PROCESS The comprehensiveness process has eight steps, one of which is a thirty minute contextual lecture on Comprehensiveness. The whole process takes two hours.

PRODUCT The product is a screen of comprehensiveness which has ten categories under each of which are placed six issues. These represent the comprehensive, indicative, "conscience" of the participant. They are prioritized only in the sense of immediacy.

PROCEEDURE Step One: the contextual lecture

Step Two: 10 minutes;

List eight events of the past quarter, then the issues that were raised in the midst of them. Finally, list your brooding concerns from the past year. Work intuitively, with the consideration that an issues is the knob on which your pocket catches as you pass through the door.

Step Three, 15 minutes

Place the twenty programs on the knot­hole, and make brief notes on the intruding reflections, concerns and issues which come to you in the midst of doing that.

There is no need to observe any particular order in writing them down. The intruding issues may or may not relate to the programs themselves. Do not try to make the issues follow the twenty programs rationally, or exhaustively.

Step Four: 10 minutes: The Tangent

Hear the story read and engage in the conversation.

Step Five: 10 minutes

Place, without referring back to the first knothole, the twenty programs on the knothole again, relatively quickly. Make note one the intruding issues which now emerge into consciousness. Push for self-consciousness about the intruding thoughts.

On completing the knothole, reflect on the relationships of the programs to each other and add any further issues which intrude. The issues need not be connected directly to the programs.


Finally, refer back to the first knothole and reflect on the shift that has taken place. Add any other issues or concerns that now occur to you.

This is a tangential process, don't push, don't probe, don't ask what has been left out and don't take it too seriously.

Step Six: 20 minutes:

Begin to fill the 8 X 8 holding chart with issues randomly. There is no reason to group or gestalt rationally although grouping will naturally occur. Do not prioritize issues, but hold each one equally on the chart.

Step Seven: 10 minutes:

Look at the Holding chart for groupings of issues. Pull them into eight groups of eight issues each, held with a common title.

Step Eight: Arrange the issues in the 10 boxes of the Comprehensiveness Screen.