War is a matter of vital importance; the province of life or death; the road to survival or ruin. It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied. ­­Sun Tzu

The following essays have emerged as a pull­together of the insights and experience of the Institute of Cultural Affairs gained during the past year of emphasis on Global Community Forum and Global Social Demonstration. Their content ranges from the highly abstract to the very concrete, but throughout them all there runs a practical intent: to equip Those Who Care with the wisdom and methods required to act out that care effectively. Gratitude is due all whose expenditure of time, energy and money created the common storehouse of wisdom out of which they were written ­ gratitude not for themselves but for what they have contributed to history. However inadequately these pages capture and communicate that wisdom, they nevertheless stand as witness to a profound and practical wrestling with the major social issues of the day on the part of a growing number of Those Who Care.