honors all of life. An intentional journey model for the faculty nurtures the release of the gifts of every teacher. The operating context of the Social Faculty is a disciplined intentional style.

Those who embody the dynamic of the Inclusive Steering Complex on behalf of restyling secular man are those persons who always live in the tension between holding the uisdom of the past while creating the future. This kind of trans­establishment style emerges out of embracing all of life in the midst of the dialogue between all the global Urs. Secular stories that arise out of this dialogue freight humanness at the ontological deeps. Groups and individuals are restyled as they are led on an intentional journey through methods grounded in life which increase the dialogue and explore the deeps. For the steering of secular style a global, secular faculty as well as course participants in new courses will emerge from inclusive, intentional recruitment. This requires that organizationally, the Inclusive Steering Complex will have as its foundation the dynamics of mamagement, control and development for the SakQ of guiding the comprehensive task of contextual reeducation of secular man.

The Global Equipment Design provides the mass education courses and troops for the contextual reeducation of the world. They are responsible for the coordination and steering of all courses and methods, therefore they decide out of a global context and embody a trans­establishment style. They hold the tension between the intellectual and practical methods. Since they are responsible for the breakloose troops and models for the New Social Vehicle they will be that body that stays on top of the social processes of the times. They operate with the understanding that to enable a man means to confront him with his own possibility and occasion his decision to take responsibility for the globe.
