The ICA what it does
The vast majority of people in the world live in extremely diffficult social and economic environments. In 24 such locations across the globe, the ICA has initiated Human Development Projects, at the invitation of local residents. These projects demonstrate that local people with appropriate methods, training and tools, have the ability to quickly achieve dramatic social and economic transformation of their communities. The Human Development Projects are initiated by a weeklong Consultation involving residents, volunteer consultants from various fields of expertise, and ICA staff. The Consultation focuses on the depth human problems of the community and designs practical proposals to deal with specific social and economic issues. These proposals form the basis for a set of programs to be implemented in the community. Plans for replicating the project in nearby communities, and training of resident staff are begun simultaneously with project initiation.
The pilot experiment for the Human Development Projects is the Fifth City community on Chicago's West Side, now in its second decade. The methods forged in Fifth City are being applied in other North American urban and rural communities, Australian Aboriginal villages, the Marshall Islands of the Pacific, the Philippines, Africa, and elsewhere around the world. A particularly vital project is the village of Maliwada in the state of Maharashtra, India. Begun in 1975, it has been replicated in districts throughout the state. More than 250 Indian staff have been trained and are currently directing these replication projects.
The community Forum program is designed to create a new way of allowing local citizens to participate effectively in the decision making process of their communities. Using an innovative format to enliven citizen participation, Community Forums provide a setting to envision the future, build local community consensus, and initiate cooperative action. 24 nations are utilizing this program: for example, "Community Forum Canada;" "Gram Sabha" in India, "Village Meeting Africa;" and "Ugnayon" in the Philippines.
"Town Meeting" in the United States of America is a nationwide program of local community meetings involving people of all ages and backgrounds. Enthusiastic letters from mayors and city officials, political and business leaders, and other excited citizens, indicate that the program strikes at the root of the nation's felt need. Statewide campaigns are being conducted to offer every town, suburban and urban neighborhood the opportunity to hold their own Town Meeting.
CONSULATIONS are available for business, government and other organizations to analyze their situations and build systems for effective operation. Methodstraining labs deal in depth with model building, tactical
planning, consensus building, and group motivation. Special workshops in schools expose youth to effective methods of participation and enable them to become more aware of their role as responsible citizens.
GLOBAL WOMENS FORUM is a oneday seminar designed to maximize women's involvement in today's changing world. It affirms the burst of consciousness and creativity present among women everywhere and focuses on discerning priorities for effective participation. Forums are currently offered in major urban centers and rural villages in the developing world,
The ICA what it is
The Institute of Cultural Affairs is an intraglobal group focused on local development through practical research, comprehensive demonstration projects, and leadership training. The ICA is concerned with the human factor in world development. It designs practical approaches to human development applied to local communities as we11 as a wide variety of social and business organizations.
The ICA is incorporated in the United States (Illinois) as a notfor-profit, taxexempt corporation. It began as a program division of the Ecumenical Institute: Chicago and was independently chartered in 1973. The two continue to function as separate but related organizations. Staff may also belong to the Order: Ecumenical. Program coordination centers are located in Bombay, Brussels, Canberra, Chicago, Hong Kong, and Nairobi. In addition, there is a global network of more than 100 ICA offices in 23 nations with in international staff of trained volunteers.
The ICA operates with two boards: the Board of Directors and the Board of Consultants. The consulting board, a network of some 1,000 individuals located throughout the world, represents many fields of expertise. These volunteer consultants are instrumental in initiating and accelerating the projects of the ICA.
The programs of the ICA are assisted by both the public and private sectors in the form of grants and inkind contributions. Specific programs sometimes receive initial funding from governmental sources. Foundations and trusts, corporations and businesses, and regular gifts from private individuals provide the major support.
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
David P. Wood, Jr. Donald R. Moffett, Jr:
McDermott, Will & Emory American Standard, Inc.
Chicago, Illinois Baltimore, Maryland
4750 North Sheridan Road, Chirago, Illinois 60640